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Story diversity is a lie


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EDITED: due to insecure people not being able to stay ontopic, so ill just make it easier for them :)

I have played 24/7 every day since release 40 odd days about 500+ hours or however much you can imagine, is irrelevant.




So I hear a lot about the reason crafting, endgame and pvp gearing for pve is fail is because the game offers you so many unique levelling up experiences.


The claim is that re-rolling is where the amazing new re-roll experience is to be had. Bored at 50? Re roll for new fun!


That new characters offered new excitement. But it just doesn't.


I see mirror image CLASS QUESTS all the time. For example on Alderaan I have to destroy the generator to drop the shield etc etc. I have seen the same class quest formats + quests done on every single character I level up.


All they do is slap a slightly different circumstance / story onto it.


But it is all the same even across factions and it is very disappointing it is all the same over various class quests.




My point is that is extremely disappointing to not be having new experiences throughout my class quests. I can understand the inability to make it unique every time you go onto a new map. But I had of at least expected class quests to be some what unique. I can predict what I will have to do for class quests before I even get them just based on what I had to do on other completely different classes ><


At first when you roll a new class, quests are new and unique but as you progress towards 50, even the class quests start to mirror each other.




EDIT: Due to some people still missing the point of what I am saying, I am referring to class quests not being sufficiently unique. Which has surprised me as it is the one area I expected a completely new "ride" in this theme park game.

Edited by Harower
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You have FOUR level 50's already? :0


My god..


My first char I leveld fast, but when I noticed that the game lacks total depth I realised that the gaming experience has to come from the levelling.


So I re-rolled with my wife. We play a bout 2-3 hours a night and cruise a long never spacebaring except when npc's go on and on really annoying :p





But sadly the depth in this game isn't in re-rolling either. I'm doing same quests on my trooper right now as I was doing on my sith warrior. Let alone generic quest hubs :)

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Of course the objectives are similar.

What can you do, exactly?

Kill stuff. Interact with it(collect it, destroy it, switch it on, switch it off - all the same, really). Talk to it.

What else is there?


Right, the OP is burnt out on MMORPGs for sure. Not Bioware's fault.

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The non-story quests are exact mirrors of each other between factions. I found this out after attempting to reroll from a dying server and decided to give a different faction/class a try. What is even worse is some planets have them in almost the same exact order.


Pretty much turned all sounds except the weapon and ambient noises off after I realized that.

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Right, the OP is burnt out on MMORPGs for sure. Not Bioware's fault.


Zero questing variation between levels and factions is Bioware's fault. There's a reason why people have 5 level 85's in WOW and this game will shut down with most people have 1 (or less) level 50.

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Zero questing variation between levels and factions is Bioware's fault. There's a reason why people have 5 level 85's in WOW and this game will shut down with most people have 1 (or less) level 50.


I'm sorry but the questing has nothing to do with why people have have many max lvl toons.

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ok it takes around 100-120 hours of actual gamepley to get to lvl50 unless you are a spacebar bandit and given this thread is about enjoying the storylines i have to assume the OP doesn't do that.


so 4 lvl50s means between 400-480 hours of gameplay


the game has been live, assuming full EGA, for 40 days so that would require 10-12 hours of playing per day


but the OP only plays casually for 2-3 hours per night ?


i must need a new calculator

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Right, the OP is burnt out on MMORPGs for sure. Not Bioware's fault.


Why? Is there some kind of standard that restricts innovation in MMOs?


I'm hoping for a new MMO that finally gets rid of the static quest progression scheme, where each quest countains a list of simple and repetetive tasks to perform. Maybe I'm naive and it will never happen.

Edited by GHeissi
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I somewhat agree.


But it's not the story, it's the OBJECTIVE diversity that sucks. I'm leveling up alts primarily just playing class story and helping others with heroics and it's really fun to follow a completely different story line, yet it's somehow deflating to come across objectives that are so often repeated.


Then again it can't all be 100% hot water reinvented I suppose. For every interesting/unique class quest there's bound to be one "traditional" mmo objective one. Sadly.

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All they do is slap a slightly different circumstance / story onto it.


That's the point. In every game (not just mmorpgs) your objectives will be kill something/go someplace/talk to someone/take something. Why you're doing this is what makes the activity interesting or boring.

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Why? Is there some kind of standard that restricts innovation in MMOs?


I'm hoping for a new MMO that finally gets rid of the static quest progression scheme, where each quest countains a list of simple and repetetive tasks to perform. Maybe I'm naive and it will never happen.



Innovating quests? HOW?


To do something you either kill it (violent games), speak to it (kitty w/e world games) or you interact with it... It is pretty much the same thing your doing in real life... In school you are set an assignment, you do this assignment by interacting with your pc to go on the internet and find information to help you in writing it. Again, interacting with something to accomplish something different.


This won't change with any new MMO, and if you figure out a different way of doing quests/missions, whatever, then any developer would most likely love to hire you, I personally can't see it happening. The difference with swtor is that the game actually gives you a reason to do the quest, and you want the reason because it is voice acted... Please, come up with a quest that doesn't include the following: Killing, speaking and/or interacting with something...


Or maybe you should take a break from gaming.

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ok it takes around 100-120 hours of actual gamepley to get to lvl50 unless you are a spacebar bandit and given this thread is about enjoying the storylines i have to assume the OP doesn't do that.


so 4 lvl50s means between 400-480 hours of gameplay


the game has been live, assuming full EGA, for 40 days so that would require 10-12 hours of playing per day


but the OP only plays casually for 2-3 hours per night ?


i must need a new calculator


wasnt even gonna psot here , but you nailed it that being said ..


you ARE spacing otherwise you would have noticed some realy cool differences in story lines , its not realy felt first time playing but definetly when makign a lt and choosing different dar/lightside options , and different npc interactions , different results ..


altho i expected a little more change its mostly only class quests itself and quests who have dark/lightside options and think some bonusend quests but still , having pretty fun making alts and noticing differnces at some points


i'm also calling OP's post BS

Edited by Genesizs
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Everything is the same except class quests. Is this not what you expected when you made a new toon?


Someone didn't read OP.




Right, the OP is burnt out on MMORPGs for sure. Not Bioware's fault.


Bio-drone in denial.


Innovating quests? HOW?


To do something you either kill it (violent games), speak to it (kitty w/e world games) or you interact with it... It is pretty much the same thing your doing in real life... In school you are set an assignment, you do this assignment by interacting with your pc to go on the internet and find information to help you in writing it. Again, interacting with something to accomplish something different.


This won't change with any new MMO, and if you figure out a different way of doing quests/missions, whatever, then any developer would most likely love to hire you, I personally can't see it happening. The difference with swtor is that the game actually gives you a reason to do the quest, and you want the reason because it is voice acted... Please, come up with a quest that doesn't include the following: Killing, speaking and/or interacting with something...


Or maybe you should take a break from gaming.


Another bio-drone in denial, who has apparently never played a decent single player RPG.


The problem with swtor's quests, is that they all follow a 100% identical template.


Quest giver: blablabla problem blabla for the empire! Go kill problem.


Player: 5-10 minutes of travel times - 1-2 minutes of actually completing the "kill x amounts of copy paste mobs (who have two lines of scripting AI) in location y" objective.


Quest giver: blablabla, well done! Here is your reward!


By the time I was on hoth, I started thinkihng please st*u and just give me the quests. VO adds nothing, because the content itself is garbage.




Now go play a game like Deus Ex (1), System Shock 2, Baldur's Gate 2... and come back, so we might continue this discussion.


Even amateur mod makers make better quests than the ones you find in swtor.



Don't even bother trying to use other MMOs as example (how their quests are similar), because this "difference" was the only thing swtor had going for it to separate it from other MMOs, and was one of the biggest marketing ploys.


SWTOR fails vs. practically every other MMO in every other department.

Edited by wixxkruppel
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Someone didn't read OP.






Bio-drone in denial.




Another bio-drone in denial, who has apparently never played a decent single player RPG.


The problem with swtor's quests, is that they all follow a 100% identical template.


Quest giver: blablabla problem blabla for the empire! Go kill problem.


Player: 5-10 minutes of travel times - 1-2 minutes of actually completing the "kill x amounts of copy paste mobs (who have two lines of scripting AI) in location y" objective.


Quest giver: blablabla, well done! Here is your reward!




Now go play a game like Deus Ex, System Shock 2, Baldur's Gate 2... and come back, so we might continue this discussion.


When was the last time you played RPG games? All of them are the same.... YOU kill stuff, Fetch stuff and interact stuff.... ITS the reason and the story why you do it , there is no other way how to make quest any different . IF there is PLEASe i have asked this before 100 times and haven't got an answer, just give me an example of a quest which wouldn't be a fetch , kill, gather or any other of current mmorpg quests .

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He has a point though.


For a game that excuses all its massive shortcomings with how great the leveling experience is, its shocking that like 95% of all quests are exactly the same, even cross faction.


Craptastic replay value.

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Interesting you all seem to think 2-3 hours of gaming a night is a lot


We don't watch tv but sometimes we skip nights to watch a movie due to being tired from work. But gaming together a few hours after work is how we relax. We arn't hardcore at all.


Further more most of you seem to miss the point of what I was saying.


It isn't as simple as "kill x gather y"


I am doing the same objectives with the same people unique to the map in class quests across multiple classes. Class quests, the one thing that you should expect to be different on each char you roll.


I am not saying the nature of quests are similar. I am saying the progression and quests themselves accross all classes class quests are similar.


They simply tack on a different story / circumstance but the class quest progression format is extremely similar.


This is a problem because you expect when you level on the same planet on multiple chars you expect to be doing the same quests.


But I didn't expect for the class quests to be extremely similar in the same zones with extremely similar objectives. I expected them to be a new spin, new material.


But they arn't very unique at all. They even use a lot of the same story just slap on a different reason for needing to do "objective x"





You following yet? :)

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