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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

SWTOR lovers, don't think too harshly of people who have vented.


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Now that the free 30 days are over for people who started their free month on Dec 22nd, I expect there to be a steady decrease in heated criticisms and complaints of SWTOR on the forums. Most who find the game wanting will leave and stop caring. Others will gradually accept their fate that SWTOR is not, and may never be, what they expected. Hopefully most of the remaining players will post constructively.


I hope that players who consistently favored SWTOR do not think too harshly of the people who have complained about the game, sometimes in very strong language, over the past month. Many simply felt frustrated because they didn't know what else to do. They wanted to stay in the game, but the game is not good enough for them. Some, maybe many, paid extra money for the collector's edition or the deluxe edition, and the frustration was extra hard on them. They just wanted the game to be better for them, and the forum was the best place to do it. Ironically, they "hated" because they still cared.


I myself don't care that much. I've done my part to support BW, one of my favorite game devs. The single player portion of SWTOR is well worth the $60 price tag. I will be away from the game but keeping an eye on its development. If someday it becomes a good enough sub-based MMO for me, I will return. If not, well, diversity is always good. As long as SWTOR appeals to some players in a unique way, it would be a success. With WoW and Rift already steaming ahead, FFXIV turning around, GW2 coming, Fallout MMO a strong possibility, and who knows what else, every MMO gamer should find something for himself.


Although it has frequently felt like the opposite over the past month, there has been a lot more love than hate for BioWare and even SWTOR. Different people express themselves differently. I hope people will recognize that and carry a spirit of understanding going forward. :)

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I hope that players who consistently favored SWTOR do not think too harshly of the people who have complained about the game, sometimes in very strong language, over the past month. Many simply felt frustrated because they didn't know what else to do. They wanted to stay in the game, but the game is not good enough for them. Some, maybe many, paid extra money for the collector's edition or the deluxe edition, and the frustration was extra hard on them. They just wanted the game to be better for them, and the forum was the best place to do it. Ironically, they "hated" because they still cared.


I wish I could feel that was true for most of them, part of being human is jumping on the band wagon to feel accepted, even if the feelings of said band wagon aren't your own.

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I don't really understand how anyone didn't know what they were getting into. I mean, this game is exactly what Bioware said it would be, a standard MMO with a heavy emphasis on storytelling.


Plus everyone got to test it in November. And there were youtube videos and other leaks everywhere.

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I don't really understand how anyone didn't know what they were getting into. I mean, this game is exactly what Bioware said it would be, a standard MMO with a heavy emphasis on storytelling.


Plus everyone got to test it in November. And there were youtube videos and other leaks everywhere.


Interesting isn't it.


Then again, I didn't actually 'expect' anything. I had some theories of my own of the way they might have done things in the first year or two; but they were just theories. Knowing that they were just my own theories kept things in their proper perspective. As a result the game actually tured out a lot better than I had theorized/speculated.


Before someone says to me 'Well, so much for your theories and speculations.' - the point would be: Exactly.



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Now that the free 30 days are over for people who started their free month on Dec 22nd, I expect there to be a steady decrease in heated criticisms and complaints of SWTOR on the forums. Most who find the game wanting will leave and stop caring. Others will gradually accept their fate that SWTOR is not, and may never be, what they expected. Hopefully most of the remaining players will post constructively.






I just find it hard to take people seriously when they get that worked up over a video game.

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I wish I could feel that was true for most of them, part of being human is jumping on the band wagon to feel accepted, even if the feelings of said band wagon aren't your own.


Oh man, now it all makes sense! The reason why I think the GTN is horrible is NOT because it's horrible designed, it's because I want to feel acceptance!!! It's not because the interface of SWTOR isn't customizable, it's because I just want a place to belong to!



Thank you, I feel so enlightened, no longer will I feel frustration everytime I want to search for an item because you.have.freed.ME.

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Oh man, now it all makes sense! The reason why I think the GTN is horrible is NOT because it's horrible designed, it's because I want to feel acceptance!!! It's not because the interface of SWTOR isn't customizable, it's because I just want a place to belong to!



Thank you, I feel so enlightened, no longer will I feel frustration everytime I want to search for an item because you.have.freed.ME.


Congratulations on completely missing the point of my post.

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C...Congat... Congratulationns? I.. What is that... word? What is this I am feeling... It's like a warm buzz in my chest, my heart is pounding faster, I... Is this how it feels to be PRAISED? :sul_embarrassed:But puraisu~ is only given by those who CARE. and CARE means that I am ACCEPTED. Being ACCEPTED means I... belong? Have I found my place? Here among you all? :sul_grin:

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I don't really understand how anyone didn't know what they were getting into. I mean, this game is exactly what Bioware said it would be, a standard MMO with a heavy emphasis on storytelling.


Plus everyone got to test it in November. And there were youtube videos and other leaks everywhere.


"Standard MMO with a heavy emphasis on storytelling" can mean a lot of things to different people. For people who have only played one or two or no MMORPG before, it means almost nothing.


I concede that a lot of people, though certainly not all, got to test the game over beta weekends in November, but that was just two weekends, and one fell on Thanksgiving. I am sure anyone who found the game unappealing right away are not associated with SWTOR at all. Many issues only become evident deeper into the game: bugs, difficulty with finding a team, UI inadequate (especially the skill bar), PvP defaulting to Huttball more than any other game type, among others.


It's very easy to miss nagging problems during short exposures.

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I just find it hard to take people seriously when they get that worked up over a video game.


The purpose of this thread was to encourage people not to think too harshly of others. If you don't take them seriously, I can't imagine you think harshly if at all about them. So the thread doesn't apply to you. :)

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Congrats, you started a totally unnecessary thread.


What is your definition of a necessary thread? I am trying to spread a spirit of understanding and to reduce any personal antagonism some people may feel after reading the forums. If even one person reads this thread and feels better for it, I have accomplished my goal.


Heres the thing. They are perfectly entitled to vent on the forums if they're angry, I feel. But I'm just as entitled to point out the idiocy in that blind bashing won't fix anything.


You are indeed free to point out your opinion of them. This thread is to encourage calmer emotions, not to be evangelical about it. The world is not worse for people's disagreeing, even in very heated ways.

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C...Congat... Congratulationns? I.. What is that... word? What is this I am feeling... It's like a warm buzz in my chest, my heart is pounding faster, I... Is this how it feels to be PRAISED? :sul_embarrassed:But puraisu~ is only given by those who CARE. and CARE means that I am ACCEPTED. Being ACCEPTED means I... belong? Have I found my place? Here among you all? :sul_grin:


NOPE! BACK TO THE SPICE MINES WITH YOU! Another 10 years should wring that little bit of hope from your husk.

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Congratulations on completely missing the point of my post.


I assume the point of your original post is that a lot of people bashed SWTOR because they saw someone else bash the game and wanted to be a part of the fad? Perhaps. When a point of dissatisfaction is repeated many times, it gets hard to tell whether one is expressing legitimate concern or just copying/pasting someone else's post for the heck of it. I give them the benefit of doubt.

Edited by Satans_Chosen
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You're theory of people who have opinions will leave the game because they're criticisms haven't been addressed is preposterous.


I am missing the meaning of your post. I am sorry. If everyone with an opinion leave the game, there be nobody left. Many people whose criticisms haven't been address will leave the game or have already left, like me. Others will stay, like I said, and live with it. There is also no question that as people who complained leave, the amoung of heated criticisms on the forums will decrease. That is what I meant. I did not intend to insinuate all opinionated players will quit.

Edited by Satans_Chosen
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Interesting isn't it.


Then again, I didn't actually 'expect' anything. I had some theories of my own of the way they might have done things in the first year or two; but they were just theories. Knowing that they were just my own theories kept things in their proper perspective. As a result the game actually tured out a lot better than I had theorized/speculated.


Before someone says to me 'Well, so much for your theories and speculations.' - the point would be: Exactly.




I did the same thing. I'm certainly no expert, but I've been playing MMO's since the early days (couldn't get into EQ for some reason, was enjoying DAoC, but my internet wasn't up to snuff). I find that the greatest dissapointment is in the expectations that grow from following a game, whether it's personally percieved, or driven off of company quotes, inverviews, etc.


On the games that I think I will enjoy, I tend to take a pessimistic perspective on. i assume that they are going to be like other MMO's, with perhaps a few differences in mechanics, with a few fancy changed to make them feel different...but no world breaking, life changing stuff here. And I'm often pleasantly suprised when I start the game.


this isn't to put down anyones criticism of issues in game that need to be worked on...all games go through development and need fine tuning. But if you carefully read most the complaints, many of them stem from...expectations. the real key is to determine where the expectations are placed in solid logic/need, and where they are personal gaming desires that simply didn't get fulfilled

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Op you made some good points , I will still continue to play but I do not think the game is perfect not by a long shot .


some of the post were just so ridicules I found my self defending the game witch i never have done in any game, not only that but made it imposable for me to post anything that might be construed as negative because of the crazy threads some of the haters posted, that to me was the real issue.


I hope now we can get back to being normal and talk about the pro's and con's of the game.

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The storytelling part I'm down with, and many of us knew what we where getting involved into, however. I believe people were sold short due to the hype and forgot to think of the things that SWTOR was missing to make this an "MMO".


This game feels like a single player game now, and I'm not enjoying the feeling at all.

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I never thought bad about them, its just most of the problems they came out with were utter BS, some made good-points others just seemed to troll till their 30 days were up.


That is why i love that you cannot post on the game forums when your out of sub. At least pay when you need to unload garbage into the game Forums. No Money, no Forum , good thing.

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