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In praise of space combat


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I like it for what it is. It's simple and and great mini-game for those occasions when I don't feel like getting fully engaged in some lengthy story mission.


I'm all for adding some full X-Wing flight sim in some future expansion -- as long as it doesn't replace the current space game. We can have both.


My only request is to get these missions optimized -- several of them chug pretty noticeably.


Anyway, that's my vote for whoever at BioWare pays attention to feedback.

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As if there are any worth while threads in General anyway.


And better than getting lost in the drone of negativity of the other one.


And who are you to say what can be a thread here or not. I thought that was the moderators job.



I agree with the OP, its fun for what it was intended for.

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I think the space combat is the foundation for something amazing: space pvp combat. Either a flat-out 8v8 or FFA dogfight, and/or something along the lines of Star Wars: Battlefront 2 versus missions where you disable the enemy capital ship's shields, then board the ship and sabotage it from the inside. It would be.....EPIC!
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I think the space combat is the foundation for something amazing: space pvp combat. Either a flat-out 8v8 or FFA dogfight, and/or something along the lines of Star Wars: Battlefront 2 versus missions where you disable the enemy capital ship's shields, then board the ship and sabotage it from the inside. It would be.....EPIC!


That actually would be kind of cool.


I'm hoping they'll expand on the space missions for sure. Not just adding new missions but perhaps something beyond the rails shooter.


I do the space mission dailies religiously. They're a good break from everything else.

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tube shooter is good. it provides atmosphere without requiring too much effort for it.


but, a full fledged space sim is also a necessity. very much so that it adds a totally different dimension of immersion.


both should be present in the game.


and actually, making a tube shooter is harder than making a full fledged 3d sim - both require the 3d graphical and mechanical aspects in full, but tube shooter also requires that the flow of the interaction be prescripted.


with a full fledged 3 d sim, all you need to add on already existing mechanics would be to remove tube shooter flowscript and add entry points for friendlies/enemies in space, and the most important part - the ai.

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the space combat is ok,some of the harder missions r a challenge but BW really needs to remove the rails so u can attack from where u want and not b stuck in auto pilot the whole time.

WZs in space would b sick and i like the idea of attacking the capital ship then boarding, they could go even futher with it and hav a planet that is rich with resources ( crafting nodes, flasfpoints, quests, etc) that the capital ship is guarding and if the attackers win, the battle gets moved to the planet then who ever wins on the planet holds the planet for the day,kinda like tol barad/wintergrasp from wow.


ima thinking that BW will bring out proper sapce combat and alot of other mad features in the future.....cant wait!!!


anyways im going to harass some republic scum :D

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