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Everything posted by fainthftk

  1. After reading most of this stuf, i can only agree. I ofc roll need on stuff for my companions. They are valuable assets that work at peak performance only if equiped with the best available gear. How do i NOT need that?? I have run quite some ops/fps with a comp healer or dps. And every time they performed good due to rakata-level gear. Some people ignore their comps and just have em doing erands and wonder why they dont perform well ? Those poeple didnt even look at their actions bar nor made an attemp to configure em properly. But flame ME for equiping them properly ??
  2. This 'offspec' stuff is also awkward to me since my sole purpose to actualy DO the loot runs is to grab llot for the specific thing i want to accomplish. So if i wantet loot for my so called mainspec i would need for that , if i need stuff for my 'offspec' i would need on that. One reason i hate Raids in general because the established 'rules' are much like ongoing politics. And everyone knows how that is...
  3. I need what i need for me or my companions, at least the one im outfitting ATM. Charname is Fainth if any of your guys want to put me on a ****list be welcome, saves me time to sort out the gearfreaks/loottalkers/discussionwhores. If i do FPs for outfitting my toons(and the comps directly belonging to them) its my time wasted as anyone elses when i cant roll need on the stuff i am doing the run for in the first place.
  4. That would be me then, i roll need on stuff that my toon or one of my crew can use and would improve it. Also i just dont answer to mile long discussion about it. Its useless. I need what i need and dont let others define what that would be. Usualy i just take what drops on my feet.
  5. Well most ablities i use i can spec them to be not so bad hit by push back. But still an able melee can drop my DPS by quite a bit. In a 1v1 i have quite some means to get rid of melee attackers, but in the average WZs these skills are gone quickly and the next best melee on my head has the upper hand. Most of the time i try to keep my trooper buddys clean by engaging their melee monkeys. Crossfire is an effective way to solve that.
  6. ^this is what gives me trouble, beein forced to stand in one place to get my grav rounds going. I vote for grav round beeing no channel but instant hit. The moment peeps realize i spam it, i have my personal buddy running around, kicking me in the nuts every time i stop to get my stuff going. Ofc only if the opposition is kinda organized, if not i just rip their armor apart and watch my mates shredding em. Because actualy its the others that take advantage of my debuffing big time.
  7. funny is how you can see where people are coming from. AoC peeps tend to spin around like whirls. WoW peeps just run up to you and start whacking till someone falls over. DCUO guys behave like playing a FPS.
  8. That is why i love that you cannot post on the game forums when your out of sub. At least pay when you need to unload garbage into the game Forums. No Money, no Forum , good thing.
  9. How would that help ? Russians do not automaticaly spam general in their cryptic stuff, same as other people dont althou they could. Same as ayou i dont want to have my chat custerd up with strange symbols, but you imply they would just end up doing it. For the few peeps that cross it, ignore works well.
  10. So , ermm .. peope are already asking WHEN, i did not even read somewhere IF theres anything in the works or will be in the works. Its like asking, 'Pink ponys... when?'
  11. Its not like my scoundrel is now unplayable, instead i have to hit my target once more (or twice) still its a thing to get used to. It was hot knife throu butter, now its just a knife. Manageable. I have more trouble with suddenly uncloaking while my abilities are not ready yet. alot more troublesome than those 30% ish change, certainly feels more than 20%. Dont have math to explain nor the numbers taken down.
  12. Yeah same here,i loaded upthe area, i just jumpend on the speeder to enter the game and the timer stops not upon exiting the dropship but somewhere on the way, enough time to kick me out of the match .. meh
  13. Problem is , beein an Operative doesnt need 20 sec to kill my target. or i would need l2p. i an fire off 3 attacks after opener easily before my target gets back on the feet alone. That sure helps in 1v1. 2v1 you gotta jam one while eliminating 1 opponent (easy) and then turn it on the 2nd whos resolve is 70% by then (not so much easy), but dooable i figure out how to most certainly kill 1 target before he is responsive. But i know Operatives who do it regularly. playing a commando i usualy hit my anti then ice block him to get away then stims then run for it if i can jam his movement. still leaves me at a 45% and him almost full hp. think some tuning is in order. i know its about group pvp but the counter to a class should not be 'bring an army, he cannot stun-kill ALL of em'
  14. i thought mod stations server absolutely no purpose and are just fluff to the world, like trees, baskets..
  15. car vs. banana? Besides that both are computer games thers not much in common. next.
  16. Its not about the count of slots. its about usabilty of those. nobody wants to fight the controls more then the opponents. also the haggling while outfitting your companion on the shop while selling junk/equip that requires you to switch around windows like a flip-jockey is retarded. if you like this UI you have not seen anything good in a while. quick reactions matter alot in some situations, and try react quick with you hands chained down on your back, trying to controls the keyboard with your nose. i guess that would be next step to this UI in place.
  17. I am with this one. Also need a way to identify people that just pull the plug to avoid it. Peolpe with a bad connection might end up with a short straw. Then again why would they play anyway.
  18. actualy this UI is far too static, i want more windows open to manage my stuff. this UI looks very much like a console UI.
  19. Well if you think something else would yield higher profit, why bothering with slicing ?
  20. you would have a point IF the product would have that aspect as offerd, but it does not. respec is there and to be used as is. you read like 'hey i paid for that car, so i want it with 5 wheels damn it!' ofc the car works fine with 4 and is deliverd with just as much.
  21. Sound like a job? We are talking about playing computer games with random internet people right ? That statement reads like the need to see mental care...
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