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Social points....


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If you want to level your social fast, find a quest with a long dialogue (4-5 options) to choose from.


Get 4 people.


Grab quest, spam top choice.


Accept quest.


Abandon quest.







Does this actually work?

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Not really, no. I don't care what the alternative path to these points are, I just want something else. ANYTHING else. I don't like group based PvE and would enjoy alternate paths to the gear, that's really all there is to it.


Doesn't need to be quik or repeatable. Just SOMETHING that I can do to work towards this stuff that isn't me standing next to someone else while we talk to NPCs.... which to me, is about as stupid a way to reward gear as you can get.


I dont find PvE boring at all and I especialy don't find grouped PvE boring. This is how I like to play the game. I'm sorry you don't feel the same way. The thing is though, its almost undeniable that PvE and story are the staples of this game. So if you don't like grouping and experiencing story then you probaly won't be long for this game anyways since pvp sucks and endgame is non-existant.


Clear your mind of what you think you know of other MMo's. This is more of a co-op single player game. Knowing that, you will do one of three things:


1 Leave knowing this game isn't for you,


2 accept the game as what it is and what it isn't and start to enjoy its strengths


3 you will come onto the forums and petition and rant till the game gets mutilated and changed into YOUR version of what the game should be like.. at which time I and others will leave and you will be bye yourself here.

Edited by tcalusine
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I agree on one level; more paths to gain social points would definitely be welcome. There's also a curious disconnect between how social points are earned (only in group PvE) and how they're spent (largely for orange RP gear).




* Grant social points when heroic quests are turned in.

* Implement sabacc as a cantina minigame, and reward a tiny number of social points per hand whenever other players are also playing.

* Add lots of fluff people can buy with social ranks. New emotes, new titles, armor dyes, etc would all be very suitable RP-centric rewards that fit the system as it currently is implemented.

* Remove the social reqs from the pilot's suit. I agree with the others who posted above; this makes no sense at all. You can ONLY get the commendations for the pilot's suit while running solo space missions now, so why is a social rank required to spend the commendations?

Edited by Aloro
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hey Aloro


Im fine with all of your suggestions except herioc mission turn ins. Heroics can still be done solo. I feel you should never get points unless you grouped. Since there is no metric for chatting with people, because and simply grouping and quiting group shouln't earn points. What bioware did with conversation rewards is the right and proper move in my mind.

Edited by tcalusine
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To start off, PvE questing with someone is way more intimate than doing a flashpoint or op with someone. Trust me. My husband and I do everything in SWTOR together and we have a ridiculously high social because of it. I wouldn't do quests/missions with anyone else because, frankly, they'd annoy the fire out of me. However, I do the occasional flashpoint and op with others because players often focus better in those situations.


Secondly, social points should be received for everything. People shouldn't have to be grouped to received them because, and I understand this, not everyone wants to group. "But Pam," you say, "they're not being SOCIAL if they're not in a GROUP!" Untrue. We're in an MMO so other players are ALWAYS around. Even a solo player has to be around others and be impacted by them. Whether or not he's talking to or working with these other players, this solo player is directly affected by others. It may not be "social" but this solo player deserves something for having his experience altered by the presence of others.


Finally, regardless of what you think of my first two points this is the point I really want to make. Especially while in a group, players need to get a constant drip of social points. If you're on the fleet or something this should probably turn off, but while in the field, in a flashpoint/op, in a warzone, etc. players in a group should consistently receive social points. These points shouldn't be limited to NPC conversations since they require another player to receive. The drip can be very slight, probably to combat AFKing for it, but even it was one point every 30 minutes, at least you'd be rewarded for your grouping efforts.


Of course all of this is moot since social points are worthless.


They're worthless, mainly, because social gear is light armor only (vehicles notwithstanding). Those of us that understand and love the custom/orange armor system are greatly hurt by this fact every day!


/river of tears

Edited by pamkhat
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Does this actually work?


Of course, you get social points for the opening conversation for flashpoints and the completion conversation of flashpoints. So group up, do the conversation to get the flashpoint quest, abandon it, and repeat. It's not a lot of points though. You'd be better off running the flashpoints, maybe even going as far as helping lowbies blow through it if they want an easy run.

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I can't believe this is even an issue.


Look, Bioware implemented a system that rewards players for grouping together. It's a reward and you have a requirement to earn it. It's completely up to you whether you do what's necessary to get it. Complaining about just seems silly. It makes you sound like you want to get everything without being required to do anything.


I'm constantly flagged as LFG when questing because I'm a "social" player. It's extremely rare to find anyone who wants to group for anything but a heroic they can't solo. Grouping ONLY when soloing is impossible is NOT social. Why should those people who never want to group get social bonus rewards that aren't intended for them?


If there is a problem here, it's the the incentive isn't enough, and players like myself can't do what the dev's intended because far too many can't be bothered to change their anti-social, soloing ways.

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It's a problem earning Social Points because points are ONLY given during conversation.


Am I not being social in a Flashpoint or grouping up for H2/H4 quests on a planet?

That's way more social than talking to an NPC with other people for 10 sec.


Why am I being penalized just for not talking to NPCs before/after quests with another person?

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These points are about forcing people to do group based PvE.


Absolutely not. Social points reward grouping. They don't force it. You don't NEED any of the social rewards. If you don't need it, it isn't forced. If you want it, group up, take part in multiplayer conversations.

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step 1: find a friend

step 2: go do normal BT

step 3: STOMP normal BT in a speed run

step 4: gain 100 social points

step 5: rinse and repeat


is also a great way to grind out light/dark points and while it is GRINDING its easy, cost effective, and is fairly quick.

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Or, you know, find a friend. _Level together_. _Quest together_, outside of Class Quests. There's this handy thing of class quest nodes being close to world arc nodes and class instances being relatively close to one-another. Do the world arc with friends, or one friend. If it seems like you're not being challenged enough, do it without companions. I was Social 2 on Balmorra, Empire side, after running with one friend since Black Talon, doing some of the normal quests and all of the Heroics there and on Kass together. I did not do any Heroic or Flashpoint more than one time.


No need to grind _anything_ for Social Points.

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Or, you know, find a friend. _Level together_. _Quest together_, outside of Class Quests. There's this handy thing of class quest nodes being close to world arc nodes and class instances being relatively close to one-another. Do the world arc with friends, or one friend. If it seems like you're not being challenged enough, do it without companions. I was Social 2 on Balmorra, Empire side, after running with one friend since Black Talon, doing some of the normal quests and all of the Heroics there and on Kass together. I did not do any Heroic or Flashpoint more than one time.


No need to grind _anything_ for Social Points.


yea i'm social i think 5 or 6 by doing this with a friend, it works well but not everyone levels with a friend strictly.

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Absolutely not. Social points reward grouping. They don't force it. You don't NEED any of the social rewards. If you don't need it, it isn't forced. If you want it, group up, take part in multiplayer conversations.


Okay, I'll just make an extra account for one month and dual box BT so all my characters on my main account have social 10. Yay for being social.


Grouping =/= being social.

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hey Aloro


Im fine with all of your suggestions except herioc mission turn ins. Heroics can still be done solo. I feel you should never get points unless you grouped. Since there is no metric for chatting with people, because and simply grouping and quiting group shouln't earn points. What bioware did with conversation rewards is the right and proper move in my mind.


OK, fair point, and I agree. The social points should only be rewarded when you're engaging in an activity with other players. For the Heroics, you should have to be grouped when you turn in the quest to get the Social points.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Absolutely not. Social points reward grouping. They don't force it. You don't NEED any of the social rewards. If you don't need it, it isn't forced.


You don't "NEED" to do anything in the game. You can stay at level one, never leave your starting planet and do dance emotes at the Jedi temple forever.... but if you want to be rewarded, there are certain things you NEED to do, so this semantic argument is pointless.


If you want it, group up, take part in multiplayer conversations.


Durr :rolleyes: ..... The whole point of this thread is the current way to gain these points isn't fun for everyone, nor is it necessarily very "social".


I for one would love to see some alternatives for gaining these points. I love the look of some of the gear, enjoy being social, but don't enjoy group based PvE. Why can't I earn rewards in a way I actually enjoy playing?

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My level 50 Sorc is only Social 1, even though I always tried to group with people. Even when I did, everyone picked up quests solo, and disbanded from the group before turning in quests ... thus, zero Social. And all FPs past Esseles/BT have absolutely PATHETIC Social Points rewarded. The only way this character will ever get Social ranks is if I find someone to farm Black Talon with. I was social with her- for the entire game- but not social the way this game deems social to be.


My 27 BH is Social 3. I have been grouped with the same people since this character was created. On Hutta, it was me + the IA. Once we left Hutta, we grouped with the Warrior + the Inquisitor and have done absolutely EVERYTHING together since. Even so, we're only Social 3... at 27... when the Social vendor sells a level 25 speeder that requires Social 5. SOCIAL FIVE AT LEVEL TWENTY FIVE. How is that possible, unless you farm the 1st FP over and over and over again? It's not possible. Also, how is this character, who has never been social with ANYONE aside from the exact same 3 people I know in real life... how is she 'more social' than my Sorcerer who was constantly grouping with new and different people?


The social system in this game is just really weird. It rewards grouping with the exact same people (who would thus be on the same quests as you) instead of rewarding you for engaging in actual 'being social and making friends and contacts' activities. <shrug> It is what it is, but calling it 'Social' is misleading.

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I wanted to get social up to get a few things and had a shocking fast jump in social points:


Grouped with 3 to 4 guildies


ran the first flashpoint ( BT/Ess )


hopped on speeders bypassed all mobs save for the last fight ( we were typically mid 30's to 50 anyway)


speed running it takes about 5 min.


easy and bt/ess have the largest social gains ( if I recall correctly) group questing is slower and pays out much less unless your in a group of four all the time.

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I wanted to get social up to get a few things and had a shocking fast jump in social points:


Grouped with 3 to 4 guildies


ran the first flashpoint ( BT/Ess )


hopped on speeders bypassed all mobs save for the last fight ( we were typically mid 30's to 50 anyway)


speed running it takes about 5 min.


easy and bt/ess have the largest social gains ( if I recall correctly) group questing is slower and pays out much less unless your in a group of four all the time.


So what exactly is this "social" system in the game to encourage?

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Actually I think social points should only be awarded to people who actually quest throughout the game to level.


Peeople who have skipped / spacebared most of the contant have more SP's than me as all they do is run HM FP's in the evening for loot.


Whether this is in a group or just with a companion doesnt matter. Companions have feelings too right?

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