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We want Arenas in SWTOR!


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/signed x1000


To those saying arena destroyed wow

Obviously you don't play wow much

Because it has a massive following


To those saying arena will create calls for class balance

To swarm the forums....just go look at the pvp forums now

1000's of threads calling for class nerfs/buffs



Arena will be an awesome addition to this game

And cannot wait until it implemented

It's good for this game because it promotes theory crafting

Comp building and so many 3rd party resources

You would be crazy to not want it even if you didn't participate you would still see benefits from the added resources

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No. Arena is by far the most ridiculous form of PVP where 2x one class will just trounce another because classes in this game are designed rock/paper/scissors and forums will be full of 'X is OP in arenas nerf them' which will then have side affects on said classes ability in warzones and other PVP.


It is no test of skill at all. A test of skill is playing 8v8, where you have to work as a team, rather than 2v2 which does not take as much coordination.


Excuses for not being able to win. yes Arena was never balanced but it never mattered till the top tier of play

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Dont listen those below 2400 noobs.

They were so bad at PVP, that they actualy want a PVE only game with some grind-meat-zerg fest battlegrounds, where even my CAT can be good at (spamming some aoe).


PVP = arena

Noob fest aoe = BG


If ur so bad at PVP just keep being aoe meat in BG and dont come into arenas.

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Excuses for not being able to win. yes Arena was never balanced but it never mattered till the top tier of play


People never understand this... This years arena season with the PVE gear shenanigans is making everything worse...

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For those who are for arena and bashing on objective based pvp. Are objectives too hard for you? Is deathmatch all you scrubs can play? Aww I am so sorry that something as complex as passing a ball is out of your 2400+ minds.



see wut I did there.

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Starcraft II should cost around what, 50 €? And btw, its that way ------------------------>


OP: the day BW includes arenas its the last day of my subscription.


You would quit because a new option was put in the game?


If they don't add Arena more people will quit then the amount that quit because they add it.


Im only opposed to top end gear from arena cause too many people will QQ and blame gear, I want cosmetic rewards so when my team wins we don't hear excuses.


Im only on like page 5 and am resisting the temptation to quote the anti-arena posts which all repeat the same thing

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No, if you want team play then you have warzones, maybe they can make a 4 person setup for warzones, but anything more is idiotic and just caters to facerollers, people truly good at pvp will play whatever pvp you have, even crappy illum.... People that like epeen and facerolling easymode claim arena is it.... but ya know, arena not only was not "it" it was the cause of so much in the way of balance issues in WOW it's not worth it, you can't really balance each class esp. when you have to start takinig into account synergy between classes.


Balance isn't perfect right now in TOR but its light years ahead of WOW.

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There's nothing skilled about Tab target long GCD mmo combat.


Oh you tab targeted, most people I know binded target Enemy players 1-3. Must of been hard cyclign through things and spamming, no wonder some peopel view it as skillless.


The people who view arena as skillless had no skill so they didn't experience that side of play. In the low brackets it was fotm comps just facerolling, but in the higher end you get more balanced comps and long, intense, and fun games

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Arenas themselves might not be the right answer, but there needs to be some way to have organized PVP beyond a 4 person group. It doesn't matter if you think arenas ruined WoW or what, the need for structure is important, and without it, PVP in this game will be more of a side note than anything else, especially after people get geared up.
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Do some of you anti arena players even read these forum

Pvp is right now changing this game..... This pvp forums fulll of buff x nerf y posts

And you think arenas going to affect the game negatively.


BW would be crazy not to add it to the game

I would like to see 2v2 and 4v4 plus 8v8 rateds

A lot of players don't like 2v2 in wow because of cheese comps

But it's still fun to do if you don't take it seriously

But in 4v4 that would for some serious pvp similar to 3's in wow

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Oh you tab targeted, most people I know binded target Enemy players 1-3. Must of been hard cyclign through things and spamming, no wonder some peopel view it as skillless.


The people who view arena as skillless had no skill so they didn't experience that side of play. In the low brackets it was fotm comps just facerolling, but in the higher end you get more balanced comps and long, intense, and fun games




To be fair though, once you got into the 2400s and beyond you really did have to be one of a few cookie cutter comps to be viable (at least in WOTLK, that's when I quit). I remember I had a really hard time as a non-traditional class. It wasn't impossible, but because I wasn't cookie cutter it was significantly more difficult.

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