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It's time to address the imbalance issue BioWare


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It has an advantage because of PLAYER CHOICE, not because of developer intent. Imbalances on Ilum? Did you completely skip the part where I stated most of us who have rerolled on PvP servers are most likely 25-40?


Remind me again how long this game has been out? A month right? ONE month, correct?


And you're already saying that BW needs to come out with content specifically for one side? Really? That they need to adjust rates because, out of the course of the initial subscribers, that there is an imbalance? Seriously? And the fact that you're apparently not open to discussion on the topic. Keeping the attitude of "It's my way or nothing" is rather ignorant, don't you think?


Think things through buddy, and think hard. This game cost how much money to make? Upwards of 200m USD right? And you're already saying that they need to come out with FACTION specific content, due to imbalance? No, they don't need to. This is how balance works. Either get use to it or move on.


Good thing you're not a developer. Your game would die instantly.

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Making assumptions =/= making an argument. Good try though. With as many alts as you have, you have played more than me.


Get a life.


BAhahahahaha you're hilarious. Obviously, you like mirrors because all you did was deflect/reflect exactly what I said about you...goon one ;)


I don't assume anything. I just make statement with blatant disregard for obvious reasons...


although guess what I wrote rang a bit of truth for you to reply ... like I said: Quit.


we don't need you in the Republic.

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Good thing you're not a developer. Your game would die instantly.


No reasoning behind your post eh? No counter arguments? I see you can't provide any arguments to support your side after the negatives of your ideas are pointed out. Glad you're not a developer, because with the way you want BW to throw money around for developing content specifically for one side after the first month of release due to imbalance is just childish, ignorant, and jumping the gun way too early. Once you take your argument to WAR, stating that it helped is where I knew you had absolutely no idea of how balance works.


It's a proven fact that doing nothing pisses people off, but giving one side a clear advantage to the other does not infact promote rerolling, it induces anger in the opposite side, frustration, which would lead to people quitting. You NEVER do that, ever.


Please, next time you make a thread where a discussion can take place over balance, bring valid points to an argument and try not to deviate to "No you're wrong, I'm right."


This was NOT caused by BW, this was caused by the players. The players; therefore should fix the problem.


Good day. :)

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Good thing you're not a developer. Your game would die instantly.


Now whose making "***-sumptions" ... I agree with the guy you disagreed with. You obviously are yet another complaining republic who can't understand why things are not automatically what you want when you want the way you want...because of people like you we will have unnecessary "nerfing" which leads to even more ****** game play...and then you will quit because it's still not the perfection that are your "ideas" ... jeeze now I am thinking about rolling Empire just because of you. What server are you on?


BTW my server seems to be balancing out day by day.


Well, I a done...soon I will wake the monster that is moderation / censorship and that's never fun. "add something productive"


Here is my productive comment "Quit". wait a few months while playing another game which has more of what you declare is "mandatory balance"...


Jeeze and I rolled Republic for the challenge...

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Now whose making "***-sumptions" ... I agree with the guy you disagreed with. You obviously are yet another complaining republic who can't understand why things are not automatically what you want when you want the way you want...because of people like you we will have unnecessary "nerfing" which leads to even more ****** game play...and then you will quit because it's still not the perfection that are your "ideas" ... jeeze now I am thinking about rolling Empire just because of you. What server are you on?


BTW my server seems to be balancing out day by day.


Well, I a done...soon I will wake the monster that is moderation / censorship and that's never fun. "add something productive"


Here is my productive comment "Quit". wait a few months while playing another game which has more of what you declare is "mandatory balance"...


Jeeze and I rolled Republic for the challenge...


Couldn't have said it better myself. +1.


Edit: To post something a bit more constructive as to avoid just being marked as a troll or censored for not bringing anything to the discussion, some of us enjoy the challenge that imbalance brings. I personally like being on the underdog side, which is why I play Rep.


Earlier today some friends and I were on Tatt, we gathered a Ops group and raided the Imp Mandalorian base and took it over. We did this with 9 people, and were outnumbered by almost double that. Of course, we had to avoid the level 50 guards at the speeder port, but that wasn't hard as those are the only 50 guards there. Every other guard is 30. We kicked the crap out of them for a good 2 hours and it was fun as hell, AND we were outnumbered. You don't need to be endgame to enjoy PvP, or anything of the sort.


Balance will happen with time. Stop rushing to conclusions.

Edited by zomgprophett
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Especially since even the slowest leveler is 50 at this point.


Quit making dumb arguments that don't hold any weight. As for re-rolling, I don't want to make the imbalance worse than it already is, but I know common sense isn't your strong suit.



I am not at 50 yet and I was in pre-release...


I do have 3 alts lvl 20 or lower, and I pvp. I just want to enjoy the game and take it all in.


I feel like maybe you are just stirring the pot to get a reaction out of people as you take a massive cry baby dump on anyone who decides to disagree with you in any way.


If you are serious, when you rage quit can I have your stuff?

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Kind of weird the OP doesn't include introducing faction population caps to Ilum, considering that's the most sensible solution.


Completely agree. Ilum should have a population cap for each faction, so there's at least a chance you can get the numbers to match what the opponents have, perhaps even a ratio cap that starts after a certain threshold of total players is hit.


Also, as much as I'd like to see something that attempts to in some way fix the faction population imbalance... Simply making the republic not suck would be a good start.


Bland Story.

Bland Aesthetics.

Bland Ability Effects.


Why would someone choose to shower their opponent with pebbles, when they can blast them with lightning?


I used to play Republic, and decided to try a Sith Juggernaut simply because I think they look awesome in the armor progression videos. I instantly fell in love with the story, the voice acting, the environment... my 32 Commando has been shelved ever since.


Maybe if they actually gave players the kind of choice we're used to in previous Bioware RPG's. I shouldn't be forced to use a certain lightsaber type because of my class, just like how you could use force lightning in KOTOR 1 and 2 regardless of your dark/light side.


i'll stop rambling now...

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Ignoring a faction completely will piss them off more. WAR still has a good number of subscribers as well.


Have you played WAR? It is a shadow of itself from Launch. Back in Launch the servers were actual WARZONES. Praag was on fire filled with the corpses of dead player characters and there wasn't one place you could find a massive ugly battle.




Fast foward now where you see one or two fortresses being attacked.... The servers went from what.... 51 servers to 4.......




Lets put that in perspective... THEY STARTED WITH 51 US SERVERS.... The now only have 4.

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I have a level 50 assassin on Port Nowhere. Got to 50 and saw the patch 1.1. Have not played on the empire side since. Rerolling a scoundrel (even through the dumb nerf) to play the underdog and feel a sense of pirde for my faction. While i must say the empire has it better (better looking armor, BW biast ie. dirty kick, easier planets i find) i wanted to play the Republic becasue the Empire just sucks! BW better add some of the stuff you and many other suggested or GW2 here i come.
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Funny I played "vanilla (as the kids are calling it these days)" world of warcraft back in the day before it got ridiculous and remember being one of the few horde in a mass of "good guy" alliance...


<3 someone else who actually PLAYED WoW and not this new age crap of cata players who think they know everything......


people concintrate on what they think looks the coolest and most fun, great example look at the original WoW trailer, which looks cooler to play horde or allaince: Alliance and there was an unbalanced ratio in favor of the allaince. Most people dont 'try out' multiple chars on both sides to see what they like best till later, they stick with 1-2 chars who they think will be fun from what they see


also gonna bounce this to some other points:


1) who ever mentioned that gear ISNT the issue right now you are full of some big ****. yes once we all have pvp gear there isnt much an issue but when 1 side is full of people in more pvp gear then the other in this game that IS THE ISSUE!


Let me explain to you how expertise works: the more of it you have the harder you hit and the less dmg you take. so if you have more gear then me you have increased dmg output and what dmg i should be doing to you is now reduced. as you get more exp faster then me this gap increases even more. how this happens/ed is because more sith got geared up prior to 1.1 since, yes, there were more sith 50s so the imblance started there and leads to point #2


2) if you are winning games you are probably getting 100+ commidations (or atleast i was before 1.1), now when i win maybe 2-3 games a day out of 10+ im only getting 500-600 commidations a day, so im not finishing my dailies since ilum is a ****fest for Rep (lost 2 bags there about every other day not counting the ones from commidations). Welcome to the reduction in the amount of gear i can get compared to an Imp who hit 50 at the same time as me. and this leads to #3


3) frustration of Rep pvpers, there have been many times i quit pvping cause i just spent 2-3 hours without a single win..... go do that and tell me if you are having fun and want to continue pvping which is the only way to help myself in pvp


solution for pvp:

give us any way to help fill the gap of not having ANY expertise to those with a lot so it can be fair with the side inbalance, you fix the WZ ilum wont really matter at such an early stage in the game

Edited by AngelicFrosty
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I just wanted to pvp a little on my Jedi... The queue took an age so I did a /who 50... 19 lvl 50 players online, most of them idling on the fleet.

Ok, go check the imp side with my lowlvl BH... 93 lvl 50s online, many of them being in Huttball.


So, could the imp side please stop complaining about queues and Huttball now? At least you can do pvp whenever you want, while we don't even get 10 players to even start a WZ.

I died a little inside and logged off...





Same Server obv.

Edited by Gunfox
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this thread has to be a joke, because Empire is supposedly stalling your progression in PvP you want them to give you freebies? thats your answer? you should probably roll on a PvE server if so. get off your butt, get a group and go earn some valor, its competitive and fun, much more so than crying for handouts. they've already stated that people who abused acquiring valor in ilum will have the majority of those points deducted, thats bad enough considering Republic were getting outplayed and instead of fighting back came here to ask for freebies.
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this thread has to be a joke, because Empire is supposedly stalling your progression in PvP you want them to give you freebies? thats your answer? you should probably roll on a PvE server if so. get off your butt, get a group and go earn some valor, its competitive and fun, much more so than crying for handouts. they've already stated that people who abused acquiring valor in ilum will have the majority of those points deducted, thats bad enough considering Republic were getting outplayed and instead of fighting back came here to ask for freebies.



Outplayed? Ah you mean they did not have the ability to overcome the massive population imbalance?

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this thread has to be a joke, because Empire is supposedly stalling your progression in PvP you want them to give you freebies? thats your answer? you should probably roll on a PvE server if so. get off your butt, get a group and go earn some valor, its competitive and fun, much more so than crying for handouts. they've already stated that people who abused acquiring valor in ilum will have the majority of those points deducted, thats bad enough considering Republic were getting outplayed and instead of fighting back came here to ask for freebies.


1 Rep facing 4-5 Imps... Clearly outplayed, you are a genius Sir. I bet you're playing imp.

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Completely agree. Ilum should have a population cap for each faction, so there's at least a chance you can get the numbers to match what the opponents have, perhaps even a ratio cap that starts after a certain threshold of total players is hit.


Also, as much as I'd like to see something that attempts to in some way fix the faction population imbalance... Simply making the republic not suck would be a good start.


Bland Story.

Bland Aesthetics.

Bland Ability Effects.


Why would someone choose to shower their opponent with pebbles, when they can blast them with lightning?


I used to play Republic, and decided to try a Sith Juggernaut simply because I think they look awesome in the armor progression videos. I instantly fell in love with the story, the voice acting, the environment... my 32 Commando has been shelved ever since.


Maybe if they actually gave players the kind of choice we're used to in previous Bioware RPG's. I shouldn't be forced to use a certain lightsaber type because of my class, just like how you could use force lightning in KOTOR 1 and 2 regardless of your dark/light side.


i'll stop rambling now...


The problem with this like pretty much all of the replies explaining "why there are more empire players" is this is an opinion. Opinions are great, but also like they saying goes "Opinions are like *** holes, everybody has one but usually they are full of ****" or something like that...


I play PvP Republic Trooper Vanguard and Jedi Counselor ... while, yes I do not wear my "condom hat" visually. I do wear my entire fully decked out Trooper Outfit looking like a pimp. Bounty Hunters be looking like rip off Bobba Fetts while I be rocking the original Clone Trooper styles... Opinion. I enjoy my troopers look more than most of my other toons. Opinion. I like throwing random junk including (which still has me laughing out loud) the droid i manifested out of nowhere! ... Lightning... pfft. I'll take my "pebbles" ty.


Now, I do love flame throwers and I do love rockets. But I also love plasma volts, and I also love grenade launching. Yeah, *********** Grenade launching!


Admittedly they should (and I have 100% faith will) work out the kinks on animation times but that is what the new "global cool down" is all about they are reworking times. Sure it's annoying but once you (provided you are a person of skill) get used to it and "oh, dear lord" adapt (what real PvP is about) it's not so bad. And from a republic side of things...my BH expanded CD's made my Vanguards delays look good aka "balanced". Opinion.


So How's this for "constructive" OP? ... all of you need to consider this is a new born game and nothing is EVER going to fit your "ideas" of "perfection" especially when people like you seriously make the republic look less fun to play (because nobody like to play with blowhards who are "always" right [a sad sign of how your team work ethics must be])


So, I'll keep pimping it with my Trooper and you can all enjoy your useless complaining about things that will eventually be fixed...weather or not you have the patience for.


Oh yeah, and so far Havoc Squad has a much cooler story line than "the Great Hunt". Opinion.

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I can't remember if it was Rift or Aion, but one of those two had a system in place at launch where if the population balance became greater than 52-48 or something like that it would lock down character creation for the larger race. I'm loving the leveling stories and pve stuff but it just baffles me how Bioware didn't stea.. err copy ideas that work from the other top tier mmos that came before it.


I also agree that Troopers are the only class on the Republic side that clearly looks cooler than the BH counterpart, the Death from Above advantage is unfortunate but my trooper is only for pve so whatever.

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The problem with this like pretty much all of the replies explaining "why there are more empire players" is this is an opinion. Opinions are great, but also like they saying goes "Opinions are like *** holes, everybody has one but usually they are full of ****" or something like that...


I play PvP Republic Trooper Vanguard and Jedi Counselor ... while, yes I do not wear my "condom hat" visually. I do wear my entire fully decked out Trooper Outfit looking like a pimp. Bounty Hunters be looking like rip off Bobba Fetts while I be rocking the original Clone Trooper styles... Opinion. I enjoy my troopers look more than most of my other toons. Opinion. I like throwing random junk including (which still has me laughing out loud) the droid i manifested out of nowhere! ... Lightning... pfft. I'll take my "pebbles" ty.


Now, I do love flame throwers and I do love rockets. But I also love plasma volts, and I also love grenade launching. Yeah, *********** Grenade launching!


Admittedly they should (and I have 100% faith will) work out the kinks on animation times but that is what the new "global cool down" is all about they are reworking times. Sure it's annoying but once you (provided you are a person of skill) get used to it and "oh, dear lord" adapt (what real PvP is about) it's not so bad. And from a republic side of things...my BH expanded CD's made my Vanguards delays look good aka "balanced". Opinion.


So How's this for "constructive" OP? ... all of you need to consider this is a new born game and nothing is EVER going to fit your "ideas" of "perfection" especially when people like you seriously make the republic look less fun to play (because nobody like to play with blowhards who are "always" right [a sad sign of how your team work ethics must be])


So, I'll keep pimping it with my Trooper and you can all enjoy your useless complaining about things that will eventually be fixed...weather or not you have the patience for.


Oh yeah, and so far Havoc Squad has a much cooler story line than "the Great Hunt". Opinion.


Excuse me? I didn't make Republic less fun to play, BioWare did. That is why we are in this predicament. Yes, Trooper looks cool. Unfortunately, it's the only one.


I unsubscribed not because of the issues, but because I don't want to get burned out. Two friends get the game in two weeks, so I'm taking a break while I wait. The problem is, there are multiple MMOs out there that are of quality. If BioWare makes some solid changes, I'll automatically sign up and encourage my friends to buy the game. If they don't, we'll be playing something else until they do.


Either way, I will be playing in the future. It isn't enjoyable playing on Republic right (at least for me). So I'll come back when the dust settles and everything balances out.

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this thread has to be a joke, because Empire is supposedly stalling your progression in PvP you want them to give you freebies? thats your answer? you should probably roll on a PvE server if so. get off your butt, get a group and go earn some valor, its competitive and fun, much more so than crying for handouts. they've already stated that people who abused acquiring valor in ilum will have the majority of those points deducted, thats bad enough considering Republic were getting outplayed and instead of fighting back came here to ask for freebies.


Dude their is just not enough republics on some servers. We need to create incentives for people to reroll and balance the populations. Maybe on your server the republic and emp are balanced. Its not balanced on 90% of servers though.

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Dude their is just not enough republics on some servers. We need to create incentives for people to reroll and balance the populations. Maybe on your server the republic and emp are balanced. Its not balanced on 90% of servers though.


Agreed 100%.


Incentives are the way to go.


New race for the Republic:

- Togruta

- Kel'Dor

- Nautolan

- Wookie


Any one of these races would help in increasing interest in the faction.


- Yoda's race would be a killer even though it probably wont happen.


The option to play that certain little green (gray, whatever color :)) fellow would put a huge dent in the Empire numbers.

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