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Where has the crowd gone to?


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I have not bothered taking screens shots of how many that are playing in each zone during peak hours to back anything up. But less than 2 weeks ago the 10 - 25 lvl's areas always had atleast 2 instances of the world with about 80 to 120+ in each instance.


Since the free month expired a few days ago I have not seen 2 instances of any world at all, and with about 60 to 90 people at peak hours in the 10 - 25 areas.


I mention the 10 - 25 lvl areas because its the areas with highest population on the servers I have characters. Areas for lvl 30+ usally drops to 30 - 40+ at best.



Despite this I love the game and have a blast, but I'm not denial about the fact less people are playing.

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When I first started the game a few weeks ago, I always had to queue to get into the server I play. Not only that several servers were always full. But now when I log into the game even at peak time, its guaranteed that I will always get in.


Sometimes when questing in Nar Shadda or Alderaan, at most there are only 8 people in the zone. Much lesser than the crowd in Taris or Coruscant. Also getting a group for flash point seems to have gotten much harder than when a couple of weeks ago.


So I'm just wondering where have all the people gone to and a couple of things came to my mind.


1. The players have moved on to another server that doesn't require them to queue up

2. BW has increased server capacity

3. The players have stopped playing for various reasons (Novelty worn off, gone back to WoW other MMO, upset with current crafting system etc)

4. All of the above


What do you guys/girls think?


Some of us had to get back to reality. It sucks but it's true

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Servers are ranging full to heavy to standard tonight my server has a 15 minute queue. People go back to work and school after the holidays.


What Bioware lists for each server population is meaningless to me. Logging on to a planet with 12 people a 3pm on a Saturday is no fun.

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When I first started the game a few weeks ago, I always had to queue to get into the server I play. Not only that several servers were always full. But now when I log into the game even at peak time, its guaranteed that I will always get in.


Sometimes when questing in Nar Shadda or Alderaan, at most there are only 8 people in the zone. Much lesser than the crowd in Taris or Coruscant. Also getting a group for flash point seems to have gotten much harder than when a couple of weeks ago.


So I'm just wondering where have all the people gone to and a couple of things came to my mind.


1. The players have moved on to another server that doesn't require them to queue up

2. BW has increased server capacity

3. The players have stopped playing for various reasons (Novelty worn off, gone back to WoW other MMO, upset with current crafting system etc)

4. All of the above


What do you guys/girls think?


Far, far too many servers to cater for the 150-200k people playing. That number may be high, but it's what was given to us recently from the SWTOR Arena website or whatever. My server, Dark Reaper, used to have 20 minute queues. And then like each day / week it would get smaller, and smaller. It never felt like an MMO to us, but now it REALLY doesn't when there's under 15 people on a "planet."


Poor BioWare :(

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Crazy i've never seen anything like that was 180 on the noob planet this afternoon.


On my server, populations are fine up to about 25. Seems people get burned out by Taris or Nar Shadaa. The planet I mentioned that was sitting at 12 people was Balmorra.


But yeah, there are 70 to 110 on starter planets at any given time, and coruscant stays healthy. I understand people might be rolling new characters or whatever, but after a month you'd think there would be a least a little activity at the mid and high levels.


I have to go back and do group quests when they go green or grey, so I can solo them. Don't get me wrong, I think the game itself is very fun, and I like how combat feels. I love the slower pace to it, with the cutscenes and stuff. I just don't really like playing an MMO and having to dedicate 45 minutes to finding a group for something.


I really hope they merge servers or something, and I don't say that as a doomsday scenario.

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On my server, populations are fine up to about 25. Seems people get burned out by Taris or Nar Shadaa. The planet I mentioned that was sitting at 12 people was Balmorra.


But yeah, there are 70 to 110 on starter planets at any given time, and coruscant stays healthy. I understand people might be rolling new characters or whatever, but after a month you'd think there would be a least a little activity at the mid and high levels.


I have to go back and do group quests when they go green or grey, so I can solo them. Don't get me wrong, I think the game itself is very fun, and I like how combat feels. I love the slower pace to it, with the cutscenes and stuff. I just don't really like playing an MMO and having to dedicate 45 minutes to finding a group for something.


I really hope they merge servers or something, and I don't say that as a doomsday scenario.


As I have noted in other threads the game has not released officially in Asia / Oceania - I would expect them to see the impact that has before changing server numbers.

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As I have noted in other threads the game has not released officially in Asia / Oceania - I would expect them to see the impact that has before changing server numbers.


Eh, unless Bioware is doing something really backwards for the genre, they'll release separate servers for Asia. Oceanic might also get their own servers, simply because the time zones are so different, although they will probably be able to play on US servers as well.


So basically neither of those markets will likely impact any of the existing servers very much.

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Eh, unless Bioware is doing something really backwards for the genre, they'll release separate servers for Asia. Oceanic might also get their own servers, simply because the time zones are so different, although they will probably be able to play on US servers as well.


So basically neither of those markets will likely impact any of the existing servers very much.


Even if Oceanic are separate it is quite likely that they will be hosted in the USA, very few games have them physically down here. They may then offer free transfers to those servers for folks whose hours suit (we have about 25% US members in our Oceanic guild).


Just speculating really on impact - personally expect to see a few merges in coming months, has happened with every game except WoW and even there some of the servers are in a sad and sorry state population-wise.

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Do you guys in Oceania really think that there are tons of people down there who really want to play TOR who aren't already playing it? Is it that much of a pain to get the client?


We generally have low download caps on most internet plans so 15+gb is an issue for many. Lots of my friends didn't even know it had launched, so boxes on shelves will draw a lot in. Having said that I suspect 25-50% (hard to say) of sales may have been done as some stores are selling imports + Amazon shipped it here.


As a side note - can't buy it online from EA as they are being strict about regional release.

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Even if Oceanic are separate it is quite likely that they will be hosted in the USA, very few games have them physically down here. They may then offer free transfers to those servers for folks whose hours suit (we have about 25% US members in our Oceanic guild).


Just speculating really on impact - personally expect to see a few merges in coming months, has happened with every game except WoW and even there some of the servers are in a sad and sorry state population-wise.


Yeah, there are some server populations that are dwindling over time, or that never really picked up in the first place. I think Blizzard has been smart in how they seem to be cutting away at server limitations anyway. With battlegrounds, instances, and now raid, all being cross server, it doesn't matter so much if *your* server has a smaller population than others.


Anyway, I don't mean to make this a WoW comparison complaint.


I just want to be able to experience the content that I'm paying for, and since so much of it requires other players to help, I kind of need higher populations.

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Everyone keeps mentioning WoW, but all fail to remember that when WoW came out it was just as flawed as any other new game and the servers also went from being full to not over the first few months. Any new game now has to compete with a game that has been improving over time and that is not easy. The coding required by these games is monstrous but most gamers have no idea what the Devs have to do and sit and complain and whine about "little things" that take hours and hours of coding time to fix. I am so tired of reading all the ************ whining and complaining by unsatisfied little whiners. If they think they can do a better job then create their own MMO and stop complaining. And to answer the threads question there are many reasons it is not so crowded a little of all.
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Everyone keeps mentioning WoW, but all fail to remember that when WoW came out it was just as flawed as any other new game and the servers also went from being full to not over the first few months. Any new game now has to compete with a game that has been improving over time and that is not easy. The coding required by these games is monstrous but most gamers have no idea what the Devs have to do and sit and complain and whine about "little things" that take hours and hours of coding time to fix. I am so tired of reading all the ************ whining and complaining by unsatisfied little whiners. If they think they can do a better job then create their own MMO and stop complaining. And to answer the threads question there are many reasons it is not so crowded a little of all.




The reason Blizzard'd servers went down is because they UNDERESTIMATED the amount of people who were going to play. Opposite situation, here. They way, way overestimated the amount of people who were going to play.. and now the servers are dying and dwindling away.


Check your facts next time. Even though WoW went down at the beginning due to being overwhelmed with the response of the fans, you still knew you were apart of something amazing. The community feels differently about this game.

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