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Sentinel -- An analysis of my 3rd 50 (long)


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First off, let me give you a little background... (also, this will be a long, boring, tedious read. The TLDR is at the bottom, but it doesn't really grab the whole essence!)


Me: I'm a terrible alt-aholic, but not in the fashion that many people see it. I don't have 9 alts simultaneously leveling and gearing. No, I have my main (which is now my Sentinel), and I tend to roll alts for the downtime while my main is not in session in some way (raiding, PVPing, etc.). I started as an Operative, but decided (along with my friends) to move over to Republic for a little change of pace and to help balance things a bit. Not that the four of us made any real difference, but we would still like to think so. I have been a long time hardcore raider (and one time hardcore PVP'er, though later arena seasons I found increasingly lackluster in WoW) in multiple MMOs. I have played with everything from casual raid tier-behind raid groups and casual arena teams to top 10 (And on several occasions, World first) raiding guilds and arena teams.


I have played all facets, from DPS, Healing, and Tank in just about every game I have played, and have been rightfully successful at every one to a significant extent. This isn't to "brag", its to set the background for what I have to say.


When I originally started playing and rolled my Operative, I did so with zero prior knowledge of the game. Literally the day after release day I went out on a whim, digitally purchased the game, and went to town at the suggestion of a few friends. I did minimal research on the classes, picked Operative, and intended to HEAL (not lol-threeshot-rogue). I played Op as my Main until we rerolled Republic. At this point, I had a much better understanding of the game, its mechanics, and what people thought was overpowered and underpowered... I chose the masochistic choice of Sentinel as my new toy.


Fastforward 50 levels and the blood, sweat, and tears that goes along with it. I'm going to do a point-by-point analysis of some things that I have experienced... there are good, there are bad, there are great, and there are absolutely terrible moments. Lets begin!


1) "To DPS or Not to DPS" -- Honestly, this is one of the high points of the Sentinel. I think their damage is great. Especially for PVE, but for PVP there are a few points that are lacking. In upper tier gear, it is VERY difficult to come anywhere close to killing someone before you run out of focus. Your sustained damage overall is notably good, but your burst damage (even as focus) is mediocre, at best. You don't have a collection of abilities that hit particularly hard, or if you do they are on painfully long cooldowns.


** I pretty much always am either #1, occasionally #2 or #3 in Warzones on damage (not that this really means much....). Usually only beaten by the occasional Powertech or Merc that actually knows what they're doing, or a Sorcerer who is left to AoE spam doors in voidstar.


** I don't really have a problem with sustained, our damage just falls off fairly quickly at certain points in our rotation and can make it very difficult to burn targets down. We don't have a TON of controllable burst, which makes our utility as a "damage" class in PVP suspect.


** Tanks. They're impossible to kill. I cry a little inside everytime I see the names of certain Powertechs, Juggernauts, and Assassins. This is more of a problem with nearly every ability being weapon damage, though.


** 80% of the time, I feel like a god. 20% of the time, i'm playing a reasonably organized group with tanks who actually know how to guard and Mercs who finally realized what those green numbers coming from some of their abilities were. Against most good groups its not the fact that I CAN'T deal decent damage or burst, its the fact that i'm not ABLE to deal ANY damage. I'm usually permanently snared and kited, their ranged/healers actually pay attention and look around and start moving BEFORE I reach them, i'm constantly rooted, stunned, KB'd, Feared (looking at you juggs/marauders), pulled by vanguards... its so easy to peel a Marauder its almost ridiculous. Snipers have to be the single most infurating class i've ever encountered in this respect, with Mercs and Sorcs coming in a close second.


** The above point leads to the Melee issue in general, but overall I feel our damage is "good", with the need of a few tweaks, which will be addressed in the very bottom section along with my "synopsis".

2) "Melee Woes" -- Playing an operative, one might have thought I knew better than to roll another Melee with as frustratingly rage-inducing as it can be in this game. Unfortunately, every argument of "zomg Melee is frustrating" is met by "I CANT GET AWAY FROM MELEE CLASS OMG NERF" by the very classes who make it frustrating. Yes, I am quite aware that because of GBTF, Transcendence, and Leap, we make EXCELLENT ball carriers in Huttball. That is, until you face a reasonably competent group and you have no real choice but to place the ball on a Vanguard, Juggernaut, or Assassin. Really, i'm just trying to play the devil's advocate here.


** Knockbacks are infuriatingly widespread and often are coupled with debilitating effects such as Root or Snare.


** Marauders/Sentinels are our own worst enemy. A group with Transcendence (especially talented) makes me weep into my pillow as I try to chase down the Sorcerer, Merc, or Sniper that just punted me. Again. For the fourth time. And then rooted me, Dotted me, stunned me, and snared me. Its okay, I can charge them and break their Sorc bubble and be incapacitated and my resolve bar might THEN fill up, but its okay because roots (especially sniper roots?) don't adhere to diminishing returns. Sorry, I got off on a bit of a tangent there. A sore spot, if you can't tell.


** AoE's seem to be ridiculously common and powerful, and melee are inevitably caught right in the middle of them all.


** You are the first one to be focused, stunned, and dead. GBTF does nothing if you are 100-0'd inside of a force choke.


** Huttball. Don't really know what else to say here. Sure, there is the occasional great moment of Transcendence to the goal line and GBTF through the enemy group, but for every one of those there is a sniper or merc punting you off of the platform halfway through your run and all your Transcendence is doing is getting out out of the pit a little bit faster. Air vents being completely random is utterly crippling to melee, too. Entirely too many ranged hang out in the middle and as soon as I start on them, they jump in the air vent because they know 9/10 times its going to put them somewhere far away from me.


** Pulls. Melee MUST extend to hit their targets. This puts us precariously in a position to be pulled. Into fire, off cliffs, into acid. I had a tally sheet somewhere around here with the number of times i'd been pulled off the bridge in voidstar, into the acid and fire in Huttball, and into the safezone in Alderaan, but at some point it mysteriously turned to cinders (I think it was when I torched it with my Acetylene Torch to determine what color flames were produced from burning graphite).


** Resolve. As stated before, resolve is our worst enemy. I'm utterly convinced its totally broken. Abilities that should grant full, or at least mostly full resolve bars don't seem to do anything. This isn't to mention the times that stuns or roots go straight through a full bar.


< Synopsis >


These two issues make up the majority of the class itself. I feel as if there are several things that make up a class and what they bring to a group when I am considering whether they are a particularly "functional" class.


Utility: 6/10. Transcendence is great, Inspiration is great, Awe has good potential, but overall its typically so-so. You have no ranged CC ability, no stun (other than Force Stasis), no AoE Snare (+1 for Guardians), and no real way to peel people. I find myself many times tab-snaring people and using Transc every 30 centering for my healer, but thats about it.


Survivability: 8/10. We are no tank, but i'd say we're easily the most survivable DPS class in the game. In certain situations, BH and Inquisitors will surpass us (mainly Huttball), but ability for ability we have by far the largest bag of tricks. More on this later.


Damage: 7/10. Our sustained DPS is great, but I find I have a very difficult time actually KILLING things against competent people, whereas I don't see some other classes having this problem. We have no real big "wind up and knock them down" (Force sweep I guess is the closest thing as Focus, but who actually ENJOYS focus spec and being a 1 button every 2x seconds wonder... not to mention the bugs associated with animations, sweep range, etc. Again, more on this momentarily.)


Healing: 1/10. Lol, just had to throw this in there for the Watchman specs.


Liability rating: 7/10. (This is a negative stat. The higher it is, the worse it is) We can't "sneak" to targets. Any experienced sentinel knows that if you charge before someone punts you, you're doing it wrong in most cases. We get very quickly focus fired or tugged out of heal range, and run a great risk of overextending. The only reason this isn't higher is becuase of our survival utility/rating. We can be self sufficient to an extent and are able to pull back better than some (Looking at you, Scoundrels, DPS Guardians).


All in all, I feel like the Sentinel is a fairly balanced class. I'm not a doomsday-er that says Sentinel is the worst class in the game or anything, but it definitely has a few shortcomings. Any combination of one or two of several changes would make it a much more enjoyable (and versatile) class to play. Most of it is taking some of the frustration factor out of it, but other is adding some things.


#1 - Please give us some form of the Guardian short duration physics immunity talent. PLEASE. Nothing makes me want to break my keyboard over someone's back WWF style than charging a Sorcerer at the precise moment he presses his knockback button, sending me flying into the pit in Huttball. Also on this note, is there some technical reason we have to TECHNICALLY be at our final location before our characters actually are? I don't know about you, but I LOVE taking AoE damage/effects/being cc'd long before my character actually arrives at my target. Smart people target us and spam their stuns/abilities long before we ever leap so that as soon as we press the button and our animations start, we are toast.


#2 - Targetting. PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD FIX TAB TARGETTING. As a melee where constant movement is necessary, click targetting is usually simply not an option, not to mention that in a giant dogpile clusterF*%) at a voidstar door, you'll NEVER get the target you were going for.


#3 - Fix resolve. No, seriously, it doesn't work. Some abilities ignore it, some never generate it in the first place, some generate too little, some too much. This affects melee MUCH more than ranged since we have the whole root problem as well as being constantly exposed to melee range only CC. In a game where EVERY class (except sentinel! Jokes on us!) has some form of non-channeled stun, knockback, root, and/or (mostly and) incapacitate, a functioning diminishing return system is absolutely necessary. The DR should probably be much harsher than it currently is, too. (This also goes hand in hand with #1).


#4 - Ability stutter. Everyone knows how it is. I'm sure i'm not the only one to dot someone up and press zen (5 times, no less) only to realize after I kill the target that I still mysteriously have 30 stacks of centering and my Zen never went off. Or pressing Merc slash for the 4th time, or the times Master Strike prefers to animate but not actually go on cooldown or do damage. The little things, they needs to be improved!


#5 - Throw just a little bone in the burst department, at least to Combat/Watchman. Sure, people will say Zen/Overload/Cauterize/Merciless is good burst... which it is, but the setup is extremely long, highly focus intensive, and... *Drumroll* dispellable. Merciless slash should probably do slightly more damage, have some sort of armor pen component, or perhaps apply a dot to fit in with the rest of the tree. A -1 focus cost would go a long way, too (not suggesting all, just some).


For combat, blade storm could use slightly higher damage or lower cooldown and Combat Trance's functionality desperately needs to be reconsidered. Its a great mechanic, until you don't notice the tiny buff icon disappear even though you just hit blade rush and guaranteed a proc and as such you don't get a crit since it doesn't refresh itself. Focus starvation is a pretty large issue for combat.


Focus just seems... clunky. Basically, you sit around and wait on force stasis and Force Exhaustion to come up so that you can run in and pop sweep and stand around and wait some more. Occasionally, you can zen-slash-cleave people, but it seems particularly buggy on when it will actually cleave.





To reiterate... all in all, I believe Sentinel is a great and (mostly) balanced class, I just believe it needs one or a couple of the above things to make it truly work like I feel it was intended. I honestly believe that if the resolve system was improved, we would (I definitely would!) enjoy my sentinel infinitely more. My target uptime at the current time is abysmal against a few sorcs/BH/Snipers due to chain CC and kiting. I feel like a powerhouse against clueless pubbies (practically unbeatable 1v1) but against organized groups I feel like a paper wearing ragdoll swinging wet noodles. I think its this difference where many of the mixed opinions may be coming from.


TLDR? In the midst of my complaints and frustration, I love my sentinel, I think its a great class, but FIX RESOLVE, ABILITY STUTTER, AND TONE DOWN CC A LITTLE BIT! Most of the problems with the class are gameplay mechanic problems and not actual Sentinel problems. Learn to tell the difference, people!


P.S. Another issue that I think affects everyone and is unrelated to sentinels specifically is twofold. 1) How GD long it takes to drop combat so you can heal with Meditate/Seethe/Reload/Whatever, and 2) how similar abilities (and planting bombs on doors, capturing points, etc) are interrupted by every !%!#% tick of a dot. Please adjust how long it takes to drop out of combat to something slightly more reasonable. I often find myself in an empty portion of a warzone or in the pit in huttball, inexplicably stuck in combat after killing someone, and its usually faster to run to the heal powerup than wait for combat to drop so I can heal.

Edited by Xilrasis
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Nice read!

I honestly think just fixing the stuttering / spells refusing to trigger would go a looong loooong way.

Also they should definitely tone down knockbacks...


Pretty much.


I think that by far the biggest "issues" the class has are 1) Broken Resolve (or just poorly designed, i'm not sure which... maybe both?)... 2) Ability Stutter and 3) Fairly "dry" specs. Prevalence of KB/CC kinda goes with #1, and I think fixing #1 would eliminate some of the massive CC problems all around.

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Your not the first to point out some of these flaws in the class. What kind of suprises me is that no one has mentioned the absolutely horrid itemization for Sentinels as part of the problem.


You need good quality Guardian Armoring 22? Sure thing, goto the Corellia commendations vendor and buy them. Need Might Armoring 22? Your gonna have to have someone make them for you, or quest for them because the Corellia Commendations Vendor only has Might Armoring 20's to sell.


This applies to just about every modification slot and vendor in the game be it Mods, Armoring or Enhancements. For a class that is as gear dependant as ours is, it's frustrating to say the least to constantly be using gear thats 3-4 or more levels behind because you simply can't find something with equivilent stats to replace it with.


The Jedi Knight Modable Belt (not sure if there are any bracers) is heavy armor, the belt itself is class restricted to knight. So Sentinels can not wear this particular item. The medium armor modable belt and bracers are restricted to smuggler. So Sentinels can't wear them. Now I'm not sure if all classes get modable belts/bracers, but if they do then the Sentinel was left out of this itemization, or the drop rate on the sentinel version is so low that it's more rare than those Magenta Saber crystals at the moment.


Now there are a ton of other itemization issues I could get into but most of them are in the looks department with Hoods up, Hoods Down, coloring (whats with all the white? amost every peice of Sent clothing is either bantha poo brown, or white), model (Your seriously giving people tiara's to wear for head peices? That's fine for the ladies and all but the guy who just killed the emperor? yea he doesn't wear a tiara...EVER.), the inability to preview what a saber hilt looks like, but I'll save that for another post.

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Definitely solid points, and one I meant to bring up. I had a notebook filled with notes of concerns as I ran into them but it seems to have disappeared along with my punt/pull tally sheet. Plus, I get a bit long winded sometimes.


Again, I feel like most of sents problems stem from the game itself and the way it affects sentinels in particular and not just the class.

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#3 - Fix resolve. No, seriously, it doesn't work. Some abilities ignore it, some never generate it in the first place, some generate too little, some too much. This affects melee MUCH more than ranged since we have the whole root problem as well as being constantly exposed to melee range only CC. In a game where EVERY class (except sentinel! Jokes on us!) has some form of non-channeled stun, knockback, root, and/or (mostly and) incapacitate, a functioning diminishing return system is absolutely necessary. The DR should probably be much harsher than it currently is, too. (This also goes hand in hand with #1).


#4 - Ability stutter. Everyone knows how it is. I'm sure i'm not the only one to dot someone up and press zen (5 times, no less) only to realize after I kill the target that I still mysteriously have 30 stacks of centering and my Zen never went off. Or pressing Merc slash for the 4th time, or the times Master Strike prefers to animate but not actually go on cooldown or do damage. The little things, they needs to be improved!


Good read. Can't agree more on these two points, especially stuttering and having to press the same ability multiple times to go off. Hope it's really fixed in the next patch.

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Lots of great points -


Agree 120% about focus starved thats for sure. Merciless slash could be a point cheaper and/or keep them burning or something.



I'd love to actually use the combat skill tree as i'm not a fan of keeping overload constantly up but I find that tree even worse. At least with watchman i can set htem on fire before i can thrown kicked, pushed, stunned to death. :)


But in all honesty, I'd like to use that tree and slash things to ribbons.


I still think there is something wrong with the offhand doing so little. No damage bonus and only 30% of weapon (without combat max). I think they should also have that 30% by default up'd to 45 or 50%. It's not like the damage bonus gets added in or anything.


I'd also like to see some passive abilities instead of activated ones. The ability to shrug off some of thsoe pushes, pulls. I swear I have walked to someone, been pushed or kicked away. Then leaped and pushed away, then walked up again and been pushed away. All by the same person. Have no idea what skill was used. It looked like a kick of some sort.

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"For combat, blade storm could use slightly higher damage or lower cooldown and Combat Trance's functionality desperately needs to be reconsidered. Its a great mechanic, until you don't notice the tiny buff icon disappear even though you just hit blade rush and guaranteed a proc and as such you don't get a crit since it doesn't refresh itself. Focus starvation is a pretty large issue for combat."


I have that issue too. The whole atari thing doesn't kick in enough. I think in ZEN that should kick in 30% more.


Not sure how to make it so you can see the dang thing. The buff it self just doesn't last long enough. It should simply set until you fire off OR at least give you more time to do so. It's hard to see that little icon.

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disagree about focus. Apart from the 4k sweeps u get your force exhaustion will also typically do 3k~ dmg on a target. With higher crit and surge your bladestorm and strike will also crit more often and for more damage so I dont agree that sweep is the only way to deal damage to the enemy.
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disagree about focus. Apart from the 4k sweeps u get your force exhaustion will also typically do 3k~ dmg on a target. With higher crit and surge your bladestorm and strike will also crit more often and for more damage so I dont agree that sweep is the only way to deal damage to the enemy.


Force exhaustion is on a 21 second cooldown and Sweep is more or less limited by that and Stasis's cooldown.


Wasn't saying its your only way, its just a very flat spec anytime force exhaustion is on CD (or the occasions that for some reason your sweep doesn't hit your target(s)). Slash and Strike spam isn't particularly compelling gameplay.

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For combat, blade storm could use slightly higher damage or lower cooldown and Combat Trance's functionality desperately needs to be reconsidered. Its a great mechanic, until you don't notice the tiny buff icon disappear even though you just hit blade rush and guaranteed a proc and as such you don't get a crit since it doesn't refresh itself. Focus starvation is a pretty large issue for combat.


Focus just seems... clunky. Basically, you sit around and wait on force stasis and Force Exhaustion to come up so that you can run in and pop sweep and stand around and wait some more. Occasionally, you can zen-slash-cleave people, but it seems particularly buggy on when it will actually cleave.




First off - great post by the way. I don't think I've seen anyone truly describe all of the problems w/ the Sentinel tree so thoroughly.


In general, we should be a high dmg DPS class. It's not that our abilities don't work (except for ability delay), it's that we can never use them. In PvP, I just mash buttons as fast as possible hoping to do some dmg during those 4 seconds in which I'm not CC'd, stunned, punted, frozen, lying on the ground, choked, electrocuted, shocked, hamstringed, dazed, knocked out, did I say stunned already?, and/or just plain dead.


As a Combat spec, I'd love to actually use the Ataru form to whirl out damage. The Ataru form relies on build up, but that's not possible when I can't use my attacks. Combat trance needs to be respecd....entirely impossible to ever tell if it's active.


Tempted to go Focus....not bc the gameplay is any better (which it's worse)...but it only requires 3 or 4 abilities to be useful in PvP. That would give me high dmg and crit during those 4 seconds in which I'm not //see long list of adjectives above//.


P.s. - has anyone else noticed that they nerfed our LOS in the recent patch? certain abilities, aka most of them, used to work in PvP if I was at least sort of facing my opponent. now you have to be dead on staring the person in the eye to use simple things like Blade Storm and Precision slash.

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Your post is fair enough. Normally I'd randomly flame and insinuate terrible things about the competency of a person complaining about the class, but your complaints are generally legit enough to pass. Players shouldn't have to be as good as me to enjoy playing the class, and your post is a reasonable list of issues.


Although I will point out that fixing resolve (both the bugs and the design where knockbacks give like ~200 resolve, where they should give 500+) and fixing the ability issues will increase the performance of the class drastically across the board alone, without any class-specific balancing actions.

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Your post is fair enough. Normally I'd randomly flame and insinuate terrible things about the competency of a person complaining about the class, but your complaints are generally legit enough to pass. Players shouldn't have to be as good as me to enjoy playing the class, and your post is a reasonable list of issues.


Although I will point out that fixing resolve (both the bugs and the design where knockbacks give like ~200 resolve, where they should give 500+) and fixing the ability issues will increase the performance of the class drastically across the board alone, without any class-specific balancing actions.


I appreciate the pass this time :p


I firmly believe sentinel is a great class. Its failure just comes due to general game mechanics and their unfavorability toward light melee, coupled with the ridiculous abundance of CC when facing competent players. I can go from a 400-500k 20 KB 60 kill match straight into a 80-100k 3 KB 10 kill match under these conditions. Much of it also depends on the DPS i'm placed with. If I have a few reasonably competent ones I can train with, then life is grand. If not, then I feel helpless at times.

Edited by Xilrasis
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Force exhaustion is on a 21 second cooldown and Sweep is more or less limited by that and Stasis's cooldown.


Wasn't saying its your only way, its just a very flat spec anytime force exhaustion is on CD (or the occasions that for some reason your sweep doesn't hit your target(s)). Slash and Strike spam isn't particularly compelling gameplay.


It's 18s cooldown with Shi-Sho.


Besides, when you know how. You can chain the burst combo 3 times in a row.

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Heh, it's not even 'how'. It's just charge-exhaust-sweep; storm-choke-ZL-sweep; charge-exhaust-sweep.


Seems pretty obvious for 3 omega Sweeps in 20 seconds starting at time = 4.5. You can swap up the ZLs and charges if you start with preloaded focus. Throw some zealous strikes in there. Shrug.

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I've personally given up on Resolve ever being a functional fair CC mitigation device.


However, Stuttering...until that is fixed it's nearly impossible to even BEGIN to assess the Sentinel class, in parcitular the Combat tree.


We just rely too much to too many skills affected by stutter.

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First off i play watchman spec and I don't think i need anything other than having the stuttering fixed. 1v1 and on a few occasions 1v2 i've come out on top. I find I'm extreamly hard to kill and deal out a lot of damage when my abilities work. When they fix the stuttering and abilities not working issue I'll be fine.


I do however find combat spec is a hard and frustrating spec to play in pvp. I know it has good burst and some control but the almost every class has more control to counter it.

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First off i play watchman spec and I don't think i need anything other than having the stuttering fixed. 1v1 and on a few occasions 1v2 i've come out on top. I find I'm extreamly hard to kill and deal out a lot of damage when my abilities work. When they fix the stuttering and abilities not working issue I'll be fine.


I do however find combat spec is a hard and frustrating spec to play in pvp. I know it has good burst and some control but the almost every class has more control to counter it.


1v1 and 1v2 against terribles =/= PvP.




There are a number of classes/specs that will absolutely dominate a Sentinel no matter how well played it is, especially given any sort of terrain advantage, assuming the person has half a clue. If you beat ANYONE 1v2 its because they're awful not because you and/or your class are good.


Besides, this post has nothing to do with 1v1/1v2. Its about group PvP.

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I haven't really seen this mentioned as of yet. But now that I am wearing the gear and have my 4/5 set bonus, I have come to realize that the Sentinel's armor set bonuses are completely bogus compared to another class such as the Trooper or Scoundrel.



Rakata - Trooper (Eliminator)

2/5: Increases the critical chance of Power Shot and Tracer Missles or Charged Bolts and Grav Round - Great classic set bonus.

4/5: Reduces the cost of Rail Shot by 8 or the cost of High Impact Bolt by 1 - Again classic but should be switched for the 2 set bonus.


Rakata - Scoundrel (Enforcer)

2/5: Increases the critical chance of Backstab or Backblast by 15% - Again great classic set bonus.

4/5: Increases maximum energy by 5 - Yet again a classic bonus but should be switched for the 2 set bonus.


Rakata - Sentinel (Weaponmaster's)

2/5: Reduced the rage cost of Vicious Throw or Dispatch by 1 - Cool but very weak compared to the other class' 2 set bonus. Sounds like it should be a talent rather then a set bonus.

4/5: Reduces the cool down of Frenzy or Valorous Call by 15 seconds - Um, yeah. TBH if the Champion set bonus was better I would take the stat sacrifice to avoid this.


So basically, any one can see here that the scoundrel and trooper get a massive bonus from their set bonus where as the sentinel gets smoked. However the set bonuses of the PvP sets seem fairly even across the tier even though we can only pick from one set as opposed to the other 3 classes get 3 sets to choose from. Whether they have anything to do with their class or not is debatable they still have 3 different WEARABLE sets to pick from.

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