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10 Good
  1. In fact I do play solo a good bit. I think this system works well for solo players.
  2. PS I do play LOTRO, but I can't stay interested for long periods of time. However I love the mechanics for my Runekeeper, that is a unique heal or dps system.
  3. He did say "hardcore". Whiners stay away. Class roles are important, balance is not. On a PVP server you learn to adapt, learn to group if you are support, or die and go somewhere else in the world. You want to be able to fight back then role a DPS and go solo. If you want to role a support and be included in groups, then role that. Groups need support, there is always a role. Groups without support get rolled.
  4. Lineage 2 had some great open world PVP. When you hit someone else you flagged yourself. Killing a flagged person was no penalty. If you ganked someone who did not flag back, you turned red. If you died when you were red, there was a chance you would drop some of your stuff or even gear. It was hilarious having a bunch of people gathering on both sides standing around waiting for someone to flag, and when they did then all hell would break loose. The castle sieges every 2 weeks were epic as well. Good rewards and bragging rights for owning a castle and you held it for 2 weeks until the next siege period.
  5. +1 agreed. It is pretty exciting when you have to look over your shoulder constantly to see if the bad guys are coming. The thing the game woudl need to implement this is a guild tag that displays next to your name. In other words this kind of server will evolve so that guilds will become enemies of each other. Guild A always fights Guild B. There needs to be a graphical way to see another player and tell if he is in Guild B so you can run or attack. A low Res flag next to the guild name under the players name would serve the purpose. Or something like the LFG tag that pops up next to your name, only customized for each guild.
  6. I was asked to repost this in this forum, so here it is: Here's my proposition. Eliminate full item quest rewards and make full item drops very rare (about 1/1000 or some such). Stay with me folks, you guys used to playing games where gearing your toons by grinding dungeons, raids and PVP instances will flame me to no end, but bear with me. Have mobs drop items that are required crafting components. Make quest rewards and commendation turn ins be required crafting components. In other words to craft the XYZ all supreme light saber of death, the crafter needs to have 5 light saber of death pieces, along with whatever generic components are needed. Now that everyone has screamed at their computer screens and those interested are still reading, here's what this does. There is all of the sudden people having crafting components to sell on the market. Since there is very little chance to get full items from any other method than crafting, the crafters now have a market for their crafted goods. We have people farming materials to supply crafters. We have crafters making items to supply player needs. This is a very simplistic description but I have not elaborated because who wants to read a wall of text? (although I guess I have one now...) I know this is a viable economic model for a game. I have seen it work well. There is little change that has to be made for coding, all of the systems are already in place. Think about all those useless items that drop and we just sell to the NPC vendors. Make those items the required items that crafters need. I do realize that there would be a lot of effort in rewriting the drop tables and crafting tables, but the system is already in place. I think we all agree that as it stands now crafting is broken and needs fixing to make it a viable activity that is rewarding for the effort expended. There is still incentive to run raids, pvp, etc, since you have to do that to get the components and there will be demand from the crafters. The economy of supply and demand will guarantee people will be willing to participate in all the things they are participating in now to gear up their toons.
  7. I thought about the solo player too. Although I don't think the game would ever get to the point that there were so few people playing that there were no crafters around. If that was the case, they would shut down the servers. Anyway I didn't want to get into too many details in the original post. But when I say get rid of all gear other than crafted, I didn't mean to get rid of the white vendor gear. Every game needs the vendor NPC's selling gear at each level. I believe you can say that if all you want to do is the solo content, story quests and other quests, then white gear is certainly sufficient to keep you going through the story. It is cheap and you can buy it with the small amount of credits that drop from mobs. If you want the good stuff, then you will have to do a little bit of work to get it, level a crafter or farm enough credits to buy it. Right now getting gear is too easy, there is not enough work to get it, no sense of accomplishment, no MMO required. Without the MMO aspect, the game will not have the staying power because people will do the story then leave.
  8. Here's my proposition. Eliminate full item quest rewards and make full item drops very rare (about 1/1000 or some such). Stay with me folks, you guys used to playing games where gearing your toons by grinding dungeons, raids and PVP instances will flame me to no end, but bear with me. Have mobs drop items that are required crafting components. Make quest rewards and commendation turn ins be required crafting components. In other words to craft the XYZ all supreme light saber of death, the crafter needs to have 5 light saber of death pieces, along with whatever generic components are needed. Now that everyone has screamed at their computer screens and those interested are still reading, here's what this does. There is all of the sudden people having crafting components to sell on the market. Since there is very little chance to get full items from any other method than crafting, the crafters now have a market for their crafted goods. We have people farming materials to supply crafters. We have crafters making items to supply player needs. This is a very simplistic description but I have not elaborated because who wants to read a wall of text? (although I guess I have one now...) I know this is a viable economic model for a game. I have seen it work well. There is little change that has to be made for coding, all of the systems are already in place. Think about all those useless items that drop and we just sell to the NPC vendors. Make those items the required items that crafters need. I do realize that there would be a lot of effort in rewriting the drop tables and crafting tables, but the system is already in place. I think we all agree that as it stands now crafting is broken and needs fixing to make it a viable activity that is rewarding for the effort expended. There is still incentive to run raids, pvp, etc, since you have to do that to get the components and there will be demand from the crafters. The economy of supply and demand will guarantee people will be willing to participate in all the things they are participating in now to gear up their toons.
  9. Yea I thought a PVP server would allow me to kill my own faction. You should not have to force people to PVP through rewards, it should be an integral part of the game on all worlds, just because it is fun to kill people and 'gasp' be killed.
  10. A relevant economy and crafting system. Full gear drops and full gear rewards for questing and pvp kill the economy and any chance that crafting will be relevant.
  11. This is why MMO's should have open FFA pvp. You need to be able to kill someone who is being a douche.
  12. Was the randomly appearing load screen during gameplay something added on purpose??
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