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Ilum Dailies


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So, I tired Ilum yesterday after swearing myself away from it.


Republic is vastly outnumbered on my server (like all others) so we're basically fighting off of our backs at the Republic base. Playing on my 50 Sage (full champion) I was simply spamming AoE heals and keeping everyone up on Force Armor. This allowed us to make multiple advances granting dozens of kills.


However, given how outnumbered we are, we held no control points and were given minimal valor benefits. Every time we managed to get the Republic base back into Republic control (x2 bonus) - they would quickly turn it over.


On my Sage I found that grinding valor via Ilum is pretty much the same as the warzone valor grind. Something I'll be doing when I'm not running with a premade.



I also logged into my 50 Shadow. This was a lot more fun. I would stealth out and hop onto the turret and just slap Imperial ****. That's really all I was useful for. Melee classes are absolutely worthless in the zerg until momentum is gained - at which point they're only really good for locking people in place with CC.


Overall. Ranged is good. Melee is bad. Valor is worthless for Republic because of the standing faction balance issue.

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I've experienced groups of 30+ Republic vs. 30+ Empire once or twice a day in Ilum going at it. Those combats sometimes take an hour for one side to wipe the other. When there isn't any zerg combat, it's usually 15+ Empire in the center with roving bands of 3+ Republic roaming on the outskirts.


I've had no trouble completing the daily yet.

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Beyond 20 players for a single faction, cap the number of players at 1.5 times that of the opposite faction in any Ilum phase. In otherwords, you're capped at 20 players for your side until the other gets at least 14 players.


Also, remove the rest of Ilum from the phasing, having people doing the PvE dailies take up slots in a full phase is annoying.

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I'm from The Harbinger and it basically takes you around 2 hours to complete the daily because there are usually around 15- 30 imps running around the center and maybe once or twice a day a group of 7 or 8 republic come to fight and normally they get totally destroyed in seconds. Now I'm imperial and I have to say its not fun for us doing fights doing 3 vs 30 and its really not fun sitting in ilum for 2 hours fighting for ground spawns. I really hope this is changed in the future. Once I finish my battlemaster gear I wont be going back again.
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What I've been doing. Go during off hours or to an instance with that has low # of players. Then farm the central ordinances. You can thank me later. ;)


I like that idea. Since I play the republic side I will no longer run into the center and go oh ****!!!! There's forty of them and one of me, and then die. Leave and say that was bs. So instead of thanking you later I will thank you now! Thanks.

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Finished the Ilum weekly last night in about 20 minutes. On my server, the Imps roll into base every 10 minutes and get slaughtered. So in return all the Reps roll outta the base and give them back the kills.


Yeah.. we are swapping objectives again in Ilum.... but can you blame us?

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My server might be one of the only few "doing it right" I guess. It doesn't happen constantly but there have been some good 20v20 battles going on. It's laggy, yet fun. If one side gets overpowered they retreat back to their base where they can use the cannon to turn the tide in their favor.


Both sides get some kills and its win win for everyone. There are also other times when the Empire will just seriously outnumber the Republic, in which case they just disperse and come back later.


Yesterday I was able to put a pretty good dent on my weekly (80/150) without even having to pick up one of those stupid armaments.

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