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No, You May Not Roll on Items for Another Class and Strip Out the Mods


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The reason there no restriction is because everybody practically need everything. This gear has a mod that is better then mine, that blaster is better then my compain blaster. Throw in weird drops (sniping rifle for the Rep, and Aim lightsabers), and you have a situration where there can't be no restriction.


Now what Bioware should have done is have it so;


Primary Need; for items for your character that are better.

Secondary Need; for gear with better mods in them or for your compain

Greed; as is.


This way if a blaster that has a great mod in it or is improvement for my compain, and can still need it and not lose it to a player that have no use for it. But the Smuggler, Bounty Hunter can beat me if they do need it.

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This is why Bioware needs to micro-manage loot distribution. Because dolts like yourself are too immature to respect other peoples' needs.
No, most of us are fine managing this without BW being involved; many people are happy with just roll/pass.


This is also why /LFG needs to be kept same server. So everyone puts this guy on their iggie list and he eventually never gets groups.
It doesn't work... he'll still find people to group with. You won;t have to deal with him, but that's not a feature that's specific to a single server lfg.


on a related note: I guess that, based on the results he got, Descento really did deserve 10/10 troll stars with that one. Seriously, just look at all the vitriol he's been able to evoke with just those 2 simple lines.

Edited by ferroz
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Items can be given to companions, too. Not an excuse to screw someone else as far as I'm concerned, however. I only need on companion items if I see everyone else in the group hit greed or pass. If anyone asks why, I explain. Then everyone else usually follows same suit, realizing "Oh wait, I probably should think about my companion if nobody else is going to use this!"

I do the same thing except before I roll need I do a quick ask. "Can I need for my companion?" Generally no one says anything and I roll need.

No one questions me because I asked. Once a guy was like damn I wish I had known I'd of rolled with you but then he knows next time find out if the person who uses that armor class & main stat doesn't need then he can roll.


My opinion is this. If the Player Character can use they get first dibs. If that person doesn't need ANYONE can roll for their companion.

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He can take the mods out and put marauder mods in, afaik that's medium armor. If he likes how it looks no reason he shouldn't roll on it.
An orange piece of gear that you like the looks of, you'll wear until you're at 50 (or even after, once they fix the armoring like they said they would)


armoring/mod/enhancement... you'll replace those in a couple of levels.



Really, it's absurd to cry about someone getting an orange piece over you, regardless of what they're going to do with it.

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Be realistic.


The person that needs on everything knows darn well on how the general public feels. I guarantee they have been yelled at and kicked out of groups in the past. If they have these anti-social views, THEY should make it clear at the start of the group.


Of course, I bet they have a pretty hard time finding groups that would allow them to need on all, but its the honorable thing to do. Then again, their action lacks honor so ................


Be realistic yourself ...

1) Not everyone playing this game is a MMO vet

2) Not everyone playing this game reads these, or any other forums about this game

3) Even if they are a MMO AND read these forums, you can check virtually every other thread about this topic and see where there are differing views on what should be acceptable


Just because you believe it should be that way does not make it so.


And to be honest, it's the type of attitude you exhibit ... the "Oh c'mon, everybody knows the rolling greed for companions is considered <insert adjective here>" IS THE EXACT reason why there are so many posts about it. You cannot conceive that someone would have a differing view than yours and hence assume everyone thinks what's fair is exactly what you think is fair.


Differing opinions are what make this world go round. Your views are no more special about it than anyone elses. You want to avoid the drama? Discuss it before the drama has a chance to happen.

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Be realistic yourself ...

1) Not everyone playing this game is a MMO vet

2) Not everyone playing this game reads these, or any other forums about this game

3) Even if they are a MMO AND read these forums, you can check virtually every other thread about this topic and see where there are differing views on what should be acceptable


Just because you believe it should be that way does not make it so.


And to be honest, it's the type of attitude you exhibit ... the "Oh c'mon, everybody knows the rolling greed for companions is considered <insert adjective here>" IS THE EXACT reason why there are so many posts about it. You cannot conceive that someone would have a differing view than yours and hence assume everyone thinks what's fair is exactly what you think is fair.


Differing opinions are what make this world go round. Your views are no more special about it than anyone elses. You want to avoid the drama? Discuss it before the drama has a chance to happen.

Its not because I think it should be a certain way. Its that the majority of players think it should be a certain way. I understand the norm and think that anyone who has grouped more than once in a FP knows it too.


My point is simple. Anyone that PUGs (unless its their first time) knows that the general accepted norm is to only need for your character. That does not include needing on items to pull out mods or needing for your companions.


If you are not a noob and you have different ideas about needing than what is generally accepted as proper etiquette, then you should discuss it with the group ahead of time. Its common sense that nothing said = standard etiquette loot rules apply.

Edited by Zhothon
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Had this exact same thing happen to me the very first (retail) Flashpoint I did. Juggernaut took Agent chest in Black Talon. Told him it had cunning and he got no use out of it whatsoever, he said he could wear it, I didn't press the point further after that to keep the group together.


I don't understand, with such a mindblowingly simple itemization design, why we can even roll on gear we can't use anyway.


My guess is that in situations like that, the player in question just goes "Oh look, bigger numbers!", without actually taking the time to stop and think what kind of impact it will have on his/her toon.

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Its not because I think it should be a certain way. Its that the majority of players think it should be a certain way. I understand the norm and think that anyone who has grouped more than once in a FP knows it too.


My point is simple. Anyone that PUGs (unless its their first time) knows that the general accepted norm is to only need for your character. That does not include needing on items to pull out mods or needing for your companions.


If you are not a noob and you have different ideas about needing than what is generally accepted as proper etiquette, then you should discuss it with the group ahead of time. Its common sense that nothing said = standard etiquette and loot rules apply.


"Generally accepted" ?? Ummm, go read every other thread on companion loot and you'll find plenty of people posting how they view their companion as an extension of their character and not a separate entity.


People like you want to simply label those people as wrong because they don't agree with your views. And then come here and complain about them because you lack the ability to communicate with them prior to the looting.


People like me understand my point of view isn't necessarily everybody else's and would rather ask a simple question at the beginning of a run rather than risk the potential stress and hurt feelings that can come about when you discover not everyone thought the way you do.

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I've heard that rather than discuss loot rules with the people you are actually grouped with and about to embark on a quest with, the best thing to do is head to the forums and find likeminded people on other servers who completely agree with you about loot rolls, but who you will never group with.
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"Generally accepted" ?? Ummm, go read every other thread on companion loot and you'll find plenty of people posting how they view their companion as an extension of their character and not a separate entity.


People like you want to simply label those people as wrong because they don't agree with your views. And then come here and complain about them because you lack the ability to communicate with them prior to the looting.


People like me understand my point of view isn't necessarily everybody else's and would rather ask a simple question at the beginning of a run rather than risk the potential stress and hurt feelings that can come about when you discover not everyone thought the way you do.



If people roll on companion gear over people who need it for their PC then they might as well take away everything but the need button because every class in the game will end up needing every piece of armor that drops. We get 6 companions.. everything that drops will work for at least one of them. So, good luck ever winning anything with that mind set.

Edited by Galbatorrix
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"Generally accepted" ?? Ummm, go read every other thread on companion loot and you'll find plenty of people posting how they view their companion as an extension of their character and not a separate entity.


People like you want to simply label those people as wrong because they don't agree with your views. And then come here and complain about them because you lack the ability to communicate with them prior to the looting.


People like me understand my point of view isn't necessarily everybody else's and would rather ask a simple question at the beginning of a run rather than risk the potential stress and hurt feelings that can come about when you discover not everyone thought the way you do.

First you need to understand that these forums are really skewed from reality. My observations are based off of actual playing experience.


I am not arguing that my views on loot are right or wrong. But I can tell you with near certainty that most players believe in the NEED for SELF ONLY loot rule. If you feel otherwise, you are in a minority.


If you loot against the norm in a group without discussing, you run the risk of angering people. Simply, discuss it before you group. Nothing said = standard loot rules.

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I whole heartily agree.


The mods become bound as soon as you remove them. and cannot be traded even to alts. lastly if you would need it (agent / operative) surely does he should roll greed.




Need ONLY if it is of immediate benefit to your class NOW.

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My guess is that in situations like that, the player in question just goes "Oh look, bigger numbers!", without actually taking the time to stop and think what kind of impact it will have on his/her toon.


It's also possible that the Juggernaut said "Oh look, Cunning. My companion can use that. Oh look, someone complained. I will feign ignorance by saying "I can wear it."


Ignorance may be an excuse, but it is still ignorance, and it is still just an excuse. I wouldn't black list someone for ignorance, but I might make a Newb List for them. If I see them do it again, they were just being a ****.

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If people roll on companion gear over people who need it for their PC then they might as well take away everything but the need button because every class in the game will end up needing every piece of armor that drops. We get 6 companions.. everything that drops will work for at least one of them. So, good luck ever winning anything with that mind set.


This is the dire prediction that everyone who opposes people rolling on a piece for uncommon reasons makes. The thing to think about is this: is that such a bad idea? If you have everyone rolling "need" on something, the end result is that everyone has a flat equal chance to acquire something, which goes in perfect keeping with the fact that everyone contributed in downing a given boss to begin with.


The loot drama arises because of disparities in loot priorities facilitated by the current NBG system. You have some people who choose Greed for a particular reason, who then get upset when someone else chooses Need for a reason they don't agree with. In short, they're upset because they had expectations of behavior that someone else didn't meet.


You have people rolling Need on things that upsets others rolling Need for a different reason, or just for a reason they didn't approve of. Upset that the chance of their getting a desired item has decreased when they favored behavior that would have given them a better chance of acquisition, they petition BioWare via these forums to make it so it can't happen.


If you simply move to either an actual Roll/Pass system, or one that's approximated via everyone choosing the same priority level on their loot roll, no one has room to complain. Everyone has a flat equal chance of getting any given piece.


Nothing could be more fair or impartial.

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"Generally accepted" ?? Ummm, go read every other thread on companion loot and you'll find plenty of people posting how they view their companion as an extension of their character and not a separate entity.


People like you want to simply label those people as wrong because they don't agree with your views. And then come here and complain about them because you lack the ability to communicate with them prior to the looting.


People like me understand my point of view isn't necessarily everybody else's and would rather ask a simple question at the beginning of a run rather than risk the potential stress and hurt feelings that can come about when you discover not everyone thought the way you do.


It's true. I see lots of people on the forum trying to justify going against the long established system of only rolling for the character and role you are playing the the group when the loot drops. Then I go in game and see that those players are a vast minority in the game.


A group of people were vocal about it on the forum so it must be acceptable in game. LOL

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...if anyone in that class is with your group.


I can't believe I'm posting about item rolls, or about this issue. People worry too much about loot, and I'm a big believer in just enjoying the game.

But poor claims hurt group dynamics, and there's no need for this kind of thing.


Today, a Sith Marauder rolled Need to get this

Cademimu Sharpshooter's Jacket

+34 Endurance

+38 Cunning

+18 Critical Rating


when I pointed out it was made for an Agent, like me, he said he intended to strip out the mods and trade them.


When I noted that the mods are Bound, he insisted that since he could wear it, he could roll. More surprising was that when he brought the issue to /General, a few voices agreed.


Most did not, but the others need to know that sort of claim i's a party-breaker. This is clearly an Agent item - a huge upgrade in my case - and my next group will get a little less healing as a result.


One of the pleasures of running Flashpoints is the chance to get gear suited to you. If it's better suited to someone else, leave it for them.


he is an idiot. no amount of excuses or justifying his greed changes it. it should have gone to you or another agent if there were any in the group. end of discussion

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I whole heartily agree.


The mods become bound as soon as you remove them. and cannot be traded even to alts. lastly if you would need it (agent / operative) surely does he should roll greed.




Need ONLY if it is of immediate benefit to your class NOW.

an orange item I can wear is of immediate benefit to my class NOW. Likewise, gear that my companions can wear is also of immediate benefit to my class NOW.
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he is an idiot. no amount of excuses or justifying his greed changes it. it should have gone to you or another agent if there were any in the group. end of discussion
how cute, you declared an end to the discussion without actually substantiating your point in any way.
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If you loot against the norm in a group without discussing, you run the risk of angering people. Simply, discuss it before you group. Nothing said = standard loot rules.
If you hold expectations of loot distribution that aren't actually part of the in game loot system without discussing, you run the risk of being disappointed. Simply, discuss it before you group. Nothing said = don't assume that your loot rules are the standard loot rules.
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