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Carnage Tree.


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So, I like Carnage for PvP. it seems interesting on paper, but in the WZ it feels.... lacking. I have looked over the tree over and over and have come up with a few changes that I think may be better overall:


Ataru form at max rank is an extra 500-600(?) damage , correct? Somewhere around that, and that seems to be okay. However, the branching talents could be improved.


Execute: Increases the damage of your next 3 rage spending abilities that aren't Gore by 15% . Last 8 seconds.


Blood Frenzy: Increases the Critical strike chance of Ataru form hits by 25% for 6 seconds. This can only occur every 12 seconds. OR It can become a passive ability, which gives 3 rage every 6 seconds.


Towering rage: Increases the duration of Blood Frenzy by 1/2 seconds.


Rattling Voice: Force Scream decreases the targets damage dealt by 5%, OR increases cast time of abilities by .25 along with reducing the rage cost by 1/2 and decreasing the cool down by 1/2 seconds, down from three.


Narrowed Hatred: Increases Melee Crit chance by 1/2/3% instead.


Gore: Increased duration to 8 seconds, up from 6.


Lemme know if you like any of these, and perhaps if there is something a little over the top, or something that doesn't make sense.


EDIT: Thanks to the community for helping me out, I was tired when I made these, but I stand by some of my decisions regarding this tree, especially Execute

Edited by Naethion
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Gore at 8 seconds would be good. Trying to get a Scream and Ravage off during it can cut it very close at times.


Execute definitely needs next 3 attacks. Wasting it on Gore because you use that before Scream is saddening.


Blood Frenzy lasts long enough. If everything comes off CD while Blood Frenzy is almost gone just wait a second or two to refresh it.


A little extra flair to Scream would be nice, however I feel the insta-crit is more than fine for right now.


Narrowed Hatred is weird. We have 6% bonus Accuracy and on top of that all the PvE gear has a crap-ton of Accuracy as well. I have a strange feeling we actually need that much, but at the same time the 110% cap theory sounds too right to disregard.


I just want a dev response as to what our Accuracy cap is in PvE.

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Gore at 8 seconds would be good. Trying to get a Scream and Ravage off during it can cut it very close at times.


Execute definitely needs next 3 attacks. Wasting it on Gore because you use that before Scream is saddening.


Blood Frenzy lasts long enough. If everything comes off CD while Blood Frenzy is almost gone just wait a second or two to refresh it.


A little extra flair to Scream would be nice, however I feel the insta-crit is more than fine for right now.


Narrowed Hatred is weird. We have 6% bonus Accuracy and on top of that all the PvE gear has a crap-ton of Accuracy as well. I have a strange feeling we actually need that much, but at the same time the 110% cap theory sounds too right to disregard.


I just want a dev response as to what our Accuracy cap is in PvE.



since we have a base of 90% ACC against targets of the same level, perhaps if mobs above our level need an extra two percent hit per level. but that can't be right. I made narrowed Hatred crit because we have none for it in that tree. Blood Frenzy as it is right now is 100% useless. giving back one rage is not that awesome, and since Carnage is focused around Ataru I think blood Frenzy as I envisioned it is the best option. If Gore is made 8 seconds with blood frenzy up that could be some really nasty damage.

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wait, you want a longer blood frenzy? so we get less rage? that's pretty stupid. anyway, i do agree on gore, though giving it multiple charges may be op in combination with ravage.


Blood Frenzy gives 1 rage. every SIX SECONDS. if you can't manage your rage well then you have problems. you get 2 rage from Defensive forms every 1.5 seconds, infinitely better than Blood Frenzy in its current form.

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Blood Frenzy gives 1 rage. every SIX SECONDS. if you can't manage your rage well then you have problems. you get 2 rage from Defensive forms every 1.5 seconds, infinitely better than Blood Frenzy in its current form.


Defensive forms gives fury, not rage.

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Blood Frenzy gives 1 rage. every SIX SECONDS. if you can't manage your rage well then you have problems. you get 2 rage from Defensive forms every 1.5 seconds, infinitely better than Blood Frenzy in its current form.


i know. and i think 1 rage every six seconds is a good deal when i can massacre whenever i want to get that instant-crit proc up. the point was that it has no use at all to make it longer, and you don't really seem to understand the class given that you thought defensive forms gave you rage. i say learn to play, please, and more threads like these with no arguments, just random ideas and opinions thrown about, aren't going to chance the chance of us getting buffs.

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i know. and i think 1 rage every six seconds is a good deal when i can massacre whenever i want to get that instant-crit proc up. the point was that it has no use at all to make it longer, and you don't really seem to understand the class given that you thought defensive forms gave you rage. i say learn to play, please, and more threads like these with no arguments, just random ideas and opinions thrown about, aren't going to chance the chance of us getting buffs.


I know how to play, stop spouting that stupid phrase its quite old. As for these, they aren't random, these will help. Blood Frenzy with one rage up is not that great, and Where are your ideas mister Pro Marauder. At least I'm doing something, even if I was mistaken on a few points. But whatever

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Look dude, lets try this again: I know how to play Marauder, trust me. However I'm tired and I'm hungry and it shows as I have been corrected multiple times in this thread. I feel the spec could be much better, and whether you want to admit it or not some of those ideas in the OP are what we need, after some tweakings.


I DO believe execute would be better if it was the next 3 attacks that aren't gore


I DO believe Blood Frenzy could be changed to perhaps give 3 more rage.


and i DO believe an 8 second Gore would be better, since we can be shut down for 4-5 seconds during the duration


I am open to criticism, constructively, and our argument is meaningless and will be even less helpful than the fact that some of my ideas may be flawed.

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The main reason the 1 Rage/6 Seconds doesn't need to be higher is the 12s CD on Battering Assault and the fact that all the main abilities you'll be using as Carnage don't cost more than 3 Rage.


If thats the case then Blood Frenzy could be reworked to add something even moderately useful. it just feels so....bland.

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