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Wanting Aspiring Knight's Vest, but can't find it!


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I've been trying my hardest to find either a schematic of this or the actual vest on the Galactic Trade market, but I can't find it for nothing, which makes me very sad. I really liked the look of the Temple Watchman's Vest and wanted to find a similar look but higher level, and found people recommending the Aspiring Knight's Vest. Can anyone tell me the average cost for this vest? Or if anyone is willing to sell me one?? My Knight really needs it. :(
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If you happen to be on Thana Vesh, I can make one for you - drop an email to Cu'Culainn. That said - it would help a lot if you would mention the server you are on, since only someone on your server can help you out with this. This is definitely the type of issue that would be easier to deal with if we had server specific forums, or at least a true server wide global chat channel we could use for advertising wanted purchases/sales.


About the only other thing I can suggest is going to Carrick station (republic fleet) and hanging out for a while, hitting up global every 5 minutes or so to see if someone can craft you one of these. As for cost - offer whatever you feel resonable and see if they will sell it for that, or see what they want to charge. Its kinda hard to set prices on moddable gear like this - while one piece can last up to 50, its only valuable if the player likes the pattern - there is no real gameplay value in the piece until you mod it.

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