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Why are so many people against Arena in Swtor?


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I would guess that even undergeared, theyd kick your silly *** all over Alderaan because they sound like the kind of people who understand that deathmatch skill is not the only PvP skill.


I am the kind of people who laughed at all the BG heroes in WoW saying that they would destroy me in RBG's. Since I casually played RBG's and pretty much never lost a game.


Every top arena player have the individual skill to play WZ's, because it is not difficult at all. All there is to it is praciting teamwork, which you can also do in arenas.

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and the reason why a lot of people quit WoW arena, including me, was due to the stupid *** hero class they added which basically destroyed arena. sorry if you cant get your rank high enough to get certain gear, but that is why bio has operationg for you to click the same 5 button rotation and kill a computer ever week.


dk/pal was just as bad as druid/war from the previous season, people didnt quit in droves over druid/war

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Mark my words, if there is no arena system implemented into this game pvp will die. No one is going to want to run dumb war zones over and over again. Arena is one of the best ways to let people show off their skill as well as add more to the game. Wanting there not to be arena only cheapens the game in terms of content and shortens the game's life.


Im sorry but thats just complete bs, just because wow did it does NOT mean you have to. A lot of people actually enjoy objective based pvp as anything else is boring (in my opinion just as you think its boring :)).






11 milions people playing a game with high-end pvp based on arenas.


We love arenas.


You dont like them? Dont play, but we are a lot of people that enjoy them, so please, enough.

Im sorry but those statistics are completely useless as they say NOTHING about how many play or even enjoy arenas, unless you're going to claim wow has nothing else?

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Mark my words, if there is no arena system implemented into this game pvp will die. No one is going to want to run dumb war zones over and over again. Arena is one of the best ways to let people show off their skill as well as add more to the game. Wanting there not to be arena only cheapens the game in terms of content and shortens the game's life.


You can show off your skill in Warzones as well. All arena's are is who can kill/avoid being killed better than the other team. No objectives, no defending locations, limited tactics, playing as a team etc. There's more to warzones than just showing how much damage/kills you can get.


Yes, we do need more WZ's, but the game has been out what...a month and a half. Seriously, you're already complaining. I don't think anyone would have a problem with Arena's if it were implemented as a side game with only titles, mounts, etc as rewards (no gear). Pretty much keep Warzones as the standard and offer arena's for the epeen factor.


I mean really...who's gonna want to run dumb arena's over and over again...seriously.

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Yes on Arena.


Keep the the current Champion/Battlemaster set with purchasable minor upgrades. PvP gear should not be better than the best PvE gear at the current time.


Winning or doing good Arena should award players with PvP credits. PvP credits then are used for buying special items:


- Spacecraft or Spacecraft cosmetics

- Different Champion/Battlemaster skins, same stats but different looks, ie Chewbecca skin or Yoda skin

- Speedsters, even go further and have purchasable upgrades such as 5% speed increase, 5% increase of not being knocked off, etc

- Crafting skills

- Pets

- New companions or skins

- Lockbox/bag

- Special stims

- RP gear

- Special OPS buffs usable in world PvP (Ilum)

- Dark/Light cosmetics on your characters

- Weapon cosmetics

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I am the kind of people who laughed at all the BG heroes in WoW saying that they would destroy me in RBG's. Since I casually played RBG's and pretty much never lost a game.


Every top arena player have the individual skill to play WZ's, because it is not difficult at all. All there is to it is praciting teamwork, which you can also do in arenas.


define top player.


if we are talking about gladiator level then lawl no. ive kicked their rears so hard in WZ due to their terribadness in bgs.


if we are talking about tournament level players, ill agree. you do not get to that level without being highly skilled in all relevant pvp subjects.


but keep in mind you are talking about maybe a hundred people out of 11 million

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Things they need to do before worrying about an arena system.



Fix Ilum

Fix resolve bar

Fix ability lag



Plus I would prefer not to have it, just to keep WZ's and Ilum full. I am a good pvp'r and would do quite well in arena's but they need to focus on warzones imo.


Since when is Arena not PvP? And do you think the WZ lines will be gigantic if players play arena..?

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11 milions people playing a game with high-end pvp based on arenas.


We love arenas.


You dont like them? Dont play, but we are a lot of people that enjoy them, so please, enough.


UM...your numbers say nothing about arenas and PvP...it's just subscription numbers. I can use those same numbers and say


11 Million people playing a game with high-end PvE based on raids!


11 million people playing a game with high-end PvP based on FOTM builds/classes!


11 million people playing a game with high-end epeen facter based on no social life


11 million people playing a game with high-end RP based on...well...um....yeah


I think I made my point....

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No, druid/warrior wasnt nearly as bad.

Druid/Warrior wasnt even the strongest comp in S3/S4.




yea it was


druid/war was 21-26% of the top teams in 2v2 (depending on when you looked at it), followed by druid/rogue, druid/lock. druid/lock was the top combo for S2.


i think the only time druid/rogue overcame druid/war S3/S4 was when HARP was around.

Edited by Ryotknife
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how long after they implement arena are you pro arena guys going to wait before we start to see the "I have skill due to my arena ranking why dont i get better gear?" threads?


i'm a casual. i like to play for fun. i quit WoW when i got tired of losing to gladiators in non rated battlegrounds. that is the direction the game went. arena or get stomped during your casual fun time. you want arena? go back to WoW. let the rest of us actually play a game for FUN, not self esteem.


P.S. to the guy who was bragging about his super mount in WoW and how he THOUGHT people would feel when he landed next to them...... lol, just lol

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even if 100% of the people who played wow played arenas in BC, you even admitted that arena participation dropped by 75%.


that means if EVERYONE played arenas in BC, then only 25% of the players played after BC.


that ALONE qualifies as a minority.


but seeing how 100% of the people did NOT play arenas in BC (probably more like 75-80%), and out of those people who played arenas how many of them actually ENJOYED playing arenas, at BEST you are looking at 10% of people who played and enjoyed arenas.

Edited by Zilrota
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Not sure who you're talking to on this one, but I'll bite. Again, I don't think folks would have a problem if Arena was implement in SWTOR as long as the rewards ARE NOT gear related. Special titles, mounts (faster than 110%), ship parts, PvP OPS buff comsumables, etc etc etc. Having gear rewards that are higher in a rated arena over those in a warzone is where I think people have the issue. Now if implementing a rated Arena as a side game with various Arena ONLY, non-gear rewards, then sorry man, I don't think you're gonna win many over. Edited by Zilrota
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So skillless valor grinding deserves better pvp rewards than a someone who is clearly better than someone else by beating them over and over again in a ranked arena system? lets reward grinding!


no no i think your right. we should reward those with skill by handicapping those without skill...... go back to WoW.


If your skilled why do you need a gear advantage?

Edited by Meluna
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So skillless valor grinding deserves better pvp rewards than a someone who is clearly better than someone else by beating them over and over again in a ranked arena system? lets reward grinding!


So, endless arena grinding deserves better rated rewards over those who work at a team and dominate warzones? So dominating in an Arena is different than working together in a warzone and winning over and over?


So let me get this straight...Arena ONLY titles and various other rewards isn't enough for you to stroke your epeen off, but you need gear as well?

Edited by Meluna
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So skillless valor grinding deserves better pvp rewards than a someone who is clearly better than someone else by beating them over and over again in a ranked arena system? lets reward grinding! you guys are idiots


arenas are more decided by comps/gear than it is by skill, at least until you get to the top 1%. however, this is a level that pretty much every person on this forum, myself included, will never see. and yes, this is a level that you pro arena posters will never see either.


skill in arenas only matters at the very very top. it certainly doesnt HURT, but it is not required

Edited by Ryotknife
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so having never played the steaming pile of crap that was WoW, please tell me what the Arena is.


WoW arena was 2v2/3v3/5v5 pitted against each other in 1 round deathmatch.


It was a lot of fun, but the execution on Blizzards part was pretty poor. The biggest problems were it was the only way to the best PvP gear, balance issues and counter comping became quite normal.


Though I felt it worked great in TBC and to some degree in WoTLK.


Areans in this game would work better out the game because quite frankly the class balance here is a lot better even though a lot on the people with lets say less then average IQ tend to whine about this class or that class without any information to back it up.


Another thing would be to keep the unique rewards purely cosmetic. Having both ranked warzones and ranked arena would give players the choice to choose the pvp format they prefer. I personally love world pvp and small team deathmatch. Objective based gameplay where there are to many random elements is not my personal favorite.


Also using the bolster system would be a great way to balance PvP and PvE without breaking either.

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no no i think your right. we should reward those with skill by handicapping those without skill...... go back to WoW.


If your skilled why do you need a gear advantage?


why does one raid? why does one grind valor? why does one grind commandments?


gear buddy, gear.



and yea its fun getting better gear that you deserve because you ARE better than someone else. most of you dont want there to be ranked systems because you know you will never obtain that gear, which i understand. but all your reasons are invalid, they don't make sense. Its funny how people think they are entitled to stuff without having to earn it, if you want the best gear you EARN it.

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So you're saying that drawing population (population = money, shorter queues, more grouping, richer economy) from other games, specifically the people participating in skilled, competitive PvP, is a bad thing?


Lost cause, you are. Mrrmm.


No it is obvious that they are here in SWTOR as they are bored of being equalized in WoW and want what what the case in Arena in WoW when it started.


OP class rolls over and over for 5 seasons till they finally got a handle on the problem.


So now that skill is more important then gear in WoW Arena they come here to ruin this game.


But you knew that as you are here asking for it, huh?

Edited by Metalmac
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why does one raid? why does one grind valor? why does one grind commandments?


gear buddy, gear.



and yea its fun getting better gear that you deserve because you ARE better than someone else. most of you dont want there to be ranked systems because you know you will never obtain that gear, which i understand. but all your reasons are invalid, they don't make sense. Its funny how people think they are entitled to stuff without having to earn it, if you want the best gear you EARN it.


this is not real life. this is a video game. some people play for that crazy thing you call fun. here lets find out if its about gear or about the advantage over others..... do you support arena gear that is not usable in warzones?

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this is not real life. this is a video game. some people play for that crazy thing you call fun. here lets find out if its about gear or about the advantage over others..... do you support arena gear that is not usable in warzones?





that actually is a great idea

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