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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

giving up/leaving warzones


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when were down 0-3 and getting dominated and i look at the time and 9 minutes are left im like ahhhhhh and i usually leave. with no penalty you might as well leave if its not fun anymore.


and yet with people like you giving up and leaving, the match finishes even quicker and those who stay behind get their valor commendations exp and credits anyway. So i guess thanks!

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They do need a deserter debuff. People who say it's unfair cause premades get in, you get half a premade. if you can't stand it, start rolling with friends. PvP is not a solo activity, even if the current state of Operatives dictates otherwise. Get some friends, join a guild. If you think that's unfair to you, then you have no one to blame but yourself. If you can't stand to lose a match in PvP, then you really aren't a PvPer, just want an easy ride.


I dont want a debuf at all, ive been in 4 hutball matches today, of which I only won 1. The other 3 my team sucked. They didnt follow, defend or heal the ball carrier. They didnt run ahead, so passes could work. They just stood there fighting the enemy team, getting demolished that way.


Few times, I had the ball, I ran forward. The entire enemy team was on me, but maybe 1 person. MY TEAM, was fighting that person near my base. They didnt give a **** about the ball.


So yeah..I leave a group like that cuz it is a pain to deal with for 15 minutes.

Edited by Paralassa
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People don't want to commit themselves to a fail group from the start....and with no deserter penalties why not leave? can't blame them.


Is stupid to leave, even if you loose you get about 500 valor + the valor you get by kills and commendations


I never leave a wz even if i know my team is getting stomped

Edited by khsolo
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Until they fix sending pre-mades vs. pugs I will NEVER support a deserter debuff. You will only kill PvP at level 50 that way. Do I want to fight a blatantly losing battle with against a pre-made in full battlemaster? No. Will I leave? Yes. If you give me a deserter penalty where I can't queue up for 15 minutes, would I still leave vs. that pre-made? Yes. The only thing you did was make warzone queue times 15 minutes longer. Fix pug vs pre-made and I'll support deserter debuffs all the way. Until then, not a chance.


^ what he said.

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The worst is when premades send 1 scout into a WZ to see if they are against another premade, and queue dodge if they are. This is what happens when you combine grind with PvP. RIP competitive gaming. Edited by KonduitX
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Which is why there must be a penalty for a person leaving early.


Like for me today, i jumped someone at the bridge at voidstar and ended up in space without being able to get back


Ill love to get penalized for that


Also yesterday, just as i entered the wz my 1 and a half year old daughter woke up and need it my atention, next time ill just leave her there so i dont penalized


Great idea

Edited by khsolo
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The reason people quit is because they're smart. The devs have provided no incentive to finishing a losing match or completing a match to the best of your ability once you've hit 50 (pre-50, you could still try to amass badges for exp and commendations). Once you've hit 50 however, you're only earning commendations and a bit of legacy exp. Earning commendations is the slowest method of acquiring end-game pvp gear so why would they waste their time? Play for their dailies and weeklies and they log off or play an alt. That's making the most of their playtime toward advancing their character (and really, isn't that the point?).


It bothered me a lot when I saw it on the way to 50 (before they split the brackets). After getting there and realizing I wasted a lot of time in losing matches, I suddenly understood where they were coming from. I rarely quit myself, but knowing how pointless it is to stay makes it doubly painful.

Edited by lJustAlexl
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I play Republic and I only do it in level 50 Hutt Ball games.


I've played too many 15 minute Hutt Ball games that end 4-0 or 5-0 with the Sith dominating the game. If it looks like one of those games I leave.


I am NOT the kind of guy that will just lay down and afk to let the Sith win quicker but I HATE Hutt Ball, so leaving is the most logical choice for me. Republic do alright (win around 50% of the time) in every map other than Hutt Ball. But in Hutt Ball random groups we get stomped into the ground nearly every time.


I've played multiple hutt ball matches where a premade Imp team stops trying to cap when they get a big enough lead and just farms our team for laughs.


You have to understand one key thing.

Hutt Ball is the national sport of the Sith Empire


The average sith player has played 5 times as much Hutt Ball as the average Republic player. The odds are against you from the start.


I DETEST HUTTBALL And I'm not going to suffer through it when there is no penalty for leaving.

Edited by Atralis
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why do people assume penalize means -10000 valor, banned from queuing for 2 hours and to give up your first born every time your leave a warzone?


It could be a simple thing as -30 commedations -100 valor or something. A small incentive not to leave but not a big enough worry that if you disconnected or had to put out an electrical fire you wouldn't worry about that odd occasion as you can gain it back within 1 or 2 matches.


At the moment since we can't queue for what we want, sure if it loads up hutt ball and you would rather slam your nuts between two house bricks then play, by all means leave. It doesn't affect the group while the pre match is under way and you will be replaced before the game even begins.


Bugs will happen, devs are always trying to fix them and obviously another problem altogether. Are they happening every single time you play?


Also people bringing their daughters sarcastically in a negative way into a discussion is moronic.

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Like for me today, i jumped someone at the bridge at voidstar and ended up in space without being able to get back


Ill love to get penalized for that


Also yesterday, just as i entered the wz my 1 and a half year old daughter woke up and need it my atention, next time ill just leave her there so i dont penalized


Great idea


How is spending 15 minutes not able to Q any different than spending the time with your daughter? Also, citing bugs as an example of why a logical system shouldn't be implemented isn't much of an argument.

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Why the **** should anybody be forced to play a warzone they dont want to?? I quit on a regular basis simply becuase i DEPISE huttball.


I want a choice of warzones/game modes, and more than 3 *********** maps please!


It's quite amazing how i've gone from being quietly optimistic, to infuriated hater in the past week regarding this game. And i've been going since beta....

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I know the below 50's brackets have players who are so bad at this point that staying in many of the matches is an exercise in futility. I cannot count the number of times I am trying to kill ball carriers as a healer all because the dps either can't or won't try to win the game.


I've seen just as many 40's and 50's that stink even more. In my experience, the lower levels try harder than the high levels.

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I've seen just as many 40's and 50's that stink even more. In my experience, the lower levels try harder than the high levels.




Not on my server. The majority of 50's on mine are pretty good. Many of us Pvp'd all the way up together. Below 50 is atrocious by comparison.

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Like for me today, i jumped someone at the bridge at voidstar and ended up in space without being able to get back


Ill love to get penalized for that


Also yesterday, just as i entered the wz my 1 and a half year old daughter woke up and need it my atention, next time ill just leave her there so i dont penalized


Great idea


Bugs are not a good argument and beeing with your daughter is more important and warrants a 15 minute debuff dont you think?

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The daily/weekly requirements cause this and even if that was taken away, who wants to play warzones when 24 people (6 premades) at any one time playing matches wins %90 of the games played?


Those 24 people can enjoy huttball while the rest quit and find another game that does not make you pay to entertain another person.

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The daily/weekly requirements cause this and even if that was taken away, who wants to play warzones when 24 people (6 premades) at any one time playing matches wins %90 of the games played?


Different problem but it does need to be addressed with a better answer than "LOL, get some friends".

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If im in a donk team and we are up against premade i will leave, why waste 14 min on a battle you cant win?


WAnt to punish ppl that just want to have a good time? start with punishing BW for not letting us pick what WZ we want to play and for that stupid matchmaking that mix premade with none premades.


If it is a impossible game, be happy ppl leave and you lose with 6-0 the sooner it end the sooner you get your exp/valor/credits/a new hopefully better match.

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I think the main problem is that the majority of people leaving are rank 60 or above. The main reason is that there's no real reason for them to get valour and commendations when all they need to do is complete our daily for the BM bag. If they're're losing, they quit til we get a game that they can win, win 3 times, get their BM bag, then play an alt.


They get nothing for losing a game, or even do warfonts for that matter, win or lose. Commendations? what do they buy with that? medpacks?

Champion bags? most of them already have a full set.


Unless they change this gosh darn system where they can only get 2 BM bags a day and reward people for actually spending time in warfronts then maybe there will be less people leaving. Rank 60 people basically have nothing to gain out of warfronts outside of doing their dailies. I would leave to, coz it would take that must longer to complete the daily.


This RNG thing has to go as well, as of right now i have 60 champion commendations and no freaking BM item.....

Edited by songkla
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What really kills it for me personally is watching the entire enemy team steamroll mine... people are fighting in all the wrong places or ignoring the ball carrier that's taking a free ride across the catwalks.


That just projects what the entire match is going to look like if it ended that quickly and disadvantageously. So to stick around would be a waste of time if you do not need medals or you did but you couldn't get enough to make the stay worth it.


In order for me to even support a desertion debuff, it would have to come packaged with the removal of group queues from unrated warzones or some kind of matchmaking system that prevents bad players from being on my team. I say that having come into slightly losing games near the end and single-handedly flipping them. I want challenge, but I don't think it should come from being handicapped by having to carry Timmy.

Edited by Knifewrench
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Until they fix sending pre-mades vs. pugs I will NEVER support a deserter debuff. You will only kill PvP at level 50 that way. Do I want to fight a blatantly losing battle with against a pre-made in full battlemaster? No. Will I leave? Yes. If you give me a deserter penalty where I can't queue up for 15 minutes, would I still leave vs. that pre-made? Yes. The only thing you did was make warzone queue times 15 minutes longer. Fix pug vs pre-made and I'll support deserter debuffs all the way. Until then, not a chance.


Abso-freakin-lutely. Couldn't agree more. Should be a given.

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