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Fix Server Imbalance By:


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Allowing level 50 empire to switch to republic for free.


Implement some stupid class quest restart, alignment requirement, anything you want, just do it.


Or maybe people should stop asking for easy mode solutions.


So your server is imbalanced? Go to another server and make a new character. It doesn't take that long to level up in this game and I'm sure that later this year there will be character transfers available. If you still worry that much you can get your character transferred.


A new MMO always has some of these issues. If you really don't want to deal with that, don't play a game from release but wait a few months and then check the game status before you choose your server.


Now, about your suggestion.


If Imperials can switch to republic for free. What if too many switch and the balance tips the other way?

What if an Imperial switches and doesn't like the counter class? A BH is not the same as a Trooper for example.

Who says that enough Imperials actually want to switch sides?


I fear your solution is too simplistic and I would like to see how you answer these 3 questions first.

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Or maybe people should stop asking for easy mode solutions.


So your server is imbalanced? Go to another server and make a new character. It doesn't take that long to level up in this game and I'm sure that later this year there will be character transfers available. If you still worry that much you can get your character transferred.


A new MMO always has some of these issues. If you really don't want to deal with that, don't play a game from release but wait a few months and then check the game status before you choose your server.


Now, about your suggestion.


If Imperials can switch to republic for free. What if too many switch and the balance tips the other way?

What if an Imperial switches and doesn't like the counter class? A BH is not the same as a Trooper for example.

Who says that enough Imperials actually want to switch sides?


I fear your solution is too simplistic and I would like to see how you answer these 3 questions first.



RE server imbalance: Easy once its reaches close to parity close the offer off so its a decent split on a server.


RE Dislike: A person who decides to switch needs to evaluate the decision properly and some like me would change no affiliation to any guild. Its an option Bioware really needs to think about or PVP will be an albatross around its neck. At least give the individual a choice if they want to change if not then PVP on that server is finished.


RE: Choice: If people do not balance a server out then PVP on that server is dead. Also as i mentioned before some would change.


Answer me this why should i have to spend another month or 2 levelling a character up on another server. I do not have the time maybe you have to play the game. As tbh i got roughly 56 days on my card left i can not see myself buying another card after that especially with GW2 on the horizon and Diablo 3 which should get an official release date this week or next.

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Yeah. You OP do EXACLY what BW did. You think about features but YOU DON'T THINK about consequences.

I rolled empire not because I was forced to but because being empire is much more fun.


Let me describe it in short way.


~ nice ships (look at the imperial)

~ great skills (death from above, backstab, lightning, Vaders force choke etc)

~ great items (black or dark red hooded robes with masks, armor with all cool stuff on it etc like ones that bounty hunter use or jedi knight, black coats and stuff for agent)

~ nice storytelling (want to be Dark Vader ? roll as warrior, want to be Boba Fet ? roll as Hunter)

~ big advantage in PVP (agent is best example - it will kill you before you do anything to him)



~ only ship that don't look like crap is one Smuggler use (Han solo right ?)

~ bad skills. Some people do lightning and what consular do ? throw dirt... smuggler kick in the groin and soldier just shot some lausy granade while I'm firing rockets with smoke and ****

~ crappy items (troopers always look the same, no nice masks etc, smuggler at least have coat)

~ bad storytelling - you are stupid and cruel or naive and good. Empire choices are usually better. And only iconic character is smuggler

~ disadvantage on PVP


Obvious choice. Empire was designed better. And people like to roll evil because its much more fun. It was obvious from the start but developers didn't think a minute how to make Republic worth playing.

It's just my opinion but loot of people think the same. Add to this that empire side on many servers is empty and people are quiting from the game and you know already. For last week I played only ONCE different warzone than hutball :/ My brother play only hutball right now because there is no republic on server.

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Yeah. You OP do EXACLY what BW did. You think about features but YOU DON'T THINK about consequences.

I rolled empire not because I was forced to but because being empire is much more fun.


Let me describe it in short way.


~ nice ships (look at the imperial)

~ great skills (death from above, backstab, lightning, Vaders force choke etc)

~ great items (black or dark red hooded robes with masks, armor with all cool stuff on it etc like ones that bounty hunter use or jedi knight, black coats and stuff for agent)

~ nice storytelling (want to be Dark Vader ? roll as warrior, want to be Boba Fet ? roll as Hunter)

~ big advantage in PVP (agent is best example - it will kill you before you do anything to him)



~ only ship that don't look like crap is one Smuggler use (Han solo right ?)

~ bad skills. Some people do lightning and what consular do ? throw dirt... smuggler kick in the groin and soldier just shot some lausy granade while I'm firing rockets with smoke and ****

~ crappy items (troopers always look the same, no nice masks etc, smuggler at least have coat)

~ bad storytelling - you are stupid and cruel or naive and good. Empire choices are usually better. And only iconic character is smuggler

~ disadvantage on PVP


Obvious choice. Empire was designed better. And people like to roll evil because its much more fun. It was obvious from the start but developers didn't think a minute how to make Republic worth playing.

It's just my opinion but loot of people think the same. Add to this that empire side on many servers is empty and people are quiting from the game and you know already. For last week I played only ONCE different warzone than hutball :/ My brother play only hutball right now because there is no republic on server.


Explain to me what this has to do with pvp imbalance.

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Explain to me what this has to do with pvp imbalance.


I described cause not solution. Here what happened:

~ Empire is better designed and because of that people roll more often to empire

~ Because lack of people in Republic side - Empire outnumber Republic

~ People from Republic reroll as Empire because they don't want to get their asses kicked all the time



~ class are mirrored and they allow you to play as tank, healer or dps. But they put it in game last minute and there are better and worst healer. Better and worst tanks and dps. So if you take class like Trooper and try to play it like it's dps or healer - you will fail. I kill healer troopers all the time in PVP as example with Bounty Hunter Mercenary that is played exacly as designed - DPS.

And there is a loot of small difference like different cooldowns on CC etc.


How to fix PVP imbalance ?

REDESIGN REPUBLIC TO MAKE THEM LITTLE COOLER and take care of that cooldowns. If I can keep enemy debuffed or stunned longer time that my mirrored class then there is something wrong. It is good ONLY if other class have more health than me or better damage output.


And at this point Bioware will NOT redesign entire republic. And because of that there will be ALWAYS PVP imbalance in Empire favor. Nerfing Empire have no point because that would cause trouble for PVE. And boosting Republic can end bad if they overdo it.




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~ nice storytelling (want to be Dark Vader ? roll as warrior, want to be Boba Fet ? roll as Hunter)

~ big advantage in PVP (agent is best example - it will kill you before you do anything to him)


~ bad storytelling - you are stupid and cruel or naive and good. Empire choices are usually better. And only iconic character is smuggler

~ disadvantage on PVP



Just addressing these two since my opinion seems to vary the farthest from yours here.


The Jedi storyline is much more "real" feeling than the Sith one unless you are role playing some kind of Dr. Evil/ Hitler personality. Hur Dur darkside Emp kill everyone even when it's counterproductive to the end goal of the stated mission. The Jedi/Republic interaction just feels less forced than the Sith/Empire one. There are situations on light Jedi where you do some counter productive things compared to the war goals, but it feels more like a real decision a person in charge would make if he were human and normal. Both sides are good stories overall, darkside Sith just feels like you are trolling most of the game.


The lvl 50 Repub version of agent (gunslinger?) was 2 shotting people before the Agent was, my poor Sorc couldn't live long enough to get the name of the class. They are also a one trick pony (think old 3 minute mages in WoW). Once you figure out they are in the game and save your stun break for them, you can make them give up killing you and have them running for momma if you have any pvp gear at all. Main difference in pvp abilities really seems to be flow. Have a sage and a sorc, sorc feels like a little more up front burst but he also feels a lot more like paper. The abilities of the sage flow together better for a sustained fight imo.


The real easy solution is if people really really hate huttball, and really really think it's imbalanced then reroll. People that play MMO's do so for years and you don't lose that much compared to the life of the account being 1 month and a couple weeks in. Playing easy mode empire on an imbalaced server (or republic on some servers) is for people that can't hack a challenge. Needing some kind of freebie to go for a challenge is just silly. Gamers that don't challenge themselves aren't really "gaming".


If Bioware were to put something in place other than selective server merges and faction balance caps I think it would need to be something game wide outside of Warzones to penalize and bring a challenge back to rolling the over populated side. Say stacking endurance and/or primary damage stat debuff realm wide, this would not be in effect during warzones. Whether it should affect FPs and Ops I'm torn on. I think if it did it would really motivate people to keep the sides balanced (with a warning during character creation, and a trasfer option to that same side of another server for current characters), but it brings in the question of how much should the imbalanced side be penalized.

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Explain to me what this has to do with pvp imbalance.


People roll the cooler side, hence the Imps numbers are far greater. I myself am rolling Imp characters and I pvp with them a lot more, because my eyes don't hurt from the ****** Republic animations and bad armor design.

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