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Even with balanced factions, would Ilum be fun?


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The problem with this is that it would still be a one sided fight and would end up being 40vs10 each hour. Putting a cap on players allowed in llum isn't going to fix the lack of republic players.


That depends on your server i guess my server has more then enough republic to cover the 40 no poblem and if it was still a problem make it 25 on 25 or 20 on 20 dosent have to be 40 on 40

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Again i go back to saying if they made it like Winter grasp it would only be 40 on 40 no lag no faction issues its there best fix...


Now im not saying copy WG they could make i there own thing....


Making it like wintergrapse is NOT WORLD PVP. The second they do that im gone.

Edited by DarthNemis
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Making it like wintergrapse is NOT WORLD PVP. The second they do that im gone.


I think limiting the players in the zone a-la wintergrasp would definately decrease the value of the zone and definately change it into a fourth warzone instead of open world.


Lowing the amount of people in the Ilum "phase" has already started to do this, although it was necessary for performance issues.


Faction imbalance is always going to be a part of two-faction open world pvp which is part of the fun. The key(I think) is to build objectives and offer incentives with that in mind and to help narrow the gap and encourage the underplayed faction to show up and that they can make a difference.

Edited by Lina_Inverse
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Choke points would be great, there are a few in the current design (the south>center tunnel comes to mind) but there's not enough of a reason to have to use them currently.


I'm no military genious but wouldn't choke points result in aoe spamming the point all day long by the more crowded side? I don't think it's a fun mechanic.

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Im not saying make it WG but something like WG would be nice it would solve the 2 biggest problems (for the most part anyways) LAG and Faction balance


Yea i so love the idea of waiting outside of Illum for 3 hours to get into it because they decided to take the easy way out.

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1) Objectives are useful at the moment as they stack valor buff for your faction. Even though they are seized with counter productive motivation: you increase the buff for your faction, but you loose all the fun if they fight somewhere else.

I think objective seizure should be rewarded somehow. For example, you get 50 valor and a few commendations.


2) Objectives should be protected by NPC squads. For example, 3-5 elites and up to dozen silver mobs. They should stand next to their side point and have ranged abilities to interrupt missile launcher so you'll have to kill them all in order to shoot walkers.

No reward should be awarded for the kill apart from normal xp/gold. They are blockers, not the farm object.


3) Limits for sides should be separated. At the moment Ilum has something like 70 ppl limit shared by both sides. It produces imbalance for casual Ilum players. They can not join to losing side to even the odds. Instances of 50 vs. 20 are very common at the moment.

There is a psosibility to overcome it with force transfer through ops group, but it works both ways and in the end overcoming regular limit causes disconnects as server doesn't handle late transfer properly.


4) Zone is too big, but players are not encouraged to get through it. You need something weird in your mind to go out of republic/imperial base. For example, if imperial forces pushed to rep base imperial player revive at spawn point near this place. And everyone runs back and forth from rep. base to this spawn and back. Nothing happens in other places.

I think respawn point at another base side should be removed and taxi point there should be removed as well.


So basically you are asking the same thing as Warhammer Online's RVR combat. Don't get me wrong it was way better then this crapfest they call illum. So I agree with you.

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Im sorry but NO




therefore we have only passive reason (valor) and therefore people will try always ambush it and farm it intead of actually care about anything else.


That is leading to end of Illum.. that is leading to NO PVP but PVE valor farm..


THERE HAS TO BE REASON TO FIGHT.. noone will fight without a reason even in real life


This is kinda how I feel. Ilum PvP is fun but pointless, The benefits of fighting there are too small. The PvP in swtor is ok at the moment, I enjoy it. But the PvP system is too shallow. We need a system like Aions Forts/Abyss. Those fortresses was worth fighting for because if you owned one you had access to instances to get PvP gear/other good items which the other faction could not get without holding the fort.


Of course this is a problem with Swtor and the inbalance of factions, So that needs to be adressed first.


Ilum should be left to rot and a new PvP area needs to be added. One that is worth holding on to for your WHOLE faction not just yourself. High grade craft materials, Instances, Rare items or even a race wide buff for holding the base/area. That is worth fighting for.


Right now its farm to 60 valor get your battlemaster gear = gameover. There is very little persistant in swtor PvP at the moment and this is a problem for PvPers. And for many PvP focused players endgame is too easy to reach and gets boring fast once you get there.


Purple items are supposed to be rare yet I have a entire set of them with very little effort! and they are not just purple they are some of the best items in the game. its only been a month. In most mmorpgs within a month I would still be leveling and dreaming about having the kind of gear I have on my character. This combined with no depth in the PvP system gives me very little incentive to play.

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On my server, there really isn't that big of a faction imbalance at least when it comes to Ilum and my guild is there fighting like 20vs20 or more on a daily basis. It's quite enjoyable. Edited by Bionixx
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I'm no military genious but wouldn't choke points result in aoe spamming the point all day long by the more crowded side? I don't think it's a fun mechanic.


Ideally there would be less ideal pathways to circumvent/flank them as well. (think the pathways to the sides of the map for the center tunnel example)

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Instead of just ******** on idea why dont u come up with something worth while genious


Already did. Warhammer had an idea that allowed the weaker side to aquire mercenaries. They were smart NPC's but the idea was klilled cause the larger faction in warhammer thought it would be too op............ they were morons


I believe the mercenaries were called "dogs of war" if i remember correctly.

Edited by DarthNemis
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Already did. Warhammer had an idea that allowed the weaker side to aquire mercenaries. They were smart NPC's but the idea was klilled cause the larger faction in warhammer thought it would be too op............ they were morons


I believe the mercenaries were called "dogs of war" if i remember correctly.


I like it actualy you could always let the weaker faction have there companions as well but that dosent solve the lag issue

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I like it actualy you could always let the weaker faction have there companions as well but that dosent solve the lag issue


To fix the lag issue what we could do is create an overwhleming importance for all 5 objectives. This would create a large incentive to spread everyone out across the pvp lake dispersing the lag.


Edit: It be easier to do though if the 5 nodes were lateral instead of longitudinal. But its not neccisary, something to think about though for our next pvp lake if they are going to go with the same concept.

Edited by DarthNemis
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