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PvP - Players and Companions in Open World Combat


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So, this is a simple question for those of the PvP Community in regards to players with companions in Open World PvP. This also stems from my own personal concerns in relation to the situation. Additionally, I apologize in advance if this has been suggested in the past.

  1. What is the general consensus about going head-to-head with another player and their companion in the open world?
  2. Is there a certain element of honor and/or personal skill lost when everyone seems to have a companion following them around?
  3. Do companions feel like a handicap that takes away from the essence of true one-on-one displays of a players personal capability?
  4. Does it really still suggest which player is superior with the presence of AI assistance?
  5. Ultimately in the end, is open world PvP with companions truly rewarding at all when these aspects are considered?

I'm just curious how you feel about this. Thank you.




(My separate personal opinion:


I ask this question because I was heavily considering on joining a PvP server with fellow friends. As time progressed [to present day] more and more questions were answered about SWTOR and companions in general. As a result I had practically lost all of my personal vigor to PvP at all. That is, to join a PvP server and to PvP outside a Warzone.


Maybe I'm not as "hardcore" as some others that PvP for thrill. But I prefer a certain level of decorum and personal refrain from camping and griefing. My idea of PvP is to engage in combat, win or lose, and regardless of outcome, proceed to move on. I think after the first kill or death that the point was made... That is unless, they want to bring their friends and make a war out of it [minus the companions]. Then happy hunting.)

Edited by Kerduk
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I think after the first kill or death that the point was made...


Summon Medical droid and kill the player who just killed you. Simple as that. The only time I have died in OWPVP is when I was out numbered or jumped while attacking a mob. So I resurrect and take part of the group with me or just kill the person who needs mob help to kill another player.


In Beta companions mostly just stood there dumbfounded. Except the healing ones which seemed to work marginally better.

Edited by Grey_Knight
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What's wrong with having companions fight also? We all get the same types of companions (tank, dps, healer). They are essentially hunter pets from WoW, and I don't see anything wrong with your pets being able to participate.


Because someone sometime got butt hurt because they were using the wrong companion when they attacked someone that just turned around and stepped on their face.

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