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SWTOR Group Play needs work


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Don't want to be a hater but the invite to form a group is lame. I've asked so many times for people to join my group and it never happens. If BioWare gave people a buff for how many times they joined groups or for helping other players it might make the system better. But right now it seems like after lvl 25 no one cares anymore and are too character focused to play in groups any more. The funiest part is, that I even try to help other players at lower lvls in the hopes of finding a cool people and still get ignore, it a little tough on the ego. I feel like a 12 year old at the bar, shut down everytime I try to talk to anyone. If the game is suppose to be a bring you own friend format, then it should just be guild play. If not, why put so much emphasis on grouping up when there is no community attitudes rewarded in the game?? Just my thoughts.


Still having fun. Be kind to each other People



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Guilds help but there's not much interaction.


They put Social gear into the game to encourage it, but its all Light Armor and so inherently worthless for most people. If they made it scale to the proper armor class,or made Light, Medium and Heavy versions you would see more grouping and more vairiety in the looks of players.

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OP, are you talking about heroics / flashpoints or open-world grouping? If the latter, forget it - the very nature of soloable open-world quests makes grouping pointless in at least a couple of ways. You won't get a satisfactory solution unless content is largely instanced (which many people seem to be allergic to for some reason).


As for flashpoints - I'm finding that if I do 2 (sometimes even just 1), I outlevel solo content by level 21. Since the storylines are in the solo content, and since I appreciate both long-term story and a challenge, that's kind of a problem for me. Maybe other people feel the same and so don't bother with heroics as much.


Edit: Also, are you just hitting people with invites with no introduction or anything? Personally I automatically decline those, as I have no idea what the person wants - as often as not, it's some bull**** reason or lack of reason altogether.

Edited by BobaTed
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I've never really had a problem yet, on Ahto City we're fortunate to have a big population of helping people.


Sometimes you can't get a group right away, but a little bit of patience and usually one gets formed. The beauty of this game is the companion system; like Guild Wars, you can substitute a companion for a real player if you're in a fix. I've done more than one Heroic 4+ quest without a tank, where my Kaliyo has tanked well enough for us (with some stressful micro-management from me).


I do get annoyed when I see people LFG in the general chat and I don't have the quest yet (because I want to do it!) but yeah no problems here.


Though Ahto City has a lot of fairly hardcore players on it that are levelling alts, and they're more than up for heroic quests because you can quest 'til you get the group then hop over and get lots of exp and good rewards.

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That's what I think should be rewarded. Even if you just give them a simple title like "helper" for people who take 100 or more invites it would incourage them to group up more. Good feedback people, I appreciate your voices I guess I was feeling a little alone :)



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Don't the Open World Drops increase the chance of higher rarity with a larger group? (Like Boraderlands, more people=better loot.) That should be enough incentive to group outside of the group content (Heroics, Flashpoints, Etc.)


Also, since alot of the class quests take place in the same general area, doing things in a group actually help clear quests and level easier. Not all bonuses need to be a mechanical effect such as stat increases or what not.

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If youre looking for group for Flashpoints, dont expect to get many people in Imperial Fleet. Many people of your level is not in Imperial Fleet. They are somewhere else doing their quests.


Me when I look for group for level 37 The Foundry, I come to Hoth or Taris to find a group.


I want inter server queues from WoW to be implemented here though.

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No issues with grouping here, perhaps because our server decided to maken an own LFG channel instead of shouting in thin air in a regional channel.


I however ignore all ppl who random throws me an inv. Yes I play a healer class and sometimes I can't play due to pop-ups coming up from people not bothering to ask me for an invite but simply throwing me one.

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Don't want to be a hater but the invite to form a group is lame. I've asked so many times for people to join my group and it never happens. If BioWare gave people a buff for how many times they joined groups or for helping other players it might make the system better. But right now it seems like after lvl 25 no one cares anymore and are too character focused to play in groups any more. The funiest part is, that I even try to help other players at lower lvls in the hopes of finding a cool people and still get ignore, it a little tough on the ego. I feel like a 12 year old at the bar, shut down everytime I try to talk to anyone. If the game is suppose to be a bring you own friend format, then it should just be guild play. If not, why put so much emphasis on grouping up when there is no community attitudes rewarded in the game?? Just my thoughts.


Still having fun. Be kind to each other People




OP you get a buff in groups it called more XP per kill. I have no issue finding a group with /who, sometimes the person doesn't show up on the list though....

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I've never had a problem getting a group. That said it's funny how few people realize just how beneficial grouping in this game is:


1) Social points open up some pretty awesome store items at the social store but unless you group (alot) you won't get enough to get to the really cool stuff. (Agreed tho, BioWare needs to add medium and heavy armors to the social store, not just light)


2) Being in a group means you get better loot. Yes, that's right, you get better loot in a group .


3) You get more experience in a group.


4) You can do quests faster (and have a lot more fun) in a group.


5) When in a group everyone gets each other's 'buff' spell (get a group of 4 different base classes and all those 60 minute buffs combine for some pretty impressive bonuses).



Honestly anyone who isn't grouping regularly needs to rethink how they're playing. I try to group wherever I go in game unless I know my playtime will be spotty and I'll drive a group nuts.

Edited by TaramCaldar
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Join an active guild. You will get so many people asking for help it will start to annoy you. Especially as you start getting higher in level, lazy people will start asking higher levels to walk them through heroics instead or trying to find 3 other people who have the same heroic.


guilds are the best place for lowbies to guilt people into helping them. Waaah I cant find anyone to group with me after searching for 5 whole minutes. Can you drop everything that you're doing and come do my heroics for me for the next 3 hrs?

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Honestly anyone who isn't grouping regularly needs to rethink how they're playing. I try to group wherever I go in game unless I know my playtime will be spotty and I'll drive a group nuts.

All fair points, but two issues stand out for me above all others: story and challenge. If I group, it seems I can have one, but not the other. Flashpoints may offer good challenges for a group, but as far as I can tell aren't really part of the mainline story. On the other hand, grouping for main story content makes the fights trivially easy.


Plus, all the rewards you mention result in a sort of WoW syndrome, where I'm being pushed through the game faster than I'd actually like.


In other words, if I just want to group just for the fun of grouping (couldn't care less about the rewards), I have to give up at least one of the two things that make the game worth playing. But, as I said before, I don't think that can be fixed without a wholesale revamp of how quests are done.

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