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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Cross-Server PVP


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I play on Infinite Empire and the imbalance of empire vs repub is causing almost every warzone i enter to be huttball because its the only warzone where a faction can oppose the same faction.I'm really starting to hate huttball. And I'm sure this happens on other servers.


My question is - why wasn't there cross server pvp in the first place? Doesn't seem logical to trap everyone on their server for warzones and screw them if there is an imbalance on the server. Huttball might be fun but not after 50 times against the same players.


Cross server pvp = much faster queue

always diversity between who you play

fixes the imbalance problem for everyone concerning warzones

Edited by zuulu
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I play on Infinite Empire and the imbalance of empire vs repub is causing almost every warzone i enter to be huttball because its the only warzone where a faction can oppose the same faction.I'm really starting to hate huttball. And I'm sure this happens on other servers.


My question is - why wasn't there cross server pvp in the first place? Doesn't seem logical to trap everyone on their server for warzones and screw them if there is an imbalance on the server. Huttball might be fun but not after 50 times against the same players.


Cross server pvp = much faster queue

always diversity between who you play

fixes the imbalance problem for everyone concerning warzones



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I think that cross server PVP would be a good addition. Course with the Imp side you will still be waiting for ques though maybe not as long. Long as it is for Warzones only that would be a great way to maybe...possibly...hopefully... speed up the que times....
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Cross server pvp = much faster queue

always diversity between who you play

fixes the imbalance problem for everyone concerning warzones


Cross server PvP =

* People acting like jerks because they don't have to maintain a reputation

* People using exploits because they don't have to maintain a reputation

* People becoming faceless players

* Guilds getting no props for having good players


I know a few people on my server that I either love to team with because they're good, avoid because I can't kill them, target because they annoy me or quit games when I see them because they ruin the game


Try rolling Republic. I have a GS and a Scoundrel Republic side specifically for this reason

Edited by Mazikeen
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I hate and despise cross server pvp. I would rather have a community thx.




I get that the whole "cross server" chatter would be ONE way to fix things, but it will completely kill the community. youll NEVER be able to send "so and so" whos the same class, same lvl, and just stomped u, a /tell, askin what hes doing differently, and how u might be able to progress.


I for one prefer community, teamwork, and, oh, i dunno, the fear of goin up against that one guy who u couldnt beat, and trying out a new setup thatll maybe stomp em back.


I do understand that people want shorter Q time, but destroying the community is NOT the best way to go about doing that...

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Cross server pvp = much faster queue

always diversity between who you play

fixes the imbalance problem for everyone concerning warzones



You know what? Republic queues are always fast without Cross-server.

Edited by IlexGlabra
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If Imperial outnumbers Republic on the vast majority of servers, wouldn't cross server PVP have no net gain since the same imbalance would exist, only on a bigger scale.



But we can't ask the QQers to think, that would be something new for them

Like the Cover mechanic

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There is same faction pvp in place of cross server pvp so that you still get quick queues but get to play with the same people consistently. In games with cross server pvp, people are constantly complaining about no sense of community. You can't have it both ways. Personnally I think it works well as the queues are fast except early in the morning and I play with the same people consistently. Granted I end up play a lot of huttball but if that bothers you then you could easily go and reroll republic and get a mix of games.


In fact It is actually rather doubtfull if cross server pvp would actually help mix up the games since most servers have significnatly more imperial players. So with Cross server pvp you will *still* be playing huttball all the time you would just be playing it with different people.

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I play on Infinite Empire and the imbalance of empire vs repub is causing almost every warzone i enter to be huttball because its the only warzone where a faction can oppose the same faction.I'm really starting to hate huttball. And I'm sure this happens on other servers.


My question is - why wasn't there cross server pvp in the first place? Doesn't seem logical to trap everyone on their server for warzones and screw them if there is an imbalance on the server. Huttball might be fun but not after 50 times against the same players.


Cross server pvp = much faster queue

always diversity between who you play

fixes the imbalance problem for everyone concerning warzones


How about no. Every server has an empire/republic imbalance favoring towards the empire. How would cross server queues help this at all? I have no issue with queue times. And my server isn't even one of the higher pop servers...

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If Imperial outnumbers Republic on the vast majority of servers, wouldn't cross server PVP have no net gain since the same imbalance would exist, only on a bigger scale.


^ ultimately yes, i suppose. BUT - it would help the issue on a server level, you were looking at it as a whole, the reason i made this post was because a lot of servers are screwed.


I understand why people would disagree with this, for the sake of the whole "community" thing and whatnot, but in the long run, I dont want to have to reroll a whole new 50 of the same class on a different server just because i get spammed with huttball all day on my current server. And i think this would create an even bigger issue as well - people would start leaving servers and moving to more populated and balanced ones, eventually leading to a few servers being really popular and a lot more servers getting screwed.

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And if you're that worried about your community, to learn from each other and improve, i mean seriously, guys? If you cant learn from playing matches over and over with people and you need someone to tell you how to play your class better then that is just an l2play issue. Im not hating on anyone, but just sayin.....practice makes perfect you dont need to have your community to tell you to get better. If you value playing with certain people, simply make an ops and group queue. There is no point in not having cross server pvp.
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Cross-server pvp on release = more bugs .: wait for the more important bugs to be sorted out, then bring in CS:PVP when things settle down.


You cant expect every feature that WoW has to come out instantly in SWTOR, WoW is 7 years old stop comparing, or just go play WoW.

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i wasnt expecting cross server pvp when this came out of course but meh....may come in future who knows


another way to help current problems would be to allow the same faction to oppose each other in the other two warzones. honestly i would actually prefer that fix than cross server pvp. keeps your community. allows you to play other things than huttball...

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How about no. Every server has an empire/republic imbalance favoring towards the empire. How would cross server queues help this at all? I have no issue with queue times. And my server isn't even one of the higher pop servers...



tell that to my computer waiting for 2 hours to que one match, not everyone is up at the same time of day or plays the same amount of hours, sitting around forever (yes it happens everyday, maybe not for you but it does for me) is no fun when you want to pvp and fight some other people besides the team that is queing to roll you over and over

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tell that to my computer waiting for 2 hours to que one match, not everyone is up at the same time of day or plays the same amount of hours, sitting around forever (yes it happens everyday, maybe not for you but it does for me) is no fun when you want to pvp and fight some other people besides the team that is queing to roll you over and over


What makes you think queue times would be improved with cross server implemented ? It would just mean more huttball for emps and change nothing for reps.

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What makes you think queue times would be improved with cross server implemented ? It would just mean more huttball for emps and change nothing for reps.


I play this game to pvp not to spin in circles in imp fleet and ilum(not every server has the luxury of instant ques no matter what faction), when i play i want to play.

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Personally i believe they need to add proper level brackets, such as 10-19, 20-29 and so on.

Unfortunately that would increase queue time... Unless.... they were to add Cross server pvp.

+1 for Cross server support and proper level brackets.

As for my reasoning's, no matter how much of a booster buff is provided, a lvl20 will never compare to a lvl40 in neither gear or talents/skill, thus creating an unfair advantage from the get go. Having proper level brackets keep the unfairness of talents and un-attainable gear to a more balance ground.

However i do realize that would create toons with the intentions of running around the WZ with the best possible gear but considering that you gain XP and quite abit of it, that would be short lived. As for cross server pvp, that would help with the queue times with the level brackets and queue during off-peak hours.

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