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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Kira Carsen - Companion story bug?


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Solution Found!


1. Have someone duel you in Tatooine.

2. Have them Force Push Kira into the Sarlak pit.

3. Repeat #2 about ten times.

4. Eventually Kira will be so demoralized that she will do anything you ask, even tell you about her Nar Shada quest.


Vile, L39 Jedi Knight, 500 points from Dark V

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Solution Found!


1. Have someone duel you in Tatooine.

2. Have them Force Push Kira into the Sarlak pit.

3. Repeat #2 about ten times.

4. Eventually Kira will be so demoralized that she will do anything you ask, even tell you about her Nar Shada quest.


Vile, L39 Jedi Knight, 500 points from Dark V


After having this bug for such a long time, I'm sorry to say I did not find this funny. This is a serious problem, one that BioWare's simply not giving us enough information about. We need an ETA, or a fix ASAP.

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This issue sucks, but those of you crying up a storm about how unconscionable this is are just pathetic. The companion story SIDE quests are like 1% of this game. I particularly interesting part of the game, but tiny nonetheless. Has no effect on the rest of your class story. Move on with the rest of the game and you can finish the handful of tiny instanced quests that you get from companions whenever they fix it.


TLDR: ITT a bunch of pimply-faced nerds cry about their character not being able to bang out some NPC and that's somehow a major portion of the game for them.


Watch out, we got a ****** over here.


You know, it's people like you that allow games like KotOR II to be released unfinished. If you think it's fine, by all means, carry on.


When I drop the ball at work, I'm forced to work weekends without extra compensation. If I screw up again, I get charged for a healthy portion of my check and possibly sent to prison. Now, Bioware is in a customer service industry. Without customers, they have no industry. It's not an apocalyptic issue by any means, but the approach being taken to it is downright pathetic.


I've rerolled and I've talked several friends into waiting to purchase the game. I won't cancel my subscription over this yet, but I certainly won't stick around forever if they refuse to do what they're paid for.

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Look out, it's a cool guy.


Ice cool. ;)


Someone said somewhere that Kira kiss bug is fixed for new players. Can someone verify this?


That is correct. The cause of the bug has been fixed. The effect of the bug has not been fixed yet.

Edited by MasterEddard
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Today got my hopes up. While the patch notes for 12/29 didn't state anything about it, I was surprised when I logged in to see the indicator for companion wanting to chat on Kira, as I've never seen it on her until now. But it was just a false alarm; still bugged. :o
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Glad I finally looked up to see if there was anything going on bug wise. I thought Kira was surprisingly quiet given all of the events unfolding in the JK storyline.


I'm gonna halt my advancing any farther than I've already gone. I dont want the conversations too far gone from the time line when they should have happened. While i know this only affects a small portion of players (specific class, gender and play style) it really has de-railed my enjoyment of the story.


Hopefully it gets fixed quickly but also keeping the content in tact. I'd rather have those past convos queued up than to lose them.


Maybe I'll work on my smuggler or help a buddy get caught up some.


Please dont keep me waiting too long though, Bioware. It's eating at me to get back to my main guy. :)

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Just Re-roll guys as a Sent or Guard, whatever you werent playing before. Thats what i did have a 40 Sent and now a 27 Guard and i will take them both to 50. You know you are going to re-roll numerous times anyway. So just have 2 Jedi Knights one guardian and one Sentinel.


I should not have to "re-roll" my jedi just because bioware sold me something that is faulty.

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I should not have to "re-roll" my jedi just because bioware sold me something that is faulty.


i am not saying you have to, but how many chars are you going to create, might as well start now. If you read the enitre thread you would see that they have replied to people and said for those already afftected it would take some time. Relax. do other things.

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Is there going to be a backjam of conversations for when this is fixed or do we just lose those conversation opportunities?


Not sure where I saw it...


But there was talk about how the convos depend on your Affection rating, when you unlock them. And the example showed that if you already had really high Affection and suddenly got to an unlock point, you'd have several convos in a row.


-If they do it right- then we should be able to walk onto the bridge, and have a 3 hour talk with Kira about all the stuff we've missed the last few weeks.


I still think the fix should be easy.


Whatever flag was set to "No, don't talk to them" just needs to be changed to "Yes, talk".


And rather than trying to find a peaceable way to hack all the Knights, or just the Knights affected... put the flag change into an item and let people use it on themselves. Then you don't have to hack the characters who were unaffected, or who don't want to molester their Padawan.

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Still no more answers from BioWare... they've been awfully silent now... I don't like this. Why aren't they making this a priority?


Before I found this thread I found another one JUST like it with 8 pages, at the end of the eighth page there was a BW admin post saying


"We are aware of the situation and are attempting to mass any concerns here (they then posted the link to this thread) saying then they are aware of it and are working towards a solution.




Perhaps they did not think that they would have needed to continue to say to people "we are aware it's fix is in progress" constantly.


It's almost like a child on a long care ride saying


"are we there yet, are we there yet how about now? how about now? Now? Now? Now?"

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I'm willing to wager the $5 in my left pocket that this issue is fixed next week once the entire team returns from the holiday break. And then we'll move on to our next *****-fest. Repeat. Ad nauseum.


The complaints about the Kira bug are legitimate (as a Jedi Guardian I'm acutely invested in the playability of my class). The way some have complained and the arguments that some have pitched are ignorant at best and peurile at worst.


Someone mentioned the phrase "poor business ethics." Really? REALLY? Poor business ethics? No, rim rod, ENRON engaged in poor business ethics. The fact that some gameplay bugs have yet to be fixed, despite reassurances that they're aware of the issue and working on it, is not an example of poor business ethics.


That type of commentary can only come from someone who isn't old enough to have taken a business or ethics course, much less from someone old enough to have any real-world experience in business.


There's a method to the madness, people. Stay vocal, but as Ron Burgundy said, stay classy. You'll catch more flies with honey than you will with vinegar. And that's doubly the case here because BW has a major incentive to keep all of us happy.


The bug will be fixed. And soon. And all the instagraties will move on to something else to piss and moan about, forgetting that their previous whining was addressed.

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Before I found this thread I found another one JUST like it with 8 pages, at the end of the eighth page there was a BW admin post saying


"We are aware of the situation and are attempting to mass any concerns here (they then posted the link to this thread) saying then they are aware of it and are working towards a solution.




Perhaps they did not think that they would have needed to continue to say to people "we are aware it's fix is in progress" constantly.


It's almost like a child on a long care ride saying


"are we there yet, are we there yet how about now? how about now? Now? Now? Now?"


The point is that they haven't given an ETA, or anything other than "keep waiting." I've worked in customer service industries (good riddance) and "I don't know" doesn't cut it.


After the amount of time that's passed it's come to either "they don't care" or "they have no idea how to fix it." Both options are equally ridiculous. The only ones with it worse are the Bounty Hunters, but it's likely a similar issue.

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My biggest concern is if by continuing to play my JK (which is level 48) will I miss out on special dialog in certain quests - main quest that is? If so then that makes this bug even more aggregavating than at first. I will be pissed if I miss out on any special quest dialog as a result of this bug. I have a feeling I already did.



if I recall correctly, Kira gets kidnapped at the end and you save her, does she have diff dialog if you romance her or is it the same? Does anyone know?


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OK I AM GETTING AGGRAVATED STILL NOTHING ROM BIOWARE!?!?!?!?!?!?! Please I want to be civil but my patience is running low I want Kira's bug fixed though I fear it may be to late for me, I am level 41 just entered belsavis and done all planets before that with her, I rescued her former master and I fear that she may have had a quest for me after but nothing!!!! PLEASE BIO WARE!!!!
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The point is that they haven't given an ETA, or anything other than "keep waiting." I've worked in customer service industries (good riddance) and "I don't know" doesn't cut it.


After the amount of time that's passed it's come to either "they don't care" or "they have no idea how to fix it." Both options are equally ridiculous. The only ones with it worse are the Bounty Hunters, but it's likely a similar issue.


I work in a technical field and I know the mindsets of people who want things fixed immidiately.


As for an ETA- as an example they gave an ETA for the patch on last tuesday- it went over by a margin and people SCREAMED at them so ultimately they cannot win.




The "they do not care" or "have no idea how to fix it" is an assumption.


In my line of work things go wrong that take engineers months to fix and people SCREAM. but ultimately it is resolved.


Patience is a virtue.


People say "the fix is easy" but unless they have created a massivley intricate game such as this one and promoted it to the public then can it really be that easy?


Perhaps they do know how to fix it but if they do it has effects on something else unforseen. And then you say "well they shouldn't have released it to which I say If they kept it in development even longer people would scream at that too.

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If they don't know how to fix it, they should add a new conversation that opens the flag. It should come up regardless of the choices chosen at the mining asteroid, even if they chose the right option. This way people who have the bug can continue. and those without just get an extra chat.
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