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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Thanks for nerfing the most underplayed class


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Underplayed lol, maybe 2-3 weeks ago.


Now every warzone I'm in there is at least 2-3 Operatives and at least 1 Scoundrel, maybe more.


I've been in a game before that had 5 Operatives, 2 Sorcs and a Marauder.


The most underplayed class on my server is Vanguard with Gunslinger closely following.

Edited by Stncold
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Underplayed lol, maybe 2-3 weeks ago.


Now every warzone I'm in there is at least 2-3 Operatives and at least 1 Scoundrel, maybe more.


I've been in a game before that had 5 Operatives, 2 Sorcs and a Marauder.


The most underplayed class on my server is Vanguard with Gunslinger closely following.


but now that they are getting balanced, those ops/scounds are gonna delete and reroll as sorcs/sages

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Yea, maybe on a level 20, but 8k crits don't happen in the 50 brackets, period.


Lies, 8k might not happen against someone that have managed to get their expertise gear but I have been crit for 7.96k damage at level 50 (only 3 pieces of gear with expertise).

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I've always thought scoundrel/op are suppose to be 1 shot killing glass cannons. Imo, they should nerf them by making them easier to kill after using their wonder ability, instead of just nerfing the abilities themselves directly.


put a debuff -exhausted or something, that makes them move slower and take more damage after using their wonder ability.


I dont think its even possible to make scoundrel/op easier to kill.

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I can confirm in almost full BM gear that in the 50 bracket WZ's my CRIT's on my opener hardly ever top the 4k range(Many classes can top this OUTSIDE of stealth). The only thing that needed to be fixed was the K.O. duration.


Bioware has now sealed the deal on 70% of their player base rolling Inq/Sage now.


I'll be leaving this game now, and to all of the people saying "Bye" and "Dont let the door hit you on the way out"


Well played.


-Day 1 Scoundrel


I wish i could 4k in my Sentinel

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I can confirm in almost full BM gear that in the 50 bracket WZ's my CRIT's on my opener hardly ever top the 4k range(Many classes can top this OUTSIDE of stealth). The only thing that needed to be fixed was the K.O. duration.


Bioware has now sealed the deal on 70% of their player base rolling Inq/Sage now.


I'll be leaving this game now, and to all of the people saying "Bye" and "Dont let the door hit you on the way out"


Well played.


-Day 1 Scoundrel


Sorry you don't play well.

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They went about the nerf in the wrong way.


Remove the stun and make the energy cost higher so you can't chain multiple specials in a row.


Ability is no longer OP without nerfing the damage.


Post patch highest crits possible with hidden strike is in the 5k range which is clearly allowed in this game because they give you a medal for it. Operatives aren't the only class that can hit in this range so now they either need to lower the damage of all class abilities that can crit over 5k or they basically blindly nerfed the damage of this ability without running actual tests.


I'm going with the blind nerfing.

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Not sure how they are the MOST UNDERPLAYED CLASS when at 50 i frequently see 3-5 on the same team in WZ's, i used to get frustrated, but now i just leave when i see that many. I never left a game till they became a problem in numbers, there is no way a class should be able to 100%-0 you when you have no cooldowns up at all in 3 seconds. Sure they should win if they have theirs and you don't, but you SHOULD have a chance to retreat at the very least. This was not happening. All you heard was pffft pffft pffft DEAD. It Wasn't fun at all. Edited by DubyooC
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Not sure how they are the MOST UNDERPLAYED CLASS when at 50 i frequently see 3-5 on the same team in WZ's, i used to get frustrated, but now i just leave when i see that many. I never left a game till they became a problem in numbers, there is no way a class should be able to 100%-0 you when you have no cooldowns up at all in 3 seconds. Sure they should win if they have yours and you don't, but you SHOULD have a chance to retreat at the very least. This was not happening. All you heard was pffft pffft pffft DEAD. It Wasn't fun at all.


This. Anyone saying the classes are underplayed are trying to sell something. And it isn't a good thing.

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