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PvP flop


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Love seeing all these pussi3s come in here and show da wittle balls emo raging about I canceled my sub. In the end, the majority of us couldn't give a *****.


It's quite ironic no feedback telling them how they need to do something better at all saying what the issues are and stuff but the gloating you've canceled a sub << Awesome less tards the better we'll all be.

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Have to agree with the sentiment here.



And, while most of you aren't having this issue, the game has still yet to be optimized with certain quad-core processors, which causes massive FPS and lag problems for many players. This game has been in development for two years, went through beta, and then live; and despite all of the complaints - Bioware has not made it a priority to fix? When I'm relegated to playing on a non-gaming laptop rather than a pretty good gaming computer simply because my quad-core is first gen, that just says Bioware doesn't really care about my money. And I'm certainly not under any obligation to give it to them.


The difficulty of the current end game content is rather pitiable. One of the "good" guilds on the server that has already cleared most of the Hardmode 16 man content used as a selling point the fact they had **just** cleared 10-man Deathwing on normal mode in WoW. I mean... that's how easy it is. Any group of 8 un-coordinated people can kill at least 4 EV bosses on normal mode simply by smashing buttons. If people were angry at how casual-friendly WotLK was, SW:ToR is 10x worse. But, enough about PvE - there are a fair number of people who just want to breeze through content and not have to work or get better because "that's for nerds LOL." The number of times I've been grouped with a player wearing all tank gear trying to dps or a dpser trying to heal an instance and hiding behind the "how can you tell I'm bad if you don't have meters" is pretty infuriating.


PvP is pretty awful. And it's not just the battle-ground formats. How about just being unable to tab-target someone unless they are within a 30-degree cone in front of you? So that dude wailing on you while strafing? Better be a good clicker. Class-balance is something that can be worked on later - but these minor game-breaking details are ultimately what kills the experience for most.


For those who are able to deal with these inconveniences, the formats aren't enjoyable either. Frankly, they're much too small, both in terms of group and territory. 8 people just is too few. Freeloaders (of which the "LOL nerds crown" makes up a majority) who don't actually want to do anything but smash buttons too easily derail what the more serious players ("Who cares about winning! Those nerds have no life LOL. I don't need to grind PvP gear to enjoy this gameLOL!")


Huttball is especially prone to lag-hacking. While I appreciate that it's supposed to be an interpretation on the capture-the-flag game that we know and love from most games, it's an utter failure. The map is just way too small. Scoring is less of a battle and more of a did somebody with force speed pick up the ball.


Void Star just promotes the zerging which we all hate so much.


Alderaan... is a good warzone. Let's give them that. It's a quarter-sized version of Arathi Basin. AB, of course, stayed fun for.... well 6 years and counting. AB is of course 10x better given that it's 4x as large map wise and twice as large player wise, but at least it's an enjoyable formula.


Anyway, I looked forward to this game for 2 years. I'm still giving them the benefit of the doubt in the short term, but I'm also leaning towards unsub before my next 2-month payment comes due. Already I'm playing less and less and returning to the console RPGs I've yet to finish.

Edited by wenchery
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Your not alone hommie, i couldnt even cancel my sub since there was no dam button before this patch...after? WOWZER A BUTTON...and its AFTER THE SUB DATE....if thats not a effin scam i dont know what is.


I got one more month andim sure ill prob be right where ur at man.


which i know isnt enough time to make any considerable changes....but meh im not asking them to anymore.


THEY KNOW WHAT GAMERS WANT...well lol...bioware u can keep saying that as u watch ppl walk right out that door.


There was a button, you just didn't see it.

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