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Creating map phases?


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Iv'e seen on occasion, a little drop down menu on the map window that allows you to change phases in the current zone you are in but I have no idea how to create one.


This is something I would love to know how to do if it's possible as I seem to suffer a lot of lag no matter what settings I have if there is more than about 70 people in a zone :<<


So. If anyone knows :D I would love you very much if you could lemmie know how.



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YOU can't create another instance of the zone. That is something the server does that when it detects that the population is getting too high. Nothing you do will force the server to create a new instance of a zone, or prevent it from creating one, either.
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Hmm That's strange because I've seen it pop up a new one at different population levels, which is why I thought it may be something that a player can do.


Different planets have different settings, depending on size and other issues. So somewhere like Korriban is likely to create multiple phases more quickly than a planet like Tatooine.


You, as a player, cannot make phases. It is controlled by the server, as the other person told you.

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