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Why make excuses For MMO's at launch?


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Your comparing this to a MMO coding lol


I think you should leave this topic alone as you have proven beyond doubt you are incapable of having this debate with people who do actually know what they're taking about.


I'd off you this advice; T'is better to keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool, than to open it and be proven one.

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Ok, I must relegate you to troll.. You obviously have no clue about computers, software, or even logic....


I work on systems for a living I know how to manage one 8)


Just because YOU dont crash DOES NOT mean it doesn't to others.


Have yet to crash. Beta included.

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People don't yell at others for reporting problems if it's done in a manner that isn't rude or contains insults at Bio ware and the like, it's only when people feel the need to insult the gaming firm or the useual crap that people get annoyed at.


Like I said there is always going to be bugs, weather you except it or not, we're all here playing because we like the game...I just don't feel the need to really discusse things like this after the game is already in the public domain, as it's a pointless exercise.:D



See with me I dont have that issue. I have a regular update schedule, and if I have an issue I immediately check for updates before I do anything else.


It also goes to show that the other people may be doing something in game you are not...Like when there was a problems with groups in ships, some people never went to their ship in a group so never saw that bug so would always yell at us who reported it.

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You disliking/disagreeing with design choices =/= design flaws.


When a large proportion of the forum activity also reflects the same sentiments, it's probably a good assumption, that said flaws are at minimum defects or major issues.


Either way the result is the same.

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People don't yell at others for reporting problems if it's done in a manner that isn't rude or contains insults at Bio ware and the like, it's only when people feel the need to insult the gaming firm or the useual crap that people get annoyed at.


Like I said there is always going to be bugs, weather you except it or not, we're all here playing because we like the game...I just don't feel the need to really discusse things like this after the game is already in the public domain, as it's a pointless exercise.:D


Never heard of trolls or fanbois have you?

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Please take your own advise, have a nice day;)



I think you should leave this topic alone as you have proven beyond doubt you are incapable of having this debate with people who do actually know what they're taking about.


I'd off you this advice; T'is better to keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool, than to open it and be proven one.

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People don't yell at others for reporting problems if it's done in a manner that isn't rude or contains insults at Bio ware and the like, it's only when people feel the need to insult the gaming firm or the useual crap that people get annoyed at.


Like I said there is always going to be bugs, weather you except it or not, we're all here playing because we like the game...I just don't feel the need to really discusse things like this after the game is already in the public domain, as it's a pointless exercise.:D


Yet you are here.. Why exactly?

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public class HelloWorld {



public static void main(String[] args) {

System.out.print("Hello World");







Where is the bug?



That won't compile. You forgot to

#include <iostream>


There's the bug.

Edited by Taurusaud
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Hey read your post.

long term wow player here as is my wife (pally tank b/elf [me] priest healer b/elf [wife] and hopefully long term SWTOR players as well....sith warrtior Juggernaut tank [wife] Sith Inquisitor Sorcerer healer [me] both level 33 atm.

We absoluteley love playing as a team and are in the unique position that as we play in the same room games like wow and now SWTOR are perfect for us. We can communicate effectively and in wow i trust no-one else but my wife as healer never healed in wow but am trying healing for first time here and loving it.

So obviously as we both work and are mature adults (both in our 40,s) {hope they let us play in the nursing home when we get there lol} we are able to afford to play both games. Just dividing time between the two is being worked out. (raid schedules to consider)

always when I see posts like this I try to play devil's advocate meaning as wow players (since just after launch and SWTOR from launch). I have no blinkers on when it comes to my passion that is wow and also my new passion mark 2 that is Star wars. Is this game bugged hellz yeah but as with any game like this they can never be free of them.

In wow we play for fun yes, but also are very competitive in pvp and serious about our endgame as well.

We discovered this game started playing in the last 2 beta tests, got ega (5 days each too) and have been playing since launch.

To us we really don't know what the fuss is all about we play this because it gives us what wow doesn't a sort of mmo console game with co-op/mulitplayer (we are in a guild so have plenty of guildies to do content with) and a lot of dlc to come.

we like the stories, the questing a lot of things actually.

So we have this for fun and wow is for our hardcore fix so to speak.

Sorry this is a bit long (im old so forgive me waffling on) my point is this when i see posts like this I try to bring some balance to the conversation (there are always 2 sides to a story)

Yes this game has bugs and issues but so does our beloved wow


There i am a wow player and I admit my game isnt perfect and bug free but neither is this one. I am sure both companies are working hard to resolve their respective issues to keep their players happy. Blizzard is and from what I have seen so far, so are Bioware

May we enjoy whatever it is we like to do :D


I know what u mean me and my wife or soon to be wife even(3 weeks to go lol) are going to play wow in us servers. But i did not expect SWTOR to be bugg free, I did BETA and reported numerous buggs and am a bit disheartened that when i play BETA report a bug i would think these should be taken care of before launch. And then launch comes along and every single bugg i reported are all still in the game,


What i ask is what is the point in BETA if i what i am there for (reporting buggs ect...) if these issues are not getting care of before launch. And Does that mean i wasted my time reporting these bugs? maybe i should have been like some others that just wanted on BETA to play the game, and had no intentions of reporting bugs exc...


And it is a real problem that beta testers are reporting bugs and not seing results at launch. And for launch to basicaly be like another BETA for 6 months is not acceptible and these people saying ''all mmo's are the same at launch'' gives the development teams and the companies excuses.


SWTOR wanted to be different? then why not start out different and not have the same problems other MMO'S had? just because other MMO'S had problems does not make this ok


last on this note ''not fixing bugs reported by the beta testers before launch is a sin''


end of story

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Because it is pointless to complain about how many bugs are in a game and make out that people allow this to be the standard, if some want a higher standard of game with less bugs on release, then those complaining about it, are perhaps playing the wrong type of game. Because mmo games are well known for being released with bugs and will always be. So when you except that some people will then perhaps find something else to complain about.:p



Yet you are here.. Why exactly?
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Because it is pointless to complain about how many bugs are in a game and make out that people allow this to be the standard, if some want a higher standard of game with less bugs on release, then those complaining about it, are perhaps playing the wrong type of game. Because mmo games are well known for being released with bugs and will always be. So when you except that some people will then perhaps find something else to complain about.:p


Just like it is pointless to vote because your voice does not matter...


If enough people complain about it, or stand up for it change will occur and for the most part is the only way change will happen.

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Good luck with your campain, I'd rather just enjoy the game. Have a nice day.


Just like it is pointless to vote because your voice does not matter...


If enough people complain about it, or stand up for it change will occur and for the most part is the only way change will happen.

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Well first of all i reported


1: Ability delay


2: unload for BH keeps animating even when running away


3:Force lightning keeps animating even when running away


4: Speeders not activating when bast bar is done and unmounting if moveing


These are the bugs i reported and alll still in the game.


How can people say its OK for all these bugs at launch. people say give 6 months......

People saying give 6 months are just being unrealistic really, soo 6 months is a good amount of time ? well maybe they should have held off the release for 6 moths Problem solved :)


But holding off the release 6 months would have.


1: Missed the xmas money making.


2: Made the fans unhappy.


3: Probably not made a difference they would have just slowed everything down more and not sorted any of the bugs anyway.


But not releasing before xmas wouldnt have made them as much money, soo do wee then blame BW and EA for releasing a game early too make more money ?


Yep, it's always "Give em' 6 months." They should have just released in 6 months, but you're right. It wouldn't have changed anything I bet.

You might as well stop posting in this topic. The fanbois are going to keep beating you in the head with their lower standards for gaming.

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Ah another narcissist. Couldn't possibly be wrong and when it looks like they are, call the other person a whiner.


has nothing to do with that actually. But good assumption. I kept it short and sweet for a reason.


How bout this reasoning behind it.


Because we live in the now/wow generation. If a game sits in development for too long its a fail, if a game releases early its a fail. If a game releases with bugs its a fail. If a game doesn't have what you want in it, fail.. See where Im going... It doesn't matter what any developer does, someone's not going to be happy and whine about it, or someone with some "qualifications" is going to nit pick their choices and say "fail."


Name the last MMO that released 100% bug free...


Name the last computer game that released 100% bug free...


Name the last console game that released 100% bug free...


Name the last software product period that released 100% bug free...


Name the last hardware product that released 100% bug free...


Does Tor have bugs? Yes. Could it used some more development time? sure


Does it bug me? No, because I already knew what I was getting when the game was going to be released...


Im just sick and tired of reading every "qualified" person's whine about this or that... Its annoying. We live in the 2000's now.. **** gets released unfinished, customers think they run the world, and if you can't have it now then someone failed somewhere.. This is what America has turned into. Deal with it because its partially you're fault.


Dont like it? dont re-sub... otherwise **** and provide you're constructive feedback as needed, but we dont need another Essasy size post about why tor failed..


Thanks and have a good evening, im going back into the bugged beta version of tor to enjoy myself.

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