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Petition for Dual Speccing


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It is a commonly known fact that dual-spec is one of the most talked about features that the current build of SW:ToR is missing. It's inclusion in the game is something that many feel should have been so from the start, rather than something that will inevitably come at a later date. But dual-speccing is something that should be implemented sooner rather than later, as speccing and re-speccing in its current form is one of the most annoying and money sinking investments in the game at in its current form, and even IT doesn't seem to be working as intended, even before dual-spec is introduced.


For those new to mmo's in case there is any, spec stands for specialization, or your build. When you distribute your level up points into the ability trees, that is a spec. Self-explanatory, a dual-spec is the ability to have 2 specializations that you can switch between.


In ToR, you can change your spec by paying a seemingly randomized fee of credits at a skill vendor in various, usually out of the way, npc strongholds. I've noticed, and heard friends notice, that the cost of this fee seems absolutely random after the 3rd respec, and that your level decides how much you pay. As a general observation, the more times you choose to respec, the higher the credit cost rises. However, even this version of the respec system is bugged out, as I have respecced for as low as 1000 credits at level 50, and I've respecced well over 10 times already, yet other times I pay as high as 98600 credits.


This tediousness represents some serious flaws. Below are some reasons players like to have multiple specs.


- To explore the entirety of what the players class is capable of, both in PvE and PvP.


- Having seperate specs for PvE and PvP.


- Testing out which builds can function in what ways.


- Keeping a backup spec to use as a utility when the current spec provides less functionality in a current situation.


- Roleplaying purposes.


Having a storyline centered game built around choice is no reason to limit a players want to change specs without the tediousness of the current implementation. Players are not asking for an advanced class changer, only for a means to have two trees that they can switch between. Below are some suggestions to make the idea seem more suitable if just giving it out seems unacceptable.


- Place a level cap (like level 20) in which dual-speccing becomes available.


- Keep the payment system of paying for respecs, but keep the cost separate to each tree. (But fix the current problems surrounding the randomized payment scheme)


- Place a skill vendor on each planet.


In a game like this, where alternate characters are almost more common than main ones, this feature is imperative. I have come across many players running as many as 4 characters simultaneously to see how good the play style of the class and the progression of the class story is for them. I'm sure they are also trying out the different builds available to them, until their funds run out from doing so.


To the naysayers who are under the impression that dual-speccing is not a necessity, or that its inclusion is becoming of other mmos rather than being unique, dual-speccing, in every form, has always been an option, never something forced upon the player. Why make a game that gives you so many choices only to limit one of the most important decisions that directly affects the player most? If Bioware was 100% behind the idea of consequences and cementing your choices for ToR, there wouldn't be a respec feature at all (which in all seriousness would drastically destroy the game).


This feature needs to be implemented sooner rather than later. Please help get the message across to Bioware ladies and gentleman, and add to this post with whatever other convincing reasoning you can to show how much we desire this feature.

Edited by Azuresquall
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I don't mind repecs, but I don't want dual spec'ing. However I don't have to use it if it is in the game so go for it.


I dont mind the cost, if they don't want dual specs, they should give you "UI" dual specs, you still pay to switch, but you do it from the UI so you wont have to drag yourself back to the fleet, and redo 41 talent points every time... It's more annoying than the cost...

Also a game that supports PVP and PVE should have dual specs just for the sake of PVP, giving a spec which can only be used in warzones / ilum will be very nifty indeed...

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Don't pay them until they add all the mandatory features the game should have launched with, it's that simple. And tell them about it both via appeal and at the account cancellation survey.


It's the only way to wake them up really, cause as things are now, they're still living in their dream world where all the conveniences a 2012 mmo should have out of the box "aren't a priority".


That's what i did anyway, and after that, i even got some csr popping out of nowhere ingame asking for my feedback/suggestions via live chat so maybe there's hope, but i'm not holding my breath and not paying them a cent until i see something concrete.

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I don't mind repecs, but I don't want dual spec'ing. However I don't have to use it if it is in the game so go for it.


Can I know the reson for those people they saying I don’t want Dual spec??!!

And for those people who saying we don’t mind to pay ?? did you ever try to respc more than 5 time ??

I remember last time I played my sorcer I forced to pay for respac more than 300k Credit in one day.

First I was looking for FP hm as DPS and I wait for 45min watching the General chat to get a group and every one was asking for Tank + Healer !! then I decide to respc to healer and guess what ? Its cost me 92k Credit to respect, fine I manage to get in group we finish it, then I need to do the the pvp daily -.- and am suck as healer in pvp so I repec again to dps and again cost me 98k !!!... after I done from daily pvp I found a group need a healer for EV and again cost me 98k WTH !! then I stoped plying my sorcer and now lvling Jedi warrior till my game time over .


Sorry for my bad English 

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Dual spec? Are you serious? So as my marauder I could choose both Rage and Annihlation and smash the QQ'ing Republican noobs for 4k+ as well as bleed them dry with Dot's?


As if there isnt enough people whinging as it is. As much as I like the idea of destroying more republican noobs this will cause lots of OP issues resulting in nerfs!

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I would welcome duel specs with open arms and a "What took you?" I was so torn upon realizing that my RP character Rialla could not be a sneaky sort of healer. Her real, in-character methods cannot be used ingame, and that... detracts from her character significantly, as the reasoning behind her methods runs a little deeper than most would realize and actually says quite a lot about her. As it is, the closest I can get is... DPS. That's it. Bleh.


But I think you should have to earn the chance to duel-spec, like, first you have to reach the sixth tier in one of you skill branches, or reach level 35, or something like that.


For those of you that are worried about duel-speced people having some sort of unfair advantage--which is the only remotely logical reason someone would protest--please consider. You have a set number of skill points. The skill trees were designed with that in mind. If you were to suddenly have a new skill tree, but no new skill points... do you see where I'm going with this? Jack of all trades, master of none; journeyman of two trades, master of neither. They would be no more powerful. They would, however, have the opportunity to be a lot more creative in their fighting style... and isn't that something Bioware promised us we'd have?

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Dual spec? Are you serious? So as my marauder I could choose both Rage and Annihlation and smash the QQ'ing Republican noobs for 4k+ as well as bleed them dry with Dot's?


As if there isnt enough people whinging as it is. As much as I like the idea of destroying more republican noobs this will cause lots of OP issues resulting in nerfs!

You would still be limited by your own Force powers; you can't just keep casting indefinitely. That aside, what you described... actually sounds kind of inefficient against any but stupidest opponent.


If a skill on one spec is nearly identical to a skill on another spec, they could just have the second one greyed out with the implication that you already have it.

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Dual spec? Are you serious? So as my marauder I could choose both Rage and Annihlation and smash the QQ'ing Republican noobs for 4k+ as well as bleed them dry with Dot's?


As if there isnt enough people whinging as it is. As much as I like the idea of destroying more republican noobs this will cause lots of OP issues resulting in nerfs!


ITT - Bro doesn't know what dual spec means

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Dual spec? Are you serious? So as my marauder I could choose both Rage and Annihlation and smash the QQ'ing Republican noobs for 4k+ as well as bleed them dry with Dot's?


As if there isnt enough people whinging as it is. As much as I like the idea of destroying more republican noobs this will cause lots of OP issues resulting in nerfs!


Just LMFAO i suggest you go google what the op means

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