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Increase character slots per server


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Q: Will we see epic weapon and armor quests where you have to go to multiple Flashpoints and Operations to obtain them? Gabe: Not in 1.2, but we do have some stuff coming in the future like that. Daniel: Something that could effect your entire Legacy. Something that you might need characters on both sides to be able to do.

More charslots needed.

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I'm actually torn on this subject.


On the one hand, I'd like at least two more slots. I was planning a Republic Server and an Imperial server, but the Legacy info has me needing them all together.


I already have a 33 Sage alt, but a Shadow tank about to hit 50. I have my Commando main...and a lvl 12 Vanguard who has 400 in Cybertech. Now that I'm keeping all of my characters on one server, with a rise in the caps, those two need to be deleted, which is a bit sad.


On the other hand, the 8 cap lets you experience all 8 stories, all 8 AC mirrors, and is low enough that you have to make choices. Getting everything isn't nearly as compelling as choosing what to give up. And when creating a Legacy with relationships, too large of a character base starts having irrelevant relationships like "3rd Cousin" or "Step-mother of Nemesis." Keeping the cap small means tighter ties between the characters.


That said...it also puts in limitations in the Legacy story telling. I want my Gunslinger and his Shadow spouse to have a Chiss Inquisitor as their Nemesis. After a particularly brutal battle, they defeat the Chiss Inquisitor and in the rubble find a child. They adopt the Chiss child and raise it as their own in the Republic, where it becomes a Smuggler since it never quite fits in on the Core Worlds. It takes a stealthier route than its adopted father as a result of the distrust it faces at every turn, and is a Scoundrel. All the while, the Inquisitor plots revenge and to get her child back.


That's the backstory I've been working on since I saw the guild summit, and its the first time a game has made me want to do RP. So, on that count, I think it is working great. On the downside, story-wise, that gives me two Smugglers. No other choice makes sense in their story, they have to be Smugglers. So which AC do I choose not to play as a result?

Edited by RuQu
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In SWG you got two character slots. Here you get 8. I swear people would want more if it was 40 character slots per server.


If you give me 10 per server, you can cut the 40 cap down to 20 and I'll be happy. Everything I need on one server, plus a few spare slots to log in on servers some other friends play on.

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I'm all for more character slots, hitting 50 on an alien species unlocks that one for all classes, so i plan to make a sith warrior later on and i don't want to be forced to delete another character if i want to take advantage of the sith pureblood race unlock.
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I vote for MORE character slots :D


Been playing with 8 characters for awhile now and I dislike the idea of having to delete characters in order to use the legacy features.

(for example)

*Delete level 42 human sniper, make new Chriss sniper and play to 50

*Delete level 38 human sith warrior, make new Chriss Sith Warrior


For us Alt-Addicts, there is 16 classes to play. I for one would like to have at least 10 characters made. If I'm bored of playing bounty hunter then I can jump over to the Jedi Knight, if I'm bored with the empire side then I can jump over to the rebel side... etc... etc...


Besides... if you really REALLY like a movie... you do watch it more then once right? :D


I would love to see..


-> 10 character slots and small money charge for addition slots after 10.


-> Character creator tokens, for characters made before the Legacy goes live and only good for one single use only per character. Which would take your character back to the creator to change race & features.


Don't really see how adding more character slots could ever harm other players that don't want more slots. Still can only play one at a time and does not interfere with other players and or their play style. I'm sure it takes up a few more bytes on Bioware servers but I would be willing to pay a small charge for having more slots. Plus if I go make 8 characters on 5 servers which I can do now... does not really hurt to have a few more character slots on our legacy server.


But just my simple personal opinion is all :D

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Another 1 for the more character slot im only just starting on the aus server and already have 7 and will get my first transfered when available in april, i finally found a sever i like and want to stick with so will need more slots for legacy, this is my first mmo so i might not know alot but i love the idea of 32 character slots would be more than enough in my opinion.
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I completely agree with more character slots per server. I have tried a few servers and am on one i like, the tries of other servers had problems like not enough people on the servers. Being on a server i like i want all my characters on the same server.


As far as character slots that is an improvement that would only have minor server storage impact and no overcrowding impact, you can only play one of them at a time no matter how many characters you have.


How many character slots? 8 only allows 1 of each advanced class on one side, republic or empire. 16 would allow all the advanced classes on both sides so is the minimum to experience closer to the full game imo.


Each advanced class has 3 spec trees, light and dark story options (which will hopefully make a story difference eventually), and at least 4 races. With these in mind, there should be at least 32 character slots per server imo, but 176 would be required to experience the full game. 176 is obviously insane but 16-32 is reasonable. I have 20 characters on the same server in age of conan and had more than 20 on one server in city of heroes, i don't remember how many but it was the maximum number of extra slots per server purchasable.


With 20 characters in age of conan i have 3 at max level (80), 1 at 78, the others at 23-65. Based on my play experience, though some people may boggle at the thought, 20 character slots seems completely reasonable to me. Not everyone would use them all but I like diversity in characters and being able to have all my diverse characters on one server i like.


With the legacy system there is even more reason to want all my characters on one server. With races and all i could easily go beyond 20 characters but i will stick to the number i know for sure i have on one server in another game.


I had more in city of heroes but since i do not remember the exact number i will only include it as an example of a game which allows a high number of characters. lord of the rings online is the same, i have the maximum number of characters but will only include it as an example since i don't remember how many i have there.


In closing, 20 character slots would be prefect to me and the server impact to store the characters would be minimal. If someone does not want ti use that many slots they don't have to but it is a win/win improvement.

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I would gladly pay in order to get more char-slots. Now I would have to delete someone to get another toon on my server. Or that you unlock a new char when your 5:th char dings 50. There is so much to play with in the legacy-system, I want to be able to create new chars to do so.
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More slots are in fact becoming a necessity in my opinion, even now with the upcoming legacy system.


Not to mention the fact that eventually new races will come with updates or expansions.

I wouldn't say that we need 16 though, i would be more than satisfied with 10-12.

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The problem is, the Legacy system encourages you to create a story, and sometimes the characters in that story only work in such a way as to require more than one of an AC-mirror.


My story involves a Gunslinger and an adopted-child who becomes a Scoundrel. I would also like to see the Imperial Agent story, which means duplicating one of the Smuggler/IA ACs. With only 8 slots, which of the 8 stories do I choose not to see because my Legacy story requires 2 Smugglers?


I don't want to be misunderstood. This isn't a complaint about Legacy...this is me saying that the Legacy tool looks so good at inspiring RP between your characters that I, a person who has never done RP in games like this before, feel compelled to do so. And within that framework, this tool to cause you to have greater attachment to your alts and be more inclined to roll one...also limits my ability to see all of the alt stories.

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I agree; with the Legacy system Bioware is essentially encouraging people to alt as it unlocks certain perks such as new character creation options in species, cosmetics for character not to mention the carryover skills to other characters. Yes you can buy them with in game currency which I'm glad for, but we as of now don't know what if all of those things will be available for purchase. And some people are cheapskates with their in game currency like me :) . The fact that the Legacy system doesn't carry over cross server really makes more than eight character slots mandatory.


Though I don't understand how people can have 8 lvl 50's already. I'm currently unemployed and have one :eek: and I've been playing since early access. Don't you people sleep? :p

Edited by DarkDiva
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I have 8 slots used, 2 republic and 6 empire. I would love more slots, even if I have to pay a small fee for them. I stopped playing my level 18 maurader cause she is the lowest and I want to see what legacy has to offer, so I have to start her over after patch 1.2. All the rest of my characters are level 25+ and I dont WANT to start them over. I dont have room to play a smuggler, mercenary, knight or an operative. Yes I know they thought 8 slots was enough because each faction has 8 advanced classes, but they allowed both factions on the same server, so really you have 16 options, not eight. They encourage alt-ism with the legacy system, but dont think you need more slots?


Here is MY vote!

Edited by Vultura
I want more than just 2 more slots. Im feeling greedy.
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Count me in as another vote for more character slots per server.


We've heard from customers who say more than eight characters per server isn't necessary. Strictly speaking, this is a game, and it isn't necessary for any of us to be here playing at all. What all the "eight per server is fine" posts I've seen are saying is "eight slots is enough for my preferred playstyle". And that's great for BioWare to get that feedback from customers.


We've also heard from customers who want more than eight slots per server, with their reasons (like seeing what difference light/dark side makes on a given base class storyline, or wanting at least one character of each race).


From a player perspective, I haven't seen any argument against allowing more characters per server. Some players aren't interested in any more, but I haven't seen an argument about how more characters per server is a detriment to these players. Those of us who want more characters have outlined how not having the slots is a detriment.


And the Legacy system just made it worse.


I'm a newer player. I have a couple Imperial characters and a couple Republic characters on a single server. I had just decided that I was going to reroll my Republic characters to another server (as I'd like the option of at least eight slots per faction) when the news about the Legacy system hit. Now we have a problem. The cooler the Legacy system is, the more pressure BioWare is putting on players to concentrate all their characters on one server. (And with cross-faction mailing coming, I'd also prefer not to need to duplicate crafting professions as I would with two servers, but not on just one server now).


What I'm asking for from BioWare is this: make a decision about whether or not you'll expand characters per server, and make it very soon. Then announce it. Right now, I find I'm "in limbo" on a couple of my characters--I don't want to reroll them elsewhere yet if there's the possibility I can keep my whole "family" on one server, but I also don't want to play and invest more time in them in case I do need to give them up later. Lay me out a road map. I love this game so far, and it's killing me not playing my Jedi because I don't know whether you're taking the request for more characters per server seriously. If you're not, please, don't string us along. Make a decision and tell us what it is.

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Count me in as another vote for more character slots per server.


We've heard from customers who say more than eight characters per server isn't necessary. Strictly speaking, this is a game, and it isn't necessary for any of us to be here playing at all. What all the "eight per server is fine" posts I've seen are saying is "eight slots is enough for my preferred playstyle". And that's great for BioWare to get that feedback from customers.


We've also heard from customers who want more than eight slots per server, with their reasons (like seeing what difference light/dark side makes on a given base class storyline, or wanting at least one character of each race).


From a player perspective, I haven't seen any argument against allowing more characters per server. Some players aren't interested in any more, but I haven't seen an argument about how more characters per server is a detriment to these players. Those of us who want more characters have outlined how not having the slots is a detriment.


And the Legacy system just made it worse.


I'm a newer player. I have a couple Imperial characters and a couple Republic characters on a single server. I had just decided that I was going to reroll my Republic characters to another server (as I'd like the option of at least eight slots per faction) when the news about the Legacy system hit. Now we have a problem. The cooler the Legacy system is, the more pressure BioWare is putting on players to concentrate all their characters on one server. (And with cross-faction mailing coming, I'd also prefer not to need to duplicate crafting professions as I would with two servers, but not on just one server now).


What I'm asking for from BioWare is this: make a decision about whether or not you'll expand characters per server, and make it very soon. Then announce it. Right now, I find I'm "in limbo" on a couple of my characters--I don't want to reroll them elsewhere yet if there's the possibility I can keep my whole "family" on one server, but I also don't want to play and invest more time in them in case I do need to give them up later. Lay me out a road map. I love this game so far, and it's killing me not playing my Jedi because I don't know whether you're taking the request for more characters per server seriously. If you're not, please, don't string us along. Make a decision and tell us what it is.


They said during the guild summit that they currently have no plans to expand the number of slots, but they aren't against it long term.


For now, I'd focus on creating a "core family." Who do you need, across both factions, to tell the Legacy story you want to tell.


I know for me, I need my Shadow, Gunslinger, a Chiss BH or Agent, and a Chiss Scoundrel for the "core family." I also already have my main, a 50 Commando. So that's 5 out of the 8 slots taken, but only 4 of the class stories. I still need to decide how the Commando ties in, and who else will round it out.


At the very least, one AC will need to be leveled on another server, unless they expand it. For now, I'm assuming 8, and that character will probably be leveled just to see their story and then abandoned.

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They said during the guild summit that they currently have no plans to expand the number of slots, but they aren't against it long term.


Yeah, that's the statement that has me worried.


I'm hoping it's legitimate--"Hey, it never occurred to us that some people might want more than eight characters per server, but now we see that they do, so we're seriously looking into what we can do here." (Although no one at BioWare ever considering that anyone would possibly want more than eight characters per server is a little distressing.)


But I'm afraid it's PR speak--"Eight per server is what we gave you and what you get. Deal. We just don't want to come out and say it for fear of angering those customers who want more than eight characters per server."


So I'm asking BioWare to clarify. I'm hoping they've reconsidered and want to give us more than eight slots per server, even if it'll take, say, 6-12 months to make it happen. But if BioWare decides (or has decided) that eight per server is all we get, I want them to man up and state it clearly. I'll be disappointed, but at least I'll be happy to know I can get on with rerolling Republic on a different server from the Empire and (probably) not have to kick myself down the way when more slots per server show up.

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Yeah, that's the statement that has me worried.


I'm hoping it's legitimate--"Hey, it never occurred to us that some people might want more than eight characters per server, but now we see that they do, so we're seriously looking into what we can do here." (Although no one at BioWare ever considering that anyone would possibly want more than eight characters per server is a little distressing.)


But I'm afraid it's PR speak--"Eight per server is what we gave you and what you get. Deal. We just don't want to come out and say it for fear of angering those customers who want more than eight characters per server."


So I'm asking BioWare to clarify. I'm hoping they've reconsidered and want to give us more than eight slots per server, even if it'll take, say, 6-12 months to make it happen. But if BioWare decides (or has decided) that eight per server is all we get, I want them to man up and state it clearly. I'll be disappointed, but at least I'll be happy to know I can get on with rerolling Republic on a different server from the Empire and (probably) not have to kick myself down the way when more slots per server show up.


I'm already planning on the assumption of the limitation of 8.


Also, be prepared for the fact that they teased future content that would take a character on both factions to complete, on the same server.


So if you want to do two servers at 8 each, make sure each server has 7 of 1 faction and 1 of the other.

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Definitely something I'd like to see. Even more so now that the new legacy system has been revealed. Its just not possible to unlock all races while playing every story and every AC.
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I'm already planning on the assumption of the limitation of 8.


Also, be prepared for the fact that they teased future content that would take a character on both factions to complete, on the same server.


So if you want to do two servers at 8 each, make sure each server has 7 of 1 faction and 1 of the other.


Which is just dumb. Since they did announce some sort of cool something that would require you having both factions on one server, I urge BioWare to up the character slots per server to at least 16, and announce the intention to do so now.

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Yes, more slots please.


I will even pay for it--Bioware, you are leaving money on the table. (Seriously, I stayed with vastly inferior Cryptic games solely because I could feed my altaholism.)


Yes, this play style is not for everyone. But I think the demand is significant. Yes, it can impact storage and database resources. That's why folks will be more open to paying for it.


It should definitely be an option.


And additional slots are IDEAL for Bioware games--SWTOR is very replayable with different choices for each class and various side missions. Additional slots are even more appropriate here with new races and a legacy system.


It seems like alts are actually part of the game system--capitalize (maybe literally) on it!

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So...I have a


1. Sage

2. Vanguard

3. Guardian

4. Scoundrel

5. Operative

6. Mercernary

7. Assasin

8. Marauder


Thats a maximum of 8 slots per server, and you only get your Legacy to work on that one server. How the hell then am I gonna play these next ones, because I really want to?


9. Shadow

10. Commando

11. Sentinel

12. Gunslinger

13. Sniper

14. Powertech

15. Sorcerer

16. Juggernaut


No, seriously. I'm being locked out of playing the things I wanna play because of some minor diskspace-saving-for-database cap that is in place?





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