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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Problems with PvP


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I agree with most of what you said.


I think the lottery system is the most offensive though, whoever thought that one up should be kept away from idea making. If they wanted to drag it out, they could have made the pieces you want buyable with a higher comm cost.

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I agree with most of what you said.


I think the lottery system is the most offensive though, whoever thought that one up should be kept away from idea making. If they wanted to drag it out, they could have made the pieces you want buyable with a higher comm cost.


That's the kind of crap I expect from Korean free to play games.

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5. All PvP armor from centurion to battlemasters is just a color change. 5 years of hardwork.





That one made me laugh so hard. Haha, so true.


makes me believe there placeholders honestly.


@KiranK, your IQ dont seem to be much higher if you have to resort to this type of insult.

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on a side note their single player portion seemed to be correct like always.


Their first attempt at a pvp system is a massive failure. Sometimes its good to look at other games a little bit more than you should. /facepalm pvp devs

Edited by Truepk
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I was somewhat confused as well while all the armour looks the same as ive seen dev interview videos where have enormous spider diagrams with different artwork of armour for different classes. The only thng i can assume is they are saving stuff for later? TO keep subscribers interested.
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2. RNG Bags (no need further elaboration...

RND maybe? Suppose so...


Cool example:

i have 45 valour level guardian without any drops from bags (except champion tokens and omg 8 trinket tokens) and 1st valour level trooper with full dd set and half of healer's set in hes bank.

We don't need any elaboration for shure m8 :)

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Champion Bags being RNG loot is just common sense, really. You think if you go into PvE you have a sure drop? You think? Think you won't get doubles? It is just as RNG, but PvP'ers tend to think, that they are special for some reason and deserve steady upgrades.


Of course you could go with steady upgrades in direct correlation with time spend, but you couldn't do the same with PvE, because whatever you do in warzones you won't go unrewarded. If you lose in PvE you get no shot at loot at all.


Both are similar important and to assure, that you don't get something faster in PvE or PvP they took the RNG factor of PvE and translated it onto PvP.


If you would just take the time to think about both aspects, then you would even come to realize, that PvE and PvP has about the same amount of shots at T3 gear per week.


And I fully agree, the pvp armors are certainly designed by the PvP developer... That ain't a totally different department.


All you will be achieving by flaming the RNG is for people, that come after you to get it easier. I hope you realize that and by then you guys will be the first to flame how hard you had to grind and bla bla bla to get it.


RNG is not a bad thing at all. I like it the way it is and I am not super lucky getting my full set of champion gear on my toons by about valor rank 59. If any side would obtain epics more efficient then the other, then you would people see doing it all the *****ng time and then go PvP or PvE to minimalize their effort.

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^ Yes, it's a sure drop of a purple in EV for YOU. It's just a matter of what piece you get.


As for HM it's still a sure drop, just whether it's the equipment for YOU. In PvP you can get absolutely NOTHING for hours and hours of work. PvE in this game is also rather easy if you have coordination in your group, and the bosses stop bugging out or having unlootable Soa.


Right now it takes much longer for someone to be PvP geared compared to PvE. It took me 2-3 weeks of farming to even get a full champion set, that's about 100~ bags I've opened and got my Main-Hand only on my 90th bag.


PVE gearing is much much much faster. Easily in one run people if lucky can get 2-4 pieces of Columi or at least 1 piece of Rakata in a HM/Nightmare EV run or more.

Edited by Rezenith
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I have to agree with the OP. It really boggles my mind to think they have had this much time to develop the game, and this is all we get for pvp. Gabe, what were you and your team thinking throughout development with this garbage.


Did you guys get so far into developing this sad state of affairs that there was a point of no return and you couldn't start over with something else?


Then there is the coding.


How is it that you cant have more than 25 people on the screen without going to 2 fps. Its like watching a slideshow of combat when you find some of the opposite faction. There are rigs out there that can run Battlefield 3 flawlessly on ultra settings, then they come over to SWTOR and get 2fps on Ilum with graphics turned to low and AA off.


Some heads need to roll with the dev team and EA/Bioware needs to get on it quick. You have so much money to throw around and this is the best you can do. Sounds to me the "good 'ol boy" Ill scratch your back, if you scratch mine mentality still exists in the gaming world and good developers aren't given the chance to shine.


Maybe EA louse knew what he was talking about all along.

Edited by SithJanitor
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Champion Bags being RNG loot is just common sense, really. You think if you go into PvE you have a sure drop? You think? Think you won't get doubles? It is just as RNG, but PvP'ers tend to think, that they are special for some reason and deserve steady upgrades.


PvP is supposed to be a competitive environment .. like a sport .. You don't see NHL players with no stick or helmet now do you? The fact that gear is even a factor PvP is a problem in itself, but at least if PvP gear was more easily obtained, it wouldn't as frustrating for the players. The truth though is that the RNG system is stupid in both PvE and PvP. It just isn't fun for a player to have to go through that **** and it defeats the purpose of playing a game in the first place (hint: to have fun). Once again, one only has to look at what ArenaNet is doing in Guild Wars 2 to see how things should be done.

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An extra post that doesn't have to do with That Mitchell and Webb Look!




This will fix up gear progression in a big way. No more lottery. In my system you'd be able to watch yourself getting closer to every piece.


It's already got nearly eight thousand views, all five-star votes. Good stuff! Let's get some attention. :)

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i love you.... i really do...




Granted, I have been in enough MMO launches to learn not to expect anything out of a new MMO. It always takes half a year for them to get rid of most bugs, optimize the engine, implement the tools (that granted should have been there from start..) and balance out the classes better.


Now, if this is not done good in the first few months, then a game is utterly doomed.


I will not say "jay" or "nay" to SW:tOR yet, it's just too early! But the first content patch really didn't do them any good..hehe

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You forgot to add, they've handed battlemasters to a a large number of people in the 24hr period since 1.1 patch and denied it was a design flaw.


Well to be fair, that was all the customers fault for not realizing something was broken (that never existed before). What could BW have done?
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Maybe it's in every other thread for a reason.


Ya I mean come on - 1.1 and now 1.1.1.....this game is turning into Rift fast......


What MMO changes this much stuff so drastically so fast? I just dont get it....knee jerk reactions to everything is not going to keep people playing

Edited by Torn
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TL;DR Version.


1. CC, Stun, Knockbacks etc.


1. The amount of CC and durations is fine. The issue is the resolve system. Many times you can get stunned with full resolve because its refreshing a stun already on you.


2. RNG Bags (no need further elaboration... )


2. This is fine. Most people have every slot champ by valor 60, or close to it. PvP gear SHOULD NOT be easy to get


3. Armor Skins are absolutely hideous in design and low resolution


3. I think the designs are ok, but I dislike the level of detaiil and how the same base class has the same texture (ie. Assasin and Sorc)


4. Same class, same look for everyone.


4. as above


5. All PvP armor from centurion to battlemasters is just a color change. 5 years of hardwork.


5. As above


6. Skills not activating, bugging out (ok nothing to do with the PvP dev)


6. if you read 1.1.1 patch notes they are fixing this


7. Open World PvP = Joke


7, Ilum is actually rather fun now after the latest patch. on my server its normally a ops of Repubs vs a Ops of Imperial fighting at south or mid


8. No progression - no stats, no titles, no basic creativity i.e unlock new pvp skin based on valor <-- Sounds neat? Dang 5 years can't think of that?


8. Err what? You get titles every 10 valor levels. You get stats from progressing through the gear ranks (centurion->champion->battlemaster). no game unlocks new textures. look at WoW every level within a season is essentially the same with a differant colour. I think this is fine as is.


9. Medal system is terrible. Objective points is broken.


9. Medal system is fine, if biased towards tanks. I'm a full spec healer. Most games I can get 6 medals easily. Tanks can always get 2 more, and damage classes varies but the marauders i play with normally get same amount i do.




Just a simple question, what's the point?


First fundamental statement I would like to make about humans is that we enjoy progression. Progression drives many people, and can push someone who's unmotivated into a driven person if he starts seeing results.


I find it amazing how you talk about no progression. but there clearly is, you progress through new titles into new gear at valor 60. You missed 1 of the two biggest issues with PvP and rewards in this game (the other being skill delay/not working mentioned above) which is wins not counting for the daily. Another thing being fixed in 1.1.1



Red words are mine

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I don't think you'd get the point until you have obtained full battlemaster and realise how fruitless and unrewarding the system is.


For the record also, 6 medal equates to absolutely horrible performance. Many classes, as you said especially with the defense medals, can get 10-13 medals with 10 being easily gotten. Objectives does not grant proper obj. points nor does it rewards you as much as medals.


The two defining factor is win/lose and how many medals you got, it does not matter if you scored 5 times, whether you are a great team player, or any other points you can bring. I don't think it is necessary to go too in-depth and you should be able to see how bad the PvP system is.


By titles I meant to write achievement, my bad. Oh by the way, go figure out the hundreds of hours it takes to get up 10 valor ranks to only get a title from rank 60 onwards. Also, I think you got your facts completely misconstrued. You get absolutely NOTHING from hitting valor 60. You just unlock the ability to open Battlemaster bags at two a day, which could just result in many empty bags.


There is absolutely no point in PvP'ing after 60 other than 'for fun'. From a PvP'er perspectives this becomes nothing more than Team Fortress 2 warzone. In fact TF2 is even better, it's competitive, has stats tracking, (lol hats galore), and waaay smooth.


It's great news that they're fixing the combat responsiveness in 1.1.1, but based on the performance so far, don't expect too much. It'd probably break more things or wouldn't even fix it.

Edited by Rezenith
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