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Will lack of innovation REALLY hurt this game success?


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This is not like wow .just be quiet.


UI, class design, art style (cartoony style nods at WoW's success), trinity, flightpoints are the same, menu interface is the same, guild interface is the same, PVP grouping functionality is the same.

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What the title says.


I know I probably will get a lot of "no" because this place being rampant with fanboys, but I think similarities to WoW will hurt this game for a lot of people.


They innovated for the Early Access and see how folks are responding to that. :D Nah, this game is going to be fine unless they totally screw the post launch bug fixes and content.

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What the title says.


I know I probably will get a lot of "no" because this place being rampant with fanboys, but I think similarities to WoW will hurt this game for a lot of people.


In all honesty innovation is why most games fail. People want the same old thing.

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What did Blizzard ever do that's so innovative? They made a ton of money by stealing ideas that worked well in other games. This isn't to knock Blizzard; they were pretty smart about which ideas they used and made a wildly successful game.


If Bioware can take a known IP, the attention to story which BW has been doing for a long time, and then take a page from Blizz's book and pick and choose elements from other MMOs that work for them then I'm not going to complain.

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What the title says.


I know I probably will get a lot of "no" because this place being rampant with fanboys, but I think similarities to WoW will hurt this game for a lot of people.


WoW's lack of innovation certainly didn't seem to hurt it but, Blizzard's game has been the anomaly in the genre in many ways.


*shrug* Hard to say really.


BUT, one thing I will comment on is the "similarities to WoW" thing ... WoW was far from the first MMO and WoW was certainly NOT revolutionary in the game it released.


Questing, leveling, action bars, talent trees/specs, small group content, larger group content, pvp, crafting, in-game economy with auction house type mechanic ... all been done before numerous times.


It may get compared to WoW because that's some/many folks most recent play experience BUT the same was true when people jumped from Asheron's Call2, SWG, DAoC or any host of other games to WoW.


I think as long as BioWare stays on track with updating the game with new content and adding improvements to the game, they will be fine for a good while to come.

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I just hope they will add some content/functions to space battle/travel. This would be really nice change. And... you know, they still have time, its not even 20 dec. And WoW is here for about... really don't know, but many years.


But true, if they will only add MORE (more battlezones, more flashpoints etc) things, instead of NEW things... it will be just another MMO, in SW universe.

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What the title says.


I know I probably will get a lot of "no" because this place being rampant with fanboys, but I think similarities to WoW will hurt this game for a lot of people.


No, because it innovates when it comes to the narrative. Sure the story is cheesy at times, but to put something like that in an MMO is groundbreaking.

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These threads are so 3 months ago :rolleyes: that being said, as long as there aren't any major blunders on the part of Bioware and EA ..this game will do just fine if only for the fact that it is Star Wars ...doesn't matter what other mmos come out or have come out...they're not Star Wars and that just about does it for a lot of people. That being said the game itself is pretty good too so that of course helps.
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What the title says.


I know I probably will get a lot of "no" because this place being rampant with fanboys, but I think similarities to WoW will hurt this game for a lot of people.


WoW is a generic MMO, So is TOR. thats it. WoW was not the first and TOR wont be the last.


If you want hack and slash CoD style(I can do everything) MMOs, GW2 is for that. But if you want the trinity system where groups need to work together with seperate skills. TOR is that model.

Edited by DigitalPrime
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