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Disabled Gamers Acknowledge Old Republic


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I think you miss what they are saying you may want to read the article.


Do you mean:


Perhaps one of the most unintentionally accessibility features turned out to be the addition of companions. These NPC characters which accompany the player through most of the game provide support to those who need it without forcing them to request help from other players.


They balanced single player game about having a UI bot where you cant properly ACCESS their controls because it takes up one of your quickbar slots?


Either the game is balanced around being on your own, or its balanced about being on your own with an automated UI character. That doesn't make the game more accessible?!

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Do you mean:




They balanced single player game about having a UI bot where you cant properly ACCESS their controls because it takes up one of your quickbar slots?


Either the game is balanced around being on your own, or its balanced about being on your own with an automated UI character. That doesn't make the game more accessible?!


That was only one of the features, you may to to click the link in the article.


Either way i'm not sure why you seem agitated they recevied a reward especially considering the source probably has a good idea.


This is bizzare to me that a disabled group gives an award for something like this and people still hate. Move to something else this is a nice story and from the other posts in this thread people appreciate it.


One of the main things: a colorblind-friendly minimap.

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i am disabled, only one hand, and i must say this game is very easy to play with just one hand.


I am with you there. You do have it worse off than me, my left hand is only mostly useless but I can press one key at a time. This is one of those games that is just very easy to play with just a mouse.


Keep up the good work BW and please keep us in mind when making changes in the future.

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That was only one of the features, you may to to click the link in the article.


Either way i'm not sure why you seem agitated they recevied a reward especially considering the source probably has a good idea.


This is bizzare to me that a disabled group gives an award for something like this and people still hate. Move to something else this is a nice story and from the other posts in this thread people appreciate it.


full subtitles, queue-able actions, multiple action bars, area looting, auto looting, and built-in mouse sensitivity.


Subtitles - most games, queuable actions - most mmos, multiple action bars ? You cant add enough action bars. Area looting? Meh its nice, not groundbreaking.

Mouse sensitivity? Gee whizz they spoiling us.


Other built-in features such as automatically turning to face the monster you are killing, mini map colors being colorblind friendly, full subtitles, and the ability to control the entire game from the keyboard or with the mouse, only increase the reasons to herald this game as a success for game accessibility


Not even sure the first one is true, could be wrong would have to try it. Mini map colours being colourblind friendly? Just the minimap? I'm not colourblind but I'd be looking for more than just that.


Subtitles again...


Control the entire game from the keyboard or with the mouse?! Most games that aren't FPS then.


The developers do have room for improvement by adding features such as click to move, close captioning, and the inclusion of mods to allow things like UI movement, text size changes, and small changes deemed necessary by the player base.


Or UI Scaling, or being able to use all your keys. Or Macros.


However, with Star Wars enabling the ability to use on-screen keyboards, voice activation software, and mouse sensitivity settings, the game can be forgiven for a few shortcomings while hitting the major targets.


Voice activation and on-screen keyboards that aren't provided by the game and aren't intentionally provided for? Just happen to be usable but not in full screen mode according to their review btw.

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Subtitles - most games, queuable actions - most mmos, multiple action bars ? You cant add enough action bars. Area looting? Meh its nice, not groundbreaking.




I'm not sure why you keep responding, They got a reward it was nice and it's a good story. I personally don't care that you think they shouldn't have gotten the reward since it's from the disabled society not something you need to approve.


If you have a complaint maybe you should complain to the disabled society and see how well that goes over.

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I'm not sure why you keep responding, They got a reward it was nice and it's a good story. I personally don't care that you think they shouldn't have gotten the reward since it's from the disabled society not something you need to approve.


If you have a complaint maybe you should complain to the disabled society and see how well that goes over.


So I can't disapprove of something a disabled society does? Because... Please tell me.


I have given you step by step points why I disagree. You have told me that I haven't read the article. And I'm not allowed to argue with disabled people, without even having a clue what my personal background is.


I dispair.

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So I can't disapprove of something a disabled society does? Because... Please tell me.


I have given you step by step points why I disagree. You have told me that I haven't read the article. And I'm not allowed to argue with disabled people, without even having a clue what my personal background is.


I dispair.


I think you are missing the point, No one really cares that you disagree, this is a nice story. Enjoy it and move on.


I'm glad that BW made it more accesbile, Certainly having a color blind friendly map was intentional even if some of it wasn't.

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I'm glad that it has those features for people who need it. I think they could do a lot more and they are planning to bring in UI changes. Which is great.


But there are other games out there that are probably more deserving of the title, and the UI of SWTOR is subpar for when it has been released.


Don't ask me what games are more accessible in 2011, I haven't played enough, but I know I have come from older games that have been better.

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I'm sorry, but this was a joke. Really dont think BW set out to get this award. I look forward to play swtor as a f2p in 3 months. If some guy can play, by blowing on a stick to move a toon around, maybe then award would be good. One hand , your not really a disable person. I play many games with just one hand on the mouse, a beer in the other. subtitles required by law lol.


No, you're the joke. Only having the use of one hand is a disability. How dare you say otherwise and follow it up by how well you can use both your hands. People like you, who are willing to insult the disabled just to spite a game you don't like, sicken me.


Tell you what, go and cut one of your hands off then come back to us in six months and tell us just how easy everything is without it. No ones asking for pity, but atleast have a modicum of understanding before you post such disgusting drivel.

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But there are other games out there that are probably more deserving of the title, and the UI of SWTOR is subpar for when it has been released.


Don't ask me what games are more accessible in 2011, I haven't played enough, but I know I have come from older games that have been better.


So you don't know any but because you hate SWTOR so much you assume there must be some out there? Okay i think it's time to take a step back

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This was a good story. It's not something I typically think about. I do know of a 1 armed MMA fighter who does really well. I probably wouldn't want to fight him.


The award isn't a joke. If you honestly think that you might take yourself a little too seriously.

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The cynic in me really finds fault with this. I mean I'm all for allowing disabled gamers more accessibility within these games....but this award seems like a pr stunt. Most if not all of the things they mentioned are pretty widespread throughout the MMO industry.


Also the touting of the keybinding and companion features just read like it was written by someone who had never payed an MMO. The companion actually makes it harder since it actually gives you more buttons to hit. And the keybinding situation is worse than most with not bindable keys and an insane amount of ability bloat.


I really hope I'm wrong about it....just seems like a pandering pr stunt.

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The cynic in me really finds fault with this. I mean I'm all for allowing disabled gamers more accessibility within these games....but this award seems like a pr stunt. Most if not all of the things they mentioned are pretty widespread throughout the MMO industry.


Also the touting of the keybinding and companion features just read like it was written by someone who had never payed an MMO. The companion actually makes it harder since it actually gives you more buttons to hit. And the keybinding situation is worse than most with not bindable keys and an insane amount of ability bloat.


I really hope I'm wrong about it....just seems like a pandering pr stunt.


They cited things like having a color blind friendly map. Multiple people with disablities have posted in this thread. Friends saying that veterans with disablities coming back and having fun in SWTOR because it's accesible.



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I will say this, because it's impossible to prove what your intent was, but if you truly intended it for good, then grats and thanks. And I apologize.



But know this also, and only you truly know, if you intended it for the way I originally thought you did, then you're a piece of trash in my eyes.



So again, I have to take you at your word and I apologize.


Thanks Ill be more careful with my words next time. Maybe it did come off as wrong but I didnt intend it that way.


I just think there needs to be more positive content on these forums to discuss.

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The cynic in me really finds fault with this. I mean I'm all for allowing disabled gamers more accessibility within these games....but this award seems like a pr stunt. Most if not all of the things they mentioned are pretty widespread throughout the MMO industry.


Also the touting of the keybinding and companion features just read like it was written by someone who had never payed an MMO. The companion actually makes it harder since it actually gives you more buttons to hit. And the keybinding situation is worse than most with not bindable keys and an insane amount of ability bloat.


I really hope I'm wrong about it....just seems like a pandering pr stunt.


I'm not alone in the universe :rolleyes:

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I'm not alone in the universe :rolleyes:


They cited things like having a color blind friendly map. Multiple people with disablities have posted in this thread. Friends saying that veterans with disablities coming back and having fun in SWTOR because it's accesible.


Sounds like a nice story,

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But while its accessible to disabled people and everyone else they made sure that the "skillcap" is low for able players.


Well since this thread has been censored to death I'll quote the above. Hopefully its PC enough. The skill cap was set low for the ultra casual crowd, the side effect is that the disabled players have an easier time.

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They cited things like having a color blind friendly map. Multiple people with disablities have posted in this thread. Friends saying that veterans with disablities coming back and having fun in SWTOR because it's accesible.





My point was that other games have done it better. WoW in particular has a color blind mode. Not just a map. I'm fairly sure Rift/Lotro also have this functionality to a better degree.


They are touting features that game are doing better right now or have been mainstream in the MMO genre for quite some time.

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They cited things like having a color blind friendly map. Multiple people with disablities have posted in this thread. Friends saying that veterans with disablities coming back and having fun in SWTOR because it's accesible.


Sounds like a nice story,


I'm happy that people are enjoying the game. But I think the game could be more accessible for everyone.

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