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Started playing a Jedi Guardian...


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I have a level 33 Sith Sorc, and I decided to take a break and roll an alt. I had been hearing some not-so-great things about the JK class, but I decided to make one anyway. I'm currently a level 12 Guardian (tank spec) and I am having a really good time with it! I have noticed a couple things about it so lemme know if there is anything I can do to improve.


I have noticed that there is often a "delay" when I use an ability and when the ability actually activates in combat. Is this due to hitting the ability before I should, or is this normal?


Also, I have noticed that I am unable to keep threat so far with T7. I turned off his "tanking" ability but he still generates far more threat than I do. Otherwise I understand that the Guardian is more of a single-threat class.


If you have any tips to help me improve I'd appreciate it. Also, what crew skills do you suggest?

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I have a level 33 Sith Sorc, and I decided to take a break and roll an alt. I had been hearing some not-so-great things about the JK class, but I decided to make one anyway. I'm currently a level 12 Guardian (tank spec) and I am having a really good time with it! I have noticed a couple things about it so lemme know if there is anything I can do to improve.


I have noticed that there is often a "delay" when I use an ability and when the ability actually activates in combat. Is this due to hitting the ability before I should, or is this normal?


Also, I have noticed that I am unable to keep threat so far with T7. I turned off his "tanking" ability but he still generates far more threat than I do. Otherwise I understand that the Guardian is more of a single-threat class.


If you have any tips to help me improve I'd appreciate it. Also, what crew skills do you suggest?


Let T7 tank, chances are he does it better than you until you actually get your tanking stance. Guardian is not a single-threat class, it is more a case of our AoE threat sucking donkeyballs, but then again vanguards and shadows have better single target threat as well so....


Just get used to the ability delay until it is fixed.


As for improving and crewskills...pick scavenging, slicing and cybertech. Keeping your gear up to date is very important as guardian and the easiest way to do this imo is being able to make 2/3 of your armors mods with cybertech and with slicing get the money you need to buy other upgrades.

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you will get your tank stance (soresu form) at level 14 or 15 i think. in this form, you generate some xtra threat (and you get a decent bonus to armor, overall damage reduction and shield chance). you aren't much of a tank without soresu form, so don't worry when T7 steals your aggro at level 12 ;)
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I agree with the above suggestions. I'll also say that the tanking tree isn't necessary unless you plan on tanking FP's or heroics most your journey. But if you having fun with it, that's your #1 priority :D


I'm enjoying my Guard as well. running one of the DPS specs personally. I've noticed that they take a bit more focus on priorities and use of skills. On my shadow it isn't as critical, but with my guard I really have to emphasize when I use what CD's (feels like at my level of 19 its a very CD driven class). But when used right he kills as fast as my other classes, fun too. I enjoy the storyline more then my shadow/sage/commando.

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Funnily enough, I've done pretty much the same. Got a Sith Sorc to around level 33 and then decided to roll a Guardian. Given the issues I'd been seeing with tanks, as a healing Sorc - I thought I should experience it from the other side, so that I could better understand what was going on. :)


I'm at level 18 now and have been really enjoying it so far. Same ability delays as you, which is very annoying. And as others have said, once you get your tanking stance (very soon) your ability to tank improves a great deal. But stuff does get to you fairly late really... I don't think I got a proper Taunt until level 16... which seems late for a tank oriented class.


If you're planning to tank, I'd actually recommend using Kira a lot once you get her as a companion. That allows you to practice your tanking skills when doing normal levelling quests. It's working for me anyway.


On the crew skill front, I went with Biochem and the associated gathering stuff (bioanalysis and Diplomacy). I'm finding it really handy to have the never-ending Medpacs, Stims and Adrenals. Can't say it's best... only that it's working really well for me so far.


Have fun with it... I certainly am so far.



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On the crew skill front, I went with Biochem and the associated gathering stuff (bioanalysis and Diplomacy). I'm finding it really handy to have the never-ending Medpacs, Stims and Adrenals. Can't say it's best... only that it's working really well for me so far.


Have fun with it... I certainly am so far.




I second the Biochem idea. Even though I already have a Bio on that server, I started Bio on my guard so I could have easy access as I leveled to the medpacks and stims that would help me.


reminds me of my pre-wrath warrior. DPS specs had NO healing, so you got by on bandages and pots. my first Aid was always capped, and my herbalist got a ton of work :D

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I got Soresu form a little while ago so I guess I'm a proper tank now :D I agree with the statement that this class is very cooldown oriented. It seems like I spend most of each fight looking at my ability bar for CD's than actually looking at the fight.


Someone I was grouped with for Esseles earlier was telling me that Guardians were the "worst" tanks out of the three because of bad AoE, bad threat, etc. I'm hoping this isn't true, but I am having a lot of fun with the Guardian so its not going to affect my decision to keep playing it. I tried a Jedi Shadow as my first character (before my Sorc)...I didn't like the playstyle very much, it felt like the entire class was based around hitting Double Strike until something else proc'd...Guardian feels much more active. (Nothing against Shadow/Assassin players of course).


I will say this class is more challenging than the Sorc for sure...I'm still trying to find a good rotation for various scenarios, and the CD's mean that when you use an ability is a more strategic decision. What do you all generally use for a single target (like a boss) rotation, or a group of enemies rotation? Also, I hope that the ability delay issue that we are all experiencing gets fixed. Lastly (and this is more about aesthetics than anything else, are there any heavy armor/robes that JK's can wear without the hood?


Its been great seeing these helpful replies everyone, its fueling my enjoyment for this class knowing others are playing/learning the class as I am! This is also my first time tanking in an MMO and so far it has been an enjoyable adventure. Hopefully we get more AoE abilities later on haha

Edited by MikeFL
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Someone I was grouped with for Esseles earlier was telling me that Guardians were the "worst" tanks out of the three because of bad AoE, bad threat, etc.

This is basically the case, but even though Guardians aren't as good, we're good enough to be successful with a bit of work. So as long as you enjoy playing one, you should stick with it. I have, and despite our problems I don't regret it.

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We do get the AoE Taunt, Challenging Call(?), very late for my taste, along with Saber Throw(?), which helps to keep attention from a ranged if Taunt is on CD.


Other than that, questing as a tank and doing the occasional Flashpoint, I've had almost no problems keeping aggro, even if there's a lot of ranged spread out. Sometimes other Tank-capable classes (Shadow, Vanguard(?)) can pull aggro from me even if we're the same level and focusing the same mob, though maybe their taunting themselves... who knows =P

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