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Social points....


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Warzones are social? I've been in quite few of them and there is hardly any chatting going on.


I don't see how killing other people is more social than grouping. Or is that what they do in RL when they want to be social?

Edited by Halinalle
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Its not the only way. You just dont like the other way. Which is to group and participate in dialogs with others. Flashpoint grinding IS a pain. Grouping and leveling the game with others is fun.


Part of the issue with this is that its really too easy in a team, as you just steamroll through everything designed for 1 person.


I'd prefer social points awarded for something, really anything, other than dialogue choices.

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Its not the only way. You just dont like the other way. Which is to group and participate in dialogs with others. Flashpoint grinding IS a pain. Grouping and leveling the game with others is fun.


If you choose not to play the game in groups (dare i say, socially) then well I suppose "grinding" boring stuff over and over is all you got.


This is not a viable fix. It is difficult to find people on the same quest- even friends that play. On top of that most dialogue options occur at the onset or end of the quest. Black Talon is the most efficient way to grind social b/c of the sheer number of conversations.


Its a cool system with terrible implementation. Earning social points should be more dynamic, taking into consideration one's contribution in that particular group.

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here is a preview of all the social point armor that you can get...








as you can see most of them arent that good looking. the decent set that looks good of the Voss style clothing which you need social 5 to use.


at social 4 you get a " party time " title along with a skill that makes you dance a differant way from the /dance emote


at social 10 ( social point cap ) you get a disco ball and something else ( havent gotten that far yet ) lol

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Warzones are social? I've been in quite few of them and there is hardly any chatting going on.


I don't see how killing other people is more social than grouping. Or is that what they do in RL when they want to be social?


You're certainly engaging other players in them. Also, just because people arent typing, doesnt mean they arent chatting... they're just doing it through vent or whatever. Given the fast paced nature of MMO's, typing during combat just gets you killed.

Edited by NermalDetonator
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You're certainly engaging other players in them. Also, just because people arent typing, doesnt mean they arent chatting... they're just doing it through vent or whatever. Given the fast paced nature of MMO's, typing during combat just gets you killed.


When doing PVE content with group voice comms aren't allowed because?


All this "PVP is only way to play" is just stupid. If you want to have PVP as primary focus go play something else. There's already one very heavily PVP focused MMO out there.

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I don't understand what you want. What is an "actual social way to earn points"? The game defines "social" as grouping with other players. .


No it doesn't.


If I grab a quest, then group with other players, I won't get social points.

If I grab a quest with other players, then drop the group, I will get social points.


The game defines "social" as: *NPC conversations* with other players.

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For example, I was leveling up through doing storyline of my class and was doing it solo, cause for me it's just like an interactive movie. And after finishing it, o-oh, I'm at 50 already. What I gonna do now?:mon_trap:


Of course the idea of "forcing" people into playing in groups not as bad as it seems.

But idea of making it the only option to get social points is quite harsh. I've looked through this thread and there had been pretty interesting ideas of enhancing SP system:


-trading on Galaxy Market (I usually just sell prototype items to a vendor, cause I'm too lazy to save it till market and earn couple of thousand, but for SP I would certainly change my mind);

-make special missions (maybe get people to do some tricky stuff to have fun and SP, in WoW there are huge amounts of daily quests which are pretty funny but you can adapt them to SW:TOR SP system);


Maybe give SP for trading legendary and prototype gear (not via GalacticTradeNetwork). The idea is to make gaining SP a fun process not a stressful time of waiting for a group and hoping nobody leave beforehand. I mean for those who can't find constant companion for their playtime.

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SWTOR should go in the opposite direction of what is suggested here among the "I want something I can only get in a certain way, in another way that I want".


Social Points should yield real tangible benefits and not just be for cosmetic stuff.

- You don't HAVE to to space missions, but it does yield benefits if you do.

- You don't HAVE to do Heroic missions, but it does yield benefits if you do.


Similarly, social points should have more tangible value.

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