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No, You May Not Roll on Items for Another Class and Strip Out the Mods


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Well, answer me this. Is the "Marauder's Vest" meant for the Marauder? Or does the Agent have an equal right to that chest piece because it's medium. This is what the whole argument boils down to. Either you believe it only fair to pass the Marauder the Marauder's Vest or you don't. Most loot is named similarly. Bioware literally tried to force feed the community proper loot priority and yet people still try to use backward logic to justify their petty actions.


These games are very gear driven. You want your character to look nice, sure, but you also realize more stats = easier time while soloing. If someone asks me to join a pug while I'm on fleet, I don't do it just so I can see that content for the 5th time... I do it so I can maybe win something cool for my chosen class. Having some selfish, entitled person rolling need on an item that they won't benefit from wastes my time and takes away the sole purpose for me to be there helping out in the first place. If something drops for your class, I'll pass. I expect the same courtesy.


But again, go need on whatever you want. Just don't take offense when someone starts blasting you in the general chat or you get random people telling you "no thanks" when you ask if you can join their PUG. Trust me, no one likes ninjas and regardless of what you think, most people agree that what you're doing is just that. Any MMO vet can confirm that.


This boils down to 2 things; 1. The item is specified as a class item <use only by <class>> or 2. It is an item that others can use or indeed their companions can use.


If the item is class specific and stated as such then sure, pass it to the class participant.


Other than that, it is a free for all. Everyone is entitled to roll and can choose what they roll. If you win you win, if not, your entitlement ended right there at that point in time.


The argument on this thread is based on the notion that if the item is not class specific and open to others, but someone feels it is more appropriate to their class, that the other participants should just pass it over.


That is just not the case. Never was, never will be. The dynamics in SW:ToR are different to every other game. So trying to establish a WoW type loot culture is not going to work.


The truth be told, if some grp leader specified at the outset that I could not roll how I pleased, I'd tell him to get lost and find someone else. I'm not there to help him and pass everything to him just because he feels I should.

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Rolling to strip out mods is in the same function as getting it for your companion, while silently saying to the other party members who needs it " sucked in!" and "tough luck!"


It's not nice, disrespectful and inconsiderate.


Rolling to strip out mods is "in the same function" (as you put it) as getting it for your companion: you're taking an item that provides you an upgrade, which is the "accepted" rationale for rolling Need.

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He was kidding. He would never expect you to tell him, even in a private message, who your characters are. Why would you volunteer such information. Better to be a ninja in game and let people find out after it's too late, right?


Ah, more sarcasm... I have no problem giving out my name. I don't ninja. Regardless of what variation or made up definition you give the word. Try harder.

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Hey, people are right, they can roll on whatever they want. And I can stop healing them when they do that. Bioware put in the option for me to do so after all.


You're right, you can stop healing someone. That someone can then go into General and say you're a bad healer. Using the logic of many folks in this thread, that should be proper incentive for you to never refuse to heal someone again, right?


I don't think you believe that, which should give many a clue as to how much of an actual threat someone crying "Ninja!" in General because someone got an item they wanted would actually be.

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This is not wow. Wow rules, perceived or made up, do not apply here.


This is not your game. So your rules do not apply either right? Neither do mine? So you continue to be a ninja and I continue to /ignore you. It's a win/win for everyone. I really want you to roll however you want in the game. I really want anti-social people to exhibit anti-social behavior so I can segregate them as they wish to be segregated.


I want to play in a way that benefits me and my fellow players alike. Some people are only out for themselves. Two different groups that don't play well together.



Try explaining to the majority of people in the game, that the loot etiquette from every other game no longer applies. It's funny how often I see people taking your position on the forums, yet so few do it in game where they can actually be kicked from a group.


In the game there is a consequence, but out here on the anonymous forum people can be as anti-social as they like.

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This is not your game. So your rules do not apply either right? Neither do mine? So you continue to be a ninja and I continue to /ignore you. It's a win/win for everyone. I really want you to roll however you want in the game. I really want anti-social people to exhibit anti-social behavior so I can segregate them as they wish to be segregated.


I want to play in a way that benefits me and my fellow players alike. Some people are only out for themselves. Two different groups that don't play well together.



Try explaining to the majority of people in the game, that the loot etiquette from every other game no longer applies. It's funny how often I see people taking your position on the forums, yet so few do it in game where they can actually be kicked from a group.


In the game there is a consequence, but out here on the anonymous forum people can be as anti-social as they like.


The problem these people have is that they have no idea how to build a good community. They garnered their attitudes by it becoming acceptable with WoW's LFD system, as it stripped away any accountability for their actions.

Edited by Tygranir
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This is not your game. So your rules do not apply either right? Neither do mine? So you continue to be a ninja and I continue to /ignore you. It's a win/win for everyone. I really want you to roll however you want in the game. I really want anti-social people to exhibit anti-social behavior so I can segregate them as they wish to be segregated.


I want to play in a way that benefits me and my fellow players alike. Some people are only out for themselves. Two different groups that don't play well together.



Try explaining to the majority of people in the game, that the loot etiquette from every other game no longer applies. It's funny how often I see people taking your position on the forums, yet so few do it in game where they can actually be kicked from a group.


In the game there is a consequence, but out here on the anonymous forum people can be as anti-social as they like.


You're one of those who keep claiming that your position is a "majority" position, without facts to back that up. At least just say "Try explaining to people who think like I do..." so you're accurate. Leave the actual numbers up to the only people who have a shot of seeing that information: BioWare. We don't have access to stats like that.

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This boils down to 2 things; 1. The item is specified as a class item <use only by <class>> or 2. It is an item that others can use or indeed their companions can use.


If the item is class specific and stated as such then sure, pass it to the class participant.


Other than that, it is a free for all. Everyone is entitled to roll and can choose what they roll. If you win you win, if not, your entitlement ended right there at that point in time.


The argument on this thread is based on the notion that if the item is not class specific and open to others, but someone feels it is more appropriate to their class, that the other participants should just pass it over.


That is just not the case. Never was, never will be. The dynamics in SW:ToR are different to every other game. So trying to establish a WoW type loot culture is not going to work.


The truth be told, if some grp leader specified at the outset that I could not roll how I pleased, I'd tell him to get lost and find someone else. I'm not there to help him and pass everything to him just because he feels I should.


This is where you go overboard. No one said to pass on everything so they could have it. People only expect to win the loot designed for their class. It's an immediate upgrade for them and it will immediately help them out. No one said you couldn't roll on items that was designed for your class or on items that no one else in the group needs. People just expect that if they're the only Guardian in the group that they'll win any and all heavy STR items. I don't think that's showing entitlement at all. It's expecting people to follow basic logic and common sense.

Edited by Galbatorrix
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You're right, you can stop healing someone. That someone can then go into General and say you're a bad healer. Using the logic of many folks in this thread, that should be proper incentive for you to never refuse to heal someone again, right?


I don't think you believe that, which should give many a clue as to how much of an actual threat someone crying "Ninja!" in General because someone got an item they wanted would actually be.


Yeah, he could do that. But its one guy out there claiming that in general. That is hardly a reputation ruiner considering people claim all sorts of garbage about others in general every day.

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DPS vs. healers. hmmmmm


Does anyone really think for just one second that being put on someone's ignore list is as bad as you all make out?


The reality is more like I play with 4 peeps tonight and might never see them again.


As for the chat channel OMGZ NINJAZ.. How many players are actually going to stop playing to ignore the name? Very few I would think.

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You're right, you can stop healing someone. That someone can then go into General and say you're a bad healer. Using the logic of many folks in this thread, that should be proper incentive for you to never refuse to heal someone again, right?


I don't think you believe that, which should give many a clue as to how much of an actual threat someone crying "Ninja!" in General because someone got an item they wanted would actually be.


The healer meerly needs to reply "I don't heal ninja's" and the 90% out there who are respectful will understand.


Besides, I'd rather have a poor healer in my group than a ninja.

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The problem these people have is that they have no idea how to build a good community. They garnered their attitudes by it becoming acceptable with WoW's LFD system, as it stripped away any accountability for their actions.


The good thing is though that I don't seem to run into too many people like this in game. I really think this attitude is more of an eThug, forum mentality than anything else. If they actually acted like that in game it would be kick and ignore. Do it enough times and you get a rep. So I think it is pretty much all talk. It's the same couple of posters saying the same things over and over.

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You're right, you can stop healing someone. That someone can then go into General and say you're a bad healer. Using the logic of many folks in this thread, that should be proper incentive for you to never refuse to heal someone again, right?


I don't think you believe that, which should give many a clue as to how much of an actual threat someone crying "Ninja!" in General because someone got an item they wanted would actually be.


And people in the general chat can say "just because someone says it in general chat doesn't make it true." Which is why I don't see people crying NINJA in general chat. they just add them to their personal list.


Surely you approve of people refusing to group with people that they don't want to group with. Why would you care if anyone refuses to group with you or anyone else? Surely it makes the game better for everyone.


Maybe they should add a loot option to enforce rolling Need only on class gear. It would only be a loot option. If you are in a group and the leader sets that option at the beginning, you can always find a better group.

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This is where you go overboard. No one said to pass on everything so they could have it. People only expect to win the loot designed for their class. It's an immediate upgrade for them and it will immediately help them out. No one said you couldn't roll on items that was designed for your class or on items that no one else in the group needs. People just expect that if they're the only Guardian in the group that they'll win any and all heavy STR items. I don't think that's showing entitlement at all. It's expecting people to follow basic logic and common sense.


What basic logic? I participated so I should pass all the loot to anyone else that can use it but me?


People can expect all the want that the guardian os going to win any and all STR items, but it's not going to happen. Expecting it be so is just downright selfish.

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