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Kira Carsen - Companion story bug?


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Isnt the only way to romance someone if your jedi a dark side option anyways? So if were getting screwed for actually wanting to get a romance thats going to piss me off...


Or are you somehow suppose to not flirt with her and magically you then get a romance?


Regardless fix this bug! This is the only thing that bothers me since JK is my main! At least the smuggler (my alt) does not have this hideous bug...


While I believed this, it now seems apparent that there is in fact a way to complete all of her companion quests and romance cutscenes without dark side points.


I know this because people who did not take dark side points (of which I have exactly 50 from exactly one statement :( ) have been able to advance the story as intended.


This IS a confirmed bug, of course, and if it weren't, it wouldn't make a lot of sense. By merely being nice and supportive to Kira in that cutscene you get a modest amount of affection... but prior to today, at least you didn't get the bug.


On the other hand, by expressing possessiveness and passion - that you wouldn't let anything bad happen to her - you take 50 dark side points.... but you also get the largest amount of affection I've ever seen from any one dialogue choice - about 150. "Totally worth it," said I. She responded very positively to the statement in game as well, reflecting this.


And that was the last time I got any opportunity for a unique Kira conversation, so no, it was not worth it. Now the game experience has suffered greatly for it. The game design kind of lured me into a game breaking trap - no save files, no second chances, and by all indications, the desired romance storyline meant dipping my toe in the dark side (think back to the quest on Tython, where supporting the Jedi couple was considered dark side)..


Now the trap is no longer set for anyone else to spring, but the poison still courses.








Antivenom, please.

Edited by JayDubyaDub
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So...I'm still on Nar Shadaa, am I still okay with Kira? I still don't get the quest icon on my ship that she wants to talk, but I know she does. Actually, since the patch I've yet to even see the 'wants to speak on ship' pop-up, but it showed up multiple times yesterday. I've got 3100ish Affection with her as well.




I still get the "she wants to talk to me on the ship" pop-up and still nothing.

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This is the kind of thing that seriously pisses me off. You don't put a patch in that says "Fixed the Kira Carsen Affection Bug" and then it's not fixed.


That is LYING to customers, and that is now the first step where BioWare is NOW following in SOE's footsteps. We might as well have SONY running this game and making ToR NGE!

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This is the kind of thing that seriously pisses me off. You don't put a patch in that says "Fixed the Kira Carsen Affection Bug" and then it's not fixed.


That is LYING to customers, and that is now the first step where BioWare is NOW following in SOE's footsteps. We might as well have SONY running this game and making ToR NGE!


It wasn't lying to customers - it was just unclear phrasing. The exact wording was "Fixed an issue that could cause Kira's affection progression to become blocked."


That could, unfortunately, be interpreted both as "We fixed the issue for everyone" or "We fixed the opening INTO the bug - we're still working on repairing it for those that got hit by it already." As the adage goes - "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure." Much easier to keep it from happening than do damage control after it's been done.


So in short, the patch DID accomplish keeping others from encountering the same issue - it'll be a bit more time for them to get a fix in place for those of us already hit. The only Dev response on the issue I've seen so far has been page 6 of this thread, at the bottom.

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Good news everyone. Doc is also bugged. Have fun. I mean the lack of hood toggle, the fat butt feature, the hardness of the class, were already a lot of fun, but now since all companions are broken, it's gonna be even more fun !


Yeah seems like making the JK your first class provides the most disappointing experience in this great game. Am already educating most of my friends who is interested to play on the pitfalls of this class and they were pretty surprised. Some of them may even go empire due to this.

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It wasn't lying to customers - it was just unclear phrasing. The exact wording was "Fixed an issue that could cause Kira's affection progression to become blocked."


That could, unfortunately, be interpreted both as "We fixed the issue for everyone" or "We fixed the opening INTO the bug - we're still working on repairing it for those that got hit by it already." As the adage goes - "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure." Much easier to keep it from happening than do damage control after it's been done.


So in short, the patch DID accomplish keeping others from encountering the same issue - it'll be a bit more time for them to get a fix in place for those of us already hit. The only Dev response on the issue I've seen so far has been page 6 of this thread, at the bottom.


Yeah, and for a game breaking bug they're taking forever to fix it. They knew about this in beta. They're now following in SOE's footsteps. Period.

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Yeah, and for a game breaking bug they're taking forever to fix it. They knew about this in beta. They're now following in SOE's footsteps. Period.


They knew about Kira glitching out in the Beta - but they might not have had the cause pinned down until recently. There's a distinct difference between knowing what the issue IS, and knowing how to FIX it.


And that said - it's not exactly "game-breaking". You can progress along your class' storyline without being impeded, after all. Still disappointing, but a female Jedi Knight that doesn't even use Kira would probably not even notice.

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The game should never have been released with broken content.


Some bugs i understand but a broken romance story for one of the top 2 classes going live that has been reported in beta is odd. Not even blizzard would let that happen 8/

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I has this problem with her all throughout the beta builds. When I got my early access on live I was so mad that I didnt even bother flirting with her. I gave up on her, and what do you know? All the sudden the stupid girl wants to talk to me!


The dark side flirts obviously do break the rest of the story arc.


I am now 50 with 10k affection and have taken Kira all the way. Just avoid those dark side flirts.

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Hello all!


I can confirm that there is indeed an issue here.


The TL;DR version is this:

Until we can get the fix up, don't flirt with Kira during The Defector quest! :mon_trap: (she will stop giving affection conversations)


The underlying issue has already been fixed internally, and should be showing up on our known issues list in a moment. It will take us a few days to roll out the fix so new players won't encounter the issue. It'll take us a bit longer to get a fix out for characters already experiencing the issue, but don't panic -- you should be able to hit the ground running with Kira as if nothing had ever been wrong (affection accumulated between now and then should not be harmed). Free to continue using Kira if you don't mind cashing in on your investment at a later date, or perhaps you might get to better know your cheeky T-7 droid!


Lastly, props to Cadan for his assistance in helping us track down this bug and give it the Yoda Stick! :wea_10:


do de do...

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actually they said they would fix the glitch for new players first, but i thought that was a week ago, apparently THAT was what was fixed


and eh, i agree with it being disturbing that we don't have a dev comment, i'm sure they have to go through a LOT in order to give us a status report with customer service, but the outcry demands SOME attention no? oh well, i'm at least hoping for a timeframe by new years, it's been proven that people prefer to know they have to wait a long time rather than not knowing anything at all

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They said it be fixed in a patch and the patch says they fixed it, but they didn't.


Reposting this on every page I can manage now, otherwise this will keep popping up.


It wasn't lying to customers - it was just unclear phrasing. The exact wording was "Fixed an issue that could cause Kira's affection progression to become blocked."


That could, unfortunately, be interpreted both as "We fixed the issue for everyone" or "We fixed the opening INTO the bug - we're still working on repairing it for those that got hit by it already." As the adage goes - "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure." Much easier to keep it from happening than do damage control after it's been done.


So in short, the patch DID accomplish keeping others from encountering the same issue - it'll be a bit more time for them to get a fix in place for those of us already hit. The only Dev response on the issue I've seen so far has been page 6 of this thread, at the bottom.

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This is the first time i am being furious and dissatisfied toward the game.

I mean! FOR GOD SAKE, this is such a major gamebreaking bug for a story driven game!

i am so frustrating! this is like Bioware sayin "Sorry bro, u getta reroll the same class if u want to experience the full story with your companion".


I think we need some answer whether Bioware will fix it or not.

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This is the first time i am being furious and dissatisfied toward the game.

I mean! FOR GOD SAKE, this is such a major gamebreaking bug for a story driven game!

i am so frustrating! this is like Bioware sayin "Sorry bro, u getta reroll the same class if u want to experience the full story with your companion".


I think we need some answer whether Bioware will fix it or not.


Having played various MMOs for more than half a dozen years now I've seen all manner of hiccups. This though is one of the worst thing that could happen to story driven game, which is one of the strong points of this MMO after all. Now we need to wait for an interdeterminant time, with the experience skewed even after they've fixed it. And this bug existed in beta, at least now we know where are their priorities.

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If anyone can read French, it seems there was an update AFTER the patch and the SWTOR official actively participated in the thread. :p




Translated it from a website.


Hello to all,


We thank yourself to have climbed back up this problem, that will be corrected in one updated next. It is quoted in the list of the problems in known games (updated today) :


In the mission of Knight Jedi "The deserter", seduce Kira Carsen during the conversations with the intercom of the vessel after the events of the abandoned expression will prevent the players to have other conversations with Kira Carsen.


Temporary solution: Evitez to seduce Kira Carsen during the mission "The deserter". The players already having flirted with Kira will have to await one updated before having other conversations with Kira, but will receive nevertheless correctly the points of affection with her during this time.

Edited by Idunhavaname
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Translated it from a website.


Hello to all,


We thank yourself to have climbed back up this problem, that will be corrected in one updated next. It is quoted in the list of the problems in known games (updated today) :


In the mission of Knight Jedi "The deserter", seduce Kira Carsen during the conversations with the intercom of the vessel after the events of the abandoned expression will prevent the players to have other conversations with Kira Carsen.


Temporary solution: Evitez to seduce Kira Carsen during the mission "The deserter". The players already having flirted with Kira will have to await one updated before having other conversations with Kira, but will receive nevertheless correctly the points of affection with her during this time.


well at least they recognize it...again

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