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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Kira Carsen - Companion story bug?


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I'll add my voice to the "just roll my character back" crowd. Roll back all of my class quests to the Defector quest. That way it's just fixed and I don't have to go dark side.


That has got to be easier to do than trying to find a way to work around the bug.

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I wish there was a LIKE button for this. BIOWARE, WAKE UP.


I'm ticked over this too, but let's be reasonable here - in a game with millions upon millions of lines of code, trying to track down and fix the issue for those that already stepped on the bug is a LOT tougher than keeping people from stepping on it to begin with.


It's kind of like the difference between disarming a mine and fixing the damage a blown mine has already done.


That said, it probably wouldn't be a bad idea for a BW poster to make a sticky saying nothing more than "We know about this issue, we're sorry for it, and we're trying to track it down - please bear with us".

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Just give us an ETA BioWare. I couldve rerolled last week and be at the same point as my current knight but instead I waited for the bug fix which I assumed would only take a couple of days.


Same... it was pretty lame to tell us that it would be fixed "in a few days" on the 18th, then also say that I would have to wait until a patch, which I did, and to find out that it's still not fixed and no ETA this time.

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I'm ticked over this too, but let's be reasonable here - in a game with millions upon millions of lines of code, trying to track down and fix the issue for those that already stepped on the bug is a LOT tougher than keeping people from stepping on it to begin with.


They seem to have time to nerf slicing, and other things that really don't have a critical impact on player experiences. Maybe they need to put a few more people on fixing an issue that has such a big damn impact on the class story.

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They seem to have time to nerf slicing, and other things that really don't have a critical impact on player experiences. Maybe they need to put a few more people on fixing an issue that has such a big damn impact on the class story.


Yeah seriously...So great all the newbs who were not in Early Access get the benefit of a kira romance...but all the people that pre-ordered (or who are super fast lvler's) get screwed because of this bug...gotta love it...

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Hi everyone - we're continuing to look into the issue preventing progress with Kira for those of you who are still experiencing it. We're sorry for the inconvenience and appreciate your understanding.



So it's still at the stage of being looked at. Meaning you don't even know if it can be fixed, or how you would fix it, or how long it would take to fix, or which patch will include the fix.


So much for the focus on story in this story-driven MMORPG.

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Hi everyone - we're continuing to look into the issue preventing progress with Kira for those of you who are still experiencing it. We're sorry for the inconvenience and appreciate your understanding.


Allison, I'm sure you understand that this is one of the majorly advertised points of the game, and many of us are completely locked out of it. An ETA on a fix would be a refreshing surprise.

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Here's an Idea, since alot of us are bugged, just reset all Kira quests for Jedi Knights created before XX/XX/2011. Since the bug is fixed to prevent it again, just reset all Kira quests.


it's not like the rewards or anything are ground breaking or we were far along into her story. Who cares if we repeat some of them, the issue would be fixed.

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I'm ticked over this too, but let's be reasonable here - in a game with millions upon millions of lines of code, trying to track down and fix the issue for those that already stepped on the bug is a LOT tougher than keeping people from stepping on it to begin with.


It's kind of like the difference between disarming a mine and fixing the damage a blown mine has already done.


That said, it probably wouldn't be a bad idea for a BW poster to make a sticky saying nothing more than "We know about this issue, we're sorry for it, and we're trying to track it down - please bear with us".



We're not dealing with an indie developer here. Bioware's got to manage expectations and so far not doing very well.

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Here's an Idea, since alot of us are bugged, just reset all Kira quests for Jedi Knights created before XX/XX/2011. Since the bug is fixed to prevent it again, just reset all Kira quests.


it's not like the rewards or anything are ground breaking or we were far along into her story. Who cares if we repeat some of them, the issue would be fixed.


I agree, this isn't what I'd consider a fully gamebreaking bug but goes dangerously near to be one. The lack of an ETA for a fix is very irritating.


I encourage everyone to appeal it in game, at least they might get the fact that it isn't something to slip under the rug.

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I*m also in on the reset the questline thing, rather have to do some quests from that point on, rather than having to reroll my Knight, who's now lvl 37... just too much work. So please, BioWare, either an ETA on the fix, or send us back in time!


My knight is now 42, and as I'm playing this with my gf I don't want to reroll and catch up. I'll probably hit 50 before it gets fixed. I don't mind doing all the class quests again, they were pretty epic but there should be a better solution than this. The annoying thing is that they seem to treat it like a minor bug in the game, or seem to communicate as such.

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My knight is now 42, and as I'm playing this with my gf I don't want to reroll and catch up. I'll probably hit 50 before it gets fixed. I don't mind doing all the class quests again, they were pretty epic but there should be a better solution than this. The annoying thing is that they seem to treat it like a minor bug in the game, or seem to communicate as such.


Exactly. I wouldn't mind doing the Class quest again either, but rerolling means doing everything else as well, and that I do mind! I think that if they can't give us a proper ETA, or a fix to this problem, they should simply let us do the main story over again, seeing as they've fixed the issue for new players now, not yet reached the point where the bug starts.

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They don't communicate on ANYTHING.


Minor or Major, until they fixed the problem.


They're aware of it, they have people reading the forums.


The order of fixes for the Jedi Knights should be this for the coming MONTHS :


- Kira fix (possibly Doc fix along with it) - already working on it.


- Hardness of the class - affecting a very high percentage of players that might not want to "reroll" and then won't subscribe, fairly major but they want that situation to see how many whiners are gonna reroll


- Hood toggle - NEEDED but not "major" and won't be there till several months


- Large butt fixing - Minor but ruining the immersion

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Just lets us re-roll her quest until they find out how to fix it. Seems like a very viable quick patch work until you can overhaul the damn thing lol.



-pretty sure no one minds at this time to re do "the Defector" as most are over leveled.

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Seriously BW I have the solution right here for you, no looking through a billion lines of code. Just roll the storyline of the Jedi Knights back, and bam. It fixes everything. You don't have to look for a way to fix it for the bugged people, just let us do the quest over again. I LOVE my Jedi Knight, he is the entire reason I'm playing. And this literally crushes the game for me.
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Seriously BW I have the solution right here for you, no looking through a billion lines of code. Just roll the storyline of the Jedi Knights back, and bam. It fixes everything. You don't have to look for a way to fix it for the bugged people, just let us do the quest over again. I LOVE my Jedi Knight, he is the entire reason I'm playing. And this literally crushes the game for me.



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A lot of my friends playing JKs (at least three that I know of) have rerolled characters that were already over 30 because of this bug, and I think that's a real shame. I'm at 32 currently, and I've set a deadline of the end of January when I finally pull the plug on my first live character, whom I had intended to be my main up until I discovered the bug. I really don't want to, but I absolutely won't continue the character's story until this is fixed.


It's not a simple issue of repeating content. I have emotional investment in my current Knight. He was created at 6:17 a.m. on the first day of early access. I've been through flashpoints, quests, and maddening Datacron hunts with him. None of that can be replicated now that I've seen it for the first time. I have recipes in my crew skill window to remind me of the first few times I joyfully discovered a purple schematic through reverse engineering. My ship's cargo hold is stuffed with mementos and orange gear I've collected.


This is an absolute Blight on a game I was out of my mind with enjoyment for until it hit me in the face. At this point, I don't know if there is much more we, as players, can do to speed this up. So I'm just asking you, BioWare, from the bottom of my heart, to fix this and fix it soon. It has tainted my perception (and the memories I'll have looking back) of a game I waited over 3 years for in giddy anticipation.


I feel like I'm starting to ramble, so I'll just stop there. Please. Please, please, please. Fix this quickly, and if it is in your power, give us some sort of timeframe. As others have said, it is unacceptable that this made it to launch.



A Very Disappointed BioWare Fanboy

Edited by TirJin_Meteos
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A lot of my friends playing JKs (at least three that I know of) have rerolled characters that were already over 30 because of this bug, and I think that's a real shame. I'm at 32 currently, and I've set a deadline of the end of January when I finally pull the plug on my first live character, whom I had intended to be my main up until I discovered the bug. I really don't want to, but I absolutely won't continue the character's story until this is fixed.


It's not a simple issue of repeating content. I have emotional investment in my current Knight. He was created at 6:17 a.m. on the first day of early access. I've been through flashpoints, quests, and maddening Datacron hunts with him. None of that can be replicated now that I've seen it for the first time. I have recipes in my crew skill window to remind me of the first few times I joyfully discovered a purple schematic through reverse engineering. My ship's cargo hold is stuffed with mementos and orange gear I've collected.


This is an absolute Blight on a game I was out of my mind with enjoyment for until it hit me in the face. At this point, I don't know if there is much more we, as players, can do to speed this up. So I'm just asking you, BioWare, from the bottom of my heart, to fix this and fix it soon. It has tainted my perception (and the memories I'll have looking back) of a game I waited over 3 years for in giddy anticipation.


I feel like I'm starting to ramble, so I'll just stop there. Please. Please, please, please. Fix this quickly, and if it is in your power, give us some sort of timeframe. As others have said, it is unacceptable that this made it to launch.



A Very Disappointed BioWare Fanboy


I feel your pain, friend. I've also grown quite fond of my Jedi Knight, currently at level 37, and I won't be working on the Main Story until this bug has been sorted out. I'm hoping for a fix, hopefully soon. Some sort of ETA would also be nice.

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