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The "Give us a stun" petition.


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Making this post pretty much out of frustration, every class has a stun, and i mean everyone, some even have 2+ but mara and its mirror do not, and we are one of the classes that need them the most.



Bioware, please give us a Stun, we dont care if you put a 5 min cooldown on it, just give us one.



If you feel the same please post, if not please post, i would like to read why.

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I personally feel we don't need a stun. Allowing us to spec (Carnage, Annihilation has enough going for it right now and Rage seems pretty gimmicky to me) into significantly lowering Unleash's cooldown would be good enough, I believe.


in a game where every class has either a stun or heals but pretty much most have both, it is unfair for mara/sent to not have a stun or a viable heal.

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every class has knockback, some have pulls. most have heals all have stuns.






WHAT DOES A MARA HAVE? WELL? a ****** gimmiky fury buff that is instantly negated by one stun because it ends in 6 sec.


all we can do is whack things and even that is bugged and harder to do on this game than any other

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yeah i dont want a stun I want off hands to actually be useful. like you know the weapon damage add to the damage of abilitys better. rather then have that -50% to hit reduction and just add stats which are the same as the offhand items other classes get. I realise you can get that bit extra out of it, but I honestly dont think the dual wield mechanic makes up for that being like "ooh choose this class because of it"
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yeah i dont want a stun I want off hands to actually be useful. like you know the weapon damage add to the damage of abilitys better. rather then have that -50% to hit reduction and just add stats which are the same as the offhand items other classes get. I realise you can get that bit extra out of it, but I honestly dont think the dual wield mechanic makes up for that being like "ooh choose this class because of it"


Mara seems like a class that was only put in because lucas demanded it due to lore reasons, but bioware just couldnt be bothered with them

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Making this post pretty much out of frustration, every class has a stun, and i mean everyone, some even have 2+ but mara and its mirror do not, and we are one of the classes that need them the most.



Bioware, please give us a Stun, we dont care if you put a 5 min cooldown on it, just give us one.



If you feel the same please post, if not please post, i would like to read why.


We have a stun, its called intimidating roar. Its even AOE.

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The "Give us a stun" petition.


The "no" post.


Marauders don't need CC. Marauders are already the most durable DPS class in the entire game, with almost zero casttime / channeled abilities, and the best array of interrupts.


We are Inevitable Doom. It would be unfair / overpowered / get us nerfed to have a random CC.



In the context of CC wars, I think the most effective change to "Marauders" is fixing the resolve system so that knockbacks provided more than a tiny amount of resolve, and fixing all abilities so that they respect resolve immunity (several abilities currently ignore resolve).

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CC is what makes combat more strategic. All mmos always have everyone cry endlessly about CC until the create some stupid *** CC diminishing returns system and then combat just because dps vs healing and cc is completely pointless.


I would argue that resolve shouldn't make you immune, but when you resolve bar fills it resets the CD on your break (and reduces your resolve bar to 0), resolve should also be applied after the effect ends, not when its applied. I do not think slows should effect your resolve bar, but roots should. All melee classes should have an ability that breaks slows and gives them slow (but not root) immunity for a short period.


There are 2 approaches to cc. 1 is to make it a specialty, meaning that its not common among all the classes , this approach seems to have been abandoned by most games. Probably because it makes the CC class a game changing weapon if one team has one and the other doesn't, so people QQ endlessly about it and the specialty class gets nerfed into oblivion.


The other is that everyone has CC to compliment the intended play style of the class. Overall this creates a more dynamic combat system, but it generates as much QQ, albeit a different kind of QQ.


As far as marauders having a stun... I would argue the better solution would be to evaluate all the classes abilities and take a real and accurate inventory of all the CC other classes have and from there rather then giving marauders a stun, reduce the CC available to other classes.

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Directly nerfing 7 ACs is not generally going to be viable. Thus, "buffing" (fixing) resolve will be a much more effective solution than nerfing CCs.


On a personal note, I like combat systems where CC is infrequent but potent. WoW and WoW-clone combat systems keep leaning to spamming more and more and more CC abilities though. It's more than a little silly.

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Directly nerfing 7 ACs is not generally going to be viable. Thus, "buffing" (fixing) resolve will be a much more effective solution than nerfing CCs.


On a personal note, I like combat systems where CC is infrequent but potent. WoW and WoW-clone combat systems keep leaning to spamming more and more and more CC abilities though. It's more than a little silly.


I didn't say nerfing , though many people would take it as that. Balance is that, taking into account all the classes, yes its harder, but its the right way to do it.


Adding more cc, like you say, makes it a cc spam, which makes it less strategic and imo less fun.


resolve doesn't need to be fixed, imo the resolve concept is flawed to begin with.

Edited by Tilure
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I don't need a/more stun(s). I need more ways to get OUT of stuns (and/or a working resolve bar). I need force charge to actually immobilize the person. I need force choke to actually WORK and not just have them walk through it while I'm doing the choke anim/channel. I need to be able to get out of the savage animation with regularity instead of it being a self root. I need disruption to actually prohibit the person I just interrupted to not be able to use that ability again for 4 seconds. I need force camo to actually drop targetting on me. I need my bleed crits to actually heal my party when it is supposed to with berzerk.


I need a whole lot more things than stun(s).

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I didn't say nerfing , though many people would take it as that. Balance is that, taking into account all the classes, yes its harder, but its the right way to do it.


Many people would take it as that. Period. BioWare has to consider the emo-driven feelings of thousands of players.


When the other solution is equally as viable, why piss off your playerbase? Thus.

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Either marauders need a stun or they need a stun immunity on cd. I would prefer we got a stun and knockback immunity as i think it would fit the class better. Maybe while you have a fury buff up you are immune to kb or while you have a fury buff up stun and kb are less effective on you.


Also, another gap closer.

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in a game where every class has either a stun or heals but pretty much most have both, it is unfair for mara/sent to not have a stun or a viable heal.


Giving a non-channeled stun to this class will make the better players using them all but unstoppable. Right now the class can destroy any other class 1v1, so how many tools do you really need. It's the most survivable melee DPS class by far and has burst that is just a shade off of the assassin/operative, combined with an AoE mezz, easy to use no cooldown snare, heal debuff (the only one in the game by the way), and a possibility of multiple roots and I don't see what you are complaining about.

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