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Im confused


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So why the heck cant I do any missions besides the main story? Like my Sith character on Nar Shaddaa and Tatooine every mission request I go up to always says "You must complete other missions" or something like that and I cant do them even after Ive done the story mission on the planet... So as a result Im to low a F-ing level to continue! What the hell is this?????????? Edited by Amethyst_xxx
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Well the real quesiton is... why are you accumulating THAT many missions in your mission log? I've yet to get even half-full. Then again maybe thats because i DO them when i get them.


Me to... but Its a bit difficult to do heroics and flashpoints by yourself........ >_>

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This confused me too, really puzzling why it has to be so unclear.. it could just say "Mission log full".


edit: made a post for it in the suggestions section.


Yea I was the same, I thought the quest I was trying to get had a pre-req quest that I hadn't done yet. I would prefer a clearer message or 'slots" in the mission log so you know how many quests you can take until its full.


I still don't know.

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Yea I was the same, I thought the quest I was trying to get had a pre-req quest that I hadn't done yet. I would prefer a clearer message or 'slots" in the mission log so you know how many quests you can take until its full.


I still don't know.


It clearly says at the bottom of your Log "Missions: X/25" -- i'm still not sure how people get this mixed up.

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