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Do duel wield lightsabers excists in the lore?


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Originally only Sith were meant to use staff sabers and dual wielding light sabers. Mostly because it was an extremely aggressive method of fighting, and Jedi are all about control and balance etc. What other plausible reason do you dual wield sabers for?


Most of the scenes in the movies and all depicted Jedi using only traditional sabers, and although Ankin did use two - well we saw how well that ended...


IN terms of SWTOR i guess the rules of engagement haven't been established with Jedi at the moment, much like the rule for marrying - Im sure someone in the council will click that Jedi fighting with aggressive styles can lead to dark side if there in a certain situation - like prolonged war etc

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Originally only Sith were meant to use staff sabers and dual wielding light sabers. Mostly because it was an extremely aggressive method of fighting, and Jedi are all about control and balance etc. What other plausible reason do you dual wield sabers for?


Most of the scenes in the movies and all depicted Jedi using only traditional sabers, and although Ankin did use two - well we saw how well that ended...


IN terms of SWTOR i guess the rules of engagement haven't been established with Jedi at the moment, much like the rule for marrying - Im sure someone in the council will click that Jedi fighting with aggressive styles can lead to dark side if there in a certain situation - like prolonged war etc


There is no rule against it, if the Jedi is skilled with it then they will nurture his ability as a duelist of dual sabers. The only reason double blade sabers fell out of practice was because of discouragement from the council and them already being rare weapons; there was no actual rule against using them. The same would go for dual sabers.


If mace can channel his darkness into a lightsaber combat form, walking the edge of the dark side in every fight, I think the council wouldn't mind dual weapons being used.


George Lucas is coordinating with the Star Wars: The Clone Wars team and effectively considers it canon. Ashoka and Asajj are canon.

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On the movies, there are several Jedi Knights who are shown using two lightsabers in the background during the geonosis arena fight, so that is the highest canon example in the whole of Star Wars


Interestingly though, none of them survived and Anakin lasted longer with a single blade than with two :rolleyes:

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On the movies, there are several Jedi Knights who are shown using two lightsabers in the background during the geonosis arena fight, so that is the highest canon example in the whole of Star Wars


Interestingly though, none of them survived and Anakin lasted longer with a single blade than with two :rolleyes:


I think the backgrounders didn't necessarily die, George just felt that for the later scenes it would be easier to choreograph single saber Jedi fighting than two. Or maybe even an oversight on his part.


And Anakin wasn't trained to use two sabers nor was he all that experienced in dueling. Not to mention he was too emotional and facing off against a much more powerful opponent.

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honestly i find the entire concept of duel wielding lightsabers to be goofy and gimmicky.


i mean lightsabers are supposed to be extremely difficult to use and require exceptional skill and concentration to use without hurting yourself. significant focus has to be put into being aware of every minor movement your hand and wrist makes.


doubling that? seems like it'd be alot to keep track of, like you'd want to avoid doing any complex maneuvers, effectively limiting your ability simply for another saber? seems kinda stupid.


i mean we all know why it exists, cus people think it looks cool and sure, i guess it kinda does. still. it doesn't make any sense. staffsabers make more sense then duel wielding lol

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Its just one of those things. It will be quite difficult even with a double bladed lightsaber. But, the advantages a person has for mastering these special forms can very great. You can obviously lay day twice as many hits or have a stronger defense than a person who has only one lightsaber. The concept of two lightsabers is even more advantages for someone who can not fight for long since they could do more damage much faster for a hit run style attack.
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Its just one of those things. It will be quite difficult even with a double bladed lightsaber. But, the advantages a person has for mastering these special forms can very great. You can obviously lay day twice as many hits or have a stronger defense than a person who has only one lightsaber. The concept of two lightsabers is even more advantages for someone who can not fight for long since they could do more damage much faster for a hit run style attack.


actually, i think a person with a single saber would have an easier time blocking (especially blaster shots). due to how conscious you ahve to be of every minor movement so you don't twist your wrist too much and end up cutting your face off. having two means you have two sabers you have to be fully aware of, not even counting the enemies.


yeah, you could make wide swings with both of them, but the more detailed specialized attacks would suffer from it based on simple logistics of it. i mean even look at the dooku and anakin fight, anakin had to take wide long swings when using two sabers while dooku kept a tight control of his single saber.


also the reason i say that a staffsaber seems more practical is that while it has two blades, its still a single weapon so it'd be easier to keep track of and to maneuver.


personally though, the fighting style i want for my jedi is a lightsaber in his right hand, and a blaster pistol in his left. thats why luke is my favorite movie jedi, cus he still understood that blasters were useful, even if you have a lightsaber :D

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personally though, the fighting style i want for my jedi is a lightsaber in his right hand, and a blaster pistol in his left. thats why luke is my favorite movie jedi, cus he still understood that blasters were useful, even if you have a lightsaber :D


You do know that Luke Skywalker eventually stopped using a blaster altogether because he found that the lightsaber was better in almost every situation. In those situations where a lightsaber wasn't better the weapon of choice was absolutely not a hand blaster.

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In trilogies - yes, Anakin vs Dooku in e2


Apart from that in Clone Wars Ahsoka Tano and Asaj Ventress both used dual wield, but that's less meaningfull content.


lol no it isnt less meaningfull, its T canon, wich is as closer to the films canon there is , even well above the books of EU. At least on The Star wars the clone wars case.

Edited by Spartanik
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  • 9 months later...

Wielding two sabers has it's perks cause you can attack and defend at the same time, that said a single saber seems better able to block attacks and you can use your full strength.


I think the really nutty saber form was the saber staff, due to the risk of skewering yourself.

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In real life the dual wielding swords are a rarity because of that same issue. They arent that practical. True you can atack and use the other to defend, but the strengh of your defense and atacks will be taking a hit in comparison of you using one sword. Edited by Spartanik
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Guys...this is fiction...must you bring RL into this? I mean you can but...its rather moot, cause every universe has its own laws/limits of what it can do VS another universe.


If this were RL then most LS duels would be over with in 1sec. That's what happened with samurai, when you had two guys with absurdly sharp blades in close quarters, 9 times out of 10 the victory went to whomever had the fastest draw, rather than fancy techniques.

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Why is this thread so long?This is a ridiculous question with an obvious answer.

Of course dual wield lightsabers exists in lore and canon.Its existence is strong even.


To the people that argued that its impractical to use two lightsabers because you will cut yourself.This is simply not true.Two lightsabers requiere specialised training reserved only for those that want to become lightsaber experts.Other people just have a few practice sessions ,learning how to basicly defend againts a person using two sabers.

Being a master of two lightsaber combat has some drawbacks-usually using two of them is so hard that you have to neglect the other aspects of your training like force usage.But that is usually ,i don't think it counts for expetional individuals like the Hero of Thython(the jedi knight protagonist) and others.

Also you have to be very strong physically because using one hand for one saber makes the physical force behind the slash weaker.


All in all ,two lightsaber combat is rarely seen in the jedi because it is a very agressive style that wants advanced and specialised training and if one uses it it means he enjoys battle and likes to fight.And as everyone knows jedi /usually/ are all about self-defence.

In an ideal scenario the person with two lightsabers would win vs a normal jedi/sith,because it is a style that is rarely seen and people have nearly no experience fighting it,and also as above stated,if you are using 2 sabers,you are most likely lightsaber dueling expert.

Edited by Kaedusz
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If this were RL then most LS duels would be over with in 1sec. That's what happened with samurai, when you had two guys with absurdly sharp blades in close quarters, 9 times out of 10 the victory went to whomever had the fastest draw, rather than fancy techniques.


Yes I know...but Star Wars isn't real life, which is why real life shouldn't be brought up in threads..

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If this were RL then most LS duels would be over with in 1sec. That's what happened with samurai, when you had two guys with absurdly sharp blades in close quarters, 9 times out of 10 the victory went to whomever had the fastest draw, rather than fancy techniques.


Not realy,lightsaber dueling is not like a normal dueling ,like it is in RL.

Lightsaber duelists,use the force and not everything depends on physical reflexes and strength.so unless one of the combatants is a newb and the other is a Darth,a lightsaber fight woulnd't be over so quickly.

Edited by Kaedusz
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Dunno if anyone has mentioned this, but most of the drawbacks involved in using two swords (or two weapons of any kind, for that matter) disappear when you consider lightsabers and how they function.


Most of the argument for using a single blade is because it allows you to concentrate and balance between offense and defense and gives you better control. Using a pair of swords may look cool, but it divides your physical strength between two objects instead of one.


But with lightsabers, the issue of weight is negligible (as the blades are functionally massless). Furthermore, because of the fact its not a cutting edge but a plasma arc, you only have to touch the opponent to very seriously wound or even kill them. Two blades would make it far easier to score a hit. And such hits, even though they might only be glancing and ineffectual blows with a real sword could be fatal with a lightsaber.


Its funny, but dual wielding lightsabers actually makes a decent amount of sense. Saber-staves are just retarded, unfortunately . . .

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Guys...this is fiction...must you bring RL into this? I mean you can but...its rather moot, cause every universe has its own laws/limits of what it can do VS another universe.


Its not mute but whataver. since this fantasy world is strongly inspired in various elements of RL. Even pelnty of the forms are based in real sword fighting with the fantastic twist off course. Not mute at all.

But whataver. Off course dual wielding is on sw lore. Its full of it.


But with lightsabers, the issue of weight is negligible (as the blades are functionally massless). Furthermore, because of the fact its not a cutting edge but a plasma arc, you only have to touch the opponent to very seriously wound or even kill them. Two blades would make it far easier to score a hit. And such hits, even though they might only be glancing and ineffectual blows with a real sword could be fatal with a lightsaber.

Im not sure if this what you just saying. I know the sith often used red crystals, to get more cutting power, and i dont think they are massles when ignited and full of energy. I heard GL saying they weight alot a few years back , then i think it was retconed. so im unsure. But i know reading from the various lightsaber forms descriptions there alot of similaraties to real sword fighting principles. Romancized off course. But the bases are actualy there. Edited by Spartanik
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At least 1 Jedi in the Battle of Geonosis is dual wielding.

You can see in this video at 7:35 in the top right. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xmR1ee223zQ


In the lore there were a few Jedi and Sith who utilized dual lightsabers as their primary fighting style, notably Asajj Ventress, Darth Krayt, and Ahsokha (who used a Shoto for her second blade). Many others would use it situationally such as Luke and Mara with shotos of their own. Many sith seem to be well trained in dual blade even if it isn't their favoured technique. I would imagine almost all Banite sith would have mastery over dual blade techniques.

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At least 1 Jedi in the Battle of Geonosis is dual wielding.

You can see in this video at 7:35 in the top right. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xmR1ee223zQ


In the lore there were a few Jedi and Sith who utilized dual lightsabers as their primary fighting style, notably Asajj Ventress, Darth Krayt, and Ahsokha (who used a Shoto for her second blade). Many others would use it situationally such as Luke and Mara with shotos of their own. Many sith seem to be well trained in dual blade even if it isn't their favoured technique. I would imagine almost all Banite sith would have mastery over dual blade techniques.

Most banite sith knew almost every form....

Ie Sidius used two sabers in his duel against opress and maul... But he also could have used a saner staff or single saner, as he was prominent with them all...




*Edit* Saber.... Stupid iphone correct...

Edited by Selenial
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