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Consular Clothing Options: Robes vs. Pants


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You stop getting pants after level 10.


Unless you're male and want to wear Social Clothing pants.


Otherwise, suck it up. You're wearing a dress for the rest of your life. Or a thong if you decide to wear the Slave Dancer Outfit.

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I have found my first pair of orange pants (ie. fully moddable) at Alderran. They are on sale for the Alderran tokens (about 12 or 14 can't remember) and, unless I find a better pair, I will stick with them until end game.


Finally! No more dress :)


Looks like we have a good option for those that don't want to wear a man skirt.


Thanks for the tip!

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I have found my first pair of orange pants (ie. fully moddable) at Alderran. They are on sale for the Alderran tokens (about 12 or 14 can't remember) and, unless I find a better pair, I will stick with them until end game.


Finally! No more dress :)


wow..and what level was that?

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currently consulars seem to only get a few pant options and LOTS of long, formal dresses, knights seemingly get all of the cool tunic, battle robe lookin stuff


I wish they would restrict knight "lower body style" to:


-really short tunic "skirts" (like in the movies and what knights where a lot on typhon)

-pants with high boots, like in the movies

-capes that attach at neck and shoulders



and then give consulars:


-the open legged hanging cloths that knights current have (with paints underneath)

-the "open front" tuxedo tail look that knights currently have (with pants underneath)

-the really long, closed, tight "formal dress" robe that some people prefer


my opinion, thats enough variety to create the visual "distinctiveness" that the devs are wanting for quick class identification. If you see anything hanging down, covering down part of the jedi's legs, then its a consular, if you see taller books or a cap, u know u are dealing with a knight.

Edited by kevshootit
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I would kill to be able to wear the robes most of the "nameless NPC" Jedi are wearing on Tython. I have a robe and ( finally! ) pants on Alderaan, but compared to the more voluminous ones from the guys on Tython, the one I wear ( from the quest chain which gives you the Black Bisector title ) seems threadbare.


I gotta get social two, so I can get the Alderaanian social outfit. ^^

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While I haven't started Early Access yet, I did play in the Thanksgiving Beta and tried every class. Personally, I think pants are more suited to Knights and Robes more suited to Consulars. I just hope Sages can have hoods and not just those god-awful helmets/headgear as seen in the Character Progression vid.


I'm a level 17 sage and I have a robe with a hood. My question where can you find any upgradeable robes/ clothes for the sages?? and whee do you get the kits from??

Edited by emoryshe
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I have a question for those who have played beta or even live at level 50.


I found some great pants and robe with hood that are fully moddable but will it be possible to keep this set even at high gear level? What I mean is can I get level 50 epic armor and pay to remove the epic modds and slot them in my level 29 pants and still have good raiding stats?


I was inspecting the rank 60 pvp gear but noticed there was no armor rating modd only the other 2 start modds. Does this mean my stats will compete but my armor rating will suffer if I plan to keep my lower level gear?


I am leveling as a tank so I prefer a pants look but will it be feasible to keep moddable gear and stay competative?


Can armor makers make epic armor rating mods to match armor of higher end raid or pvp gear?

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