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Quote your Inquisitor! (possible minor spoilers)


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Part of the quest when your interrogating the prisoner on korriban


SI: I want you to sing:

Guy: Wait, are you serious <goes on and sings in a low quiet tone>

Guy: Sorry im a lil nervous

SI: Sing Louder! (Shoots Lighting)

Edited by Targost
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When you procure your lightsaber (I think) from that chick on Nar Shaddaa, you have an option to shock her in the conversation, and the last [shock] goes something like:'


"Oh, I almost forgot, before I go [shock]"


^ this

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Paraphrasing from memory


Darth Skotia (sp?): Are you insane or do you have a death wish?


SI: If you think this is bad, you should meet my other personality.


When asked by some random guys on how Lord Zash was at the party but killed Skotia, he explains it thus:


SI:"Well, first she got a droid, then a wig.."


Sadly, they didn't let him finish.


(For those wondering, I play my SI as a lightside adorkable semi-coward)

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When you procure your lightsaber (I think) from that chick on Nar Shaddaa, you have an option to shock her in the conversation, and the last [shock] goes something like:'


"Oh, I almost forgot, before I go [shock]"


lol thats been deffo one of my favs :D

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  • 2 years later...

Two of my favourites.


From Balmorra talking to the un-defected scientist.

SCIENTIST: "You kidnapped me away from the Republic so you could go skinny-dipping in a toxic waste pit?

INQUISITOR: A Sith's got to have some way to unwind.


And from Nar Shaddaa when talking to the girl helping you to establish your own cult.

"I don't know. I think on a scale of one to self obsessed I rate pretty highly."

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*Rather serious* I'd prefer to execute you myself, but the cave in will suffice. *rather cheerful!* Good bye.


Edit; Also...just reading this thread makes me want to make another evil Sorc, just so I can enjoy all the bits of dialogue again (i leveled my first one up at release :B), like when I got my family lightsaber. Shock, shock, shock, shock "Please stop shocking me!" Shock!

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Near the end of the Korfriban quests, Zash informs Harkun and I of how the final trial can be completed. Harkun had sent Ffon ahead before learning this information. and my choice has her (my SI) saying: "Oops, Ffon's in trouble."
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I can't remember the exact line but it was in the Academy at.. hmm level 5 ish and it made me howl!


She was confronted by the Pure Bloods minions and threatened to which the terse reply was:


"Get out of my way... Or I'll smash your face in!"


The nuance of the delivery, the very British home counties accent and the dead pan tone was awesome. It's the only time she has ever said it. Priceless. I wish that it was used in other select situations too.

Edited by Golgulok
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  • 3 weeks later...

To Val, "I AM your master. Get used to it".


I wonder if some of the quotes are more or less amusing depending on the sex? I've started a male Inquisitor a time or two but immediately delete him because he just doesn't compare to the haughty female Briton.

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To Val, "I AM your master. Get used to it".


I wonder if some of the quotes are more or less amusing depending on the sex? I've started a male Inquisitor a time or two but immediately delete him because he just doesn't compare to the haughty female Briton.


As somebody mentioned it at the beginning of this thread, most of the lines are just so much better when uttered by the female toon. As a matter of fact, the female voicing is so much superior that BW should consider removing the male version from the game...

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  • 2 weeks later...

It's a male Sorcerer, but this quote is too precious to leave out...


Upon turning in a bunch of quests on Tatooine, including the one by the crash site with all those Jedi......


"There's nothing like an afternoon of slaughtering Jedi to really make one feel alive!"




Peace is a lie ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...
There was a quote very early on in Makeb where you find a radio and the voice who gives you your first few missions asks who you are. There was a dialogue option where SI basically pulls a Darkwing Duck when he talks about being the terror that flaps in the night. Can anybody help me out? I can't seem to find it.
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There was a quote very early on in Makeb where you find a radio and the voice who gives you your first few missions asks who you are. There was a dialogue option where SI basically pulls a Darkwing Duck when he talks about being the terror that flaps in the night. Can anybody help me out? I can't seem to find it.


"I am a lord of the sith empire! I am the darkness that consumes! Be assured that nothing will escape." I believe that was it.


I like the male voice personally, but usually more serious rather than goofy. The classy snark can be pretty good, and i'd say I like it the same as the female's voice. Although the female is certainly more menacing and scheming in it's approach usually, while the male inquisitor is just less quiet and stronger spoken, generally. Holds more power in his voice, but as I said I usually prefer a more serious male inquisitor, more monotonous, with the occasional snark here and there just overall more not a focus.


My favorites-


"Not long ago I was but a slave... now I have a fleet behind me."


"I am a sith apprentice! Show some respect or i'll smash your face in." just made be lol


"Thousands of eyes hiding in the dark, terrifying the unwary... what's not to like?"


"You're about to burn, little cyborg...how do your parts handle electricity?" was perfect and held a good point since Ukabi should be vulnerable


A lot of lines from it are quite creative. Just the way it is said generally fits the voice, male or female. In their own ways.

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  • 3 weeks later...

The one that will ALWAYS leave a place in my cold, ebon-pumping heart, is when you're on Dromund Kaas and you meet a robot with a restraining bolt while trying to get the turret plans.


"Somebody stop me! Someone please stop me!"


"You're a big droid, stop yourself."


I know that line is multi-character, but his voice just makes me roll over laughing.

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