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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Bioware Insulting Bias


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World PVP in WoW gave close to zero rewards.


Zerging on Ilum? Instant battlemaster! Missed the turret exploits? You still outnumber the Repubs 10:1 everyday and they can't complete their dailies since 99% of the time there's <10 repubs there.


The fact of the matter is Ilum is zerg-based and gives out epic rewards. This in itself is WRONG.


I dare any Empire player to justify why you should get to complete quests for epic gear by just outnumbering your enemy in a PVP game.




Once again world pvp = zerg. It has always been that way. Even before World of Warcraft, and even in ADoC with the three factions. The only time one factions would orangize with another, in AdoC, was to counter the current dominating zerging faction, in efforts to our zerg them.

Edited by Tycoon
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do none of you notice how on Alderaan Civil War no matter who caps first, the Empire always gets ahead in score?


That's some damn brilliant coding right there.


Also notice how there's been absolutely no acknowledgement of the problem or mention of it through 4 patches?





Yeah I've noticed that too, for both of our factions. Not a favoritism.

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Heck even in WoW, Horde is more favoured then the Alliance. Thats because the racial abilities are far better for PvP and the Horde mentality appeals to players. Only time ive seen people play alliance is due to looks and cosmetics. But do I hear people complain on the WoW forums, or Blizzard take any action to change it? NO, because they know good players adapt.


The same might be applied here. Empire (Horde) is the bad guy and power hungry folks while most Republic players are like the alliance. Its based on looks and what most kiddies who saw the movies wanted to be: Jedi.


But that doesnt have to say that playing competence are equally distributed.


Offcourse this is just my 2 pennies.

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do none of you notice how on Alderaan Civil War no matter who caps first, the Empire always gets ahead in score?


That's some damn brilliant coding right there.


Also notice how there's been absolutely no acknowledgement of the problem or mention of it through 4 patches?




not true. ive seen vids of what youre talking about, where the emp side ticks dmg first. but the other day i saw the exact same thing happen for the repubs. didnt get a fraps of it but ill try to next time. we capped first, then they capped, and a few seconds later they were ahead of us

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But they didn't, I've played Republic alts, know what I see from my Star Wars geek eyes? Jedi and the Republic, exactly as they are portrayed in every medium, same goes for the Sith. Bioware did a great job capturing what both sides are, It's not their fault that the old fashioned good guys are bland, people want to try something new, that's what the Sith faction offers.


Are you choosing to ignore the massive amount of pre-release hype that basically said "The Empire kicks the **** out of the Republic pretty much all the time."


I'm not going to argue about Republic being boring and bland because it is, and I agree with that. But things like the opening cinematic and all of the pre-release propaganda has an impact whether you think it does or not. They play up the Empire as awesome, powerful, frightening, and consistently on the brink of destroying the Republic, while on the Republic side of things its basically portrayed as a massive struggle against a superior entity, always playing catch up, always doing damage control, and this is consistent throughout the game playing in some Republic storylines such as the Knight and Consular stories. Many quests go along the lines of "The Empire kicked our *** and ****ed **** up go fix it." Does this occur routinely in Empire quest lines as well? This is a serious question, because I have only played an Inquisitor a little bit.


I understand that the Sith are supposed to be essentially scary, psychpathic, etc. But Yoda holds his ground against the Dooku, while Satele gets her butt kicked and has to be saved or assisted.

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So much humor from both sides in this thread, it's like watching a political debate of two limp wristed mouth breathers trying to prove their way is better, and yet no one have yet to put down solid suggestions, just standard Third Riech Hate Speech.


Let's face it, the only honest way for world pvp to be solved is for there to be even numbers- meaning, Imps will have to reroll Republic.


Two things then have to occur- the game has to give a reason for us to switch sides- at the point where we have our Imps geared up, the least is gonna need to be valour/comm/xp gains, or in other words, something that imbalances the game in the other side's favour.


The other thing is community- when you spend a month insulting the other side, and expect them to come reroll on your side... you might have made a mistake in judgment. That's what has to happen after all- Imps roll Republic to even the numbers. But, while there's a hundred threads talking about how everything is BW's fault, how the Imps are all terrible for rolling on their side, how Imps are all stupid and rolled Imp not because they wanted to but because we're children who like the big bad Malgus and think it's cool...


Ever see a thread saying 'hey Imperials, can you come help us out and even the numbers? We have guilds willing to help gear/level you'. The answer's no, not without some sort of insult hinged to it at least.



If you don't want to play nice with us... what makes you think we want to play nice with you? BW doesn't need to make Imps more attractive than Republic- Republic has done an amazing job at making themselves the whiners and haters on the forum on their own.

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Are you choosing to ignore the massive amount of pre-release hype that basically said "The Empire kicks the **** out of the Republic pretty much all the time."


I'm not going to argue about Republic being boring and bland because it is, and I agree with that. But things like the opening cinematic and all of the pre-release propaganda has an impact whether you think it does or not. They play up the Empire as awesome, powerful, frightening, and consistently on the brink of destroying the Republic, while on the Republic side of things its basically portrayed as a massive struggle against a superior entity, always playing catch up, always doing damage control, and this is consistent throughout the game playing in some Republic storylines such as the Knight and Consular stories. Many quests go along the lines of "The Empire kicked our *** and ****ed **** up go fix it." Does this occur routinely in Empire quest lines as well? This is a serious question, because I have only played an Inquisitor a little bit.


I understand that the Sith are supposed to be essentially scary, psychpathic, etc. But Yoda holds his ground against the Dooku, while Satele gets her butt kicked and has to be saved or assisted.


there are some quests on the Imp side where the repubs are layin some smackdown on us and we gotta stop them. but you also have to remember that its the Empire. theyre not willingly going to admit defeat, or admit that the republic are better than they are. and as for the republic always playing catch up and stuff, i basically think of it in terms on the movies, where the rebels were the good guys, but they were the underdogs, they were outmanned and outgunned, but still managed to win the day.

And Satele did lay a pretty good *** kicking on Malgus during the Hope trailer, come to think of it, that trooper fellow held his own against Malgus too. the crazy son of a ***** walked into his lightning trying to stab Malgus in the face lol. You can't deny that that pretty was friggin bad ***.

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Heck even in WoW, Horde is more favoured then the Alliance. Thats because the racial abilities are far better for PvP and the Horde mentality appeals to players. Only time ive seen people play alliance is due to looks and cosmetics. But do I hear people complain on the WoW forums, or Blizzard take any action to change it? NO, because they know good players adapt.


The same might be applied here. Empire (Horde) is the bad guy and power hungry folks while most Republic players are like the alliance. Its based on looks and what most kiddies who saw the movies wanted to be: Jedi.


But that doesnt have to say that playing competence are equally distributed.


Offcourse this is just my 2 pennies.


Wrong, I knew many hardcore pvpers that rolled ally because of racial abilities.


Human : Free trinket racial

NE: Free vanish

dwarf: Immune to bleeds.

And those people who rerolled, yea they where rouges.

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World PVP in WoW gave close to zero rewards.


Zerging on Ilum? Instant battlemaster! Missed the turret exploits? You still outnumber the Repubs 10:1 everyday and they can't complete their dailies since 99% of the time there's <10 repubs there.


The fact of the matter is Ilum is zerg-based and gives out epic rewards. This in itself is WRONG.


I dare any Empire player to justify why you should get to complete quests for epic gear by just outnumbering your enemy in a PVP game.





I dare we have to pay for the gas to get there so it is not free. Now lets see who in their right mind would want to fight fair and have a chance of losing? Everyone throws zerg around like its a bad thing, if the Republic would put together larger groups of ppl and then go to ilum problem solved.


You can't blame BW for the ppl who rolled on a pvp server and then whine they got ganked, or zerg *****. It is plain simple bring more ppl to the fight then the other side and you might win or might not who knows, who cares, it is a game.

Edited by Bloodhawker
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Are you choosing to ignore the massive amount of pre-release hype that basically said "The Empire kicks the **** out of the Republic pretty much all the time."


I'm not going to argue about Republic being boring and bland because it is, and I agree with that. But things like the opening cinematic and all of the pre-release propaganda has an impact whether you think it does or not. They play up the Empire as awesome, powerful, frightening, and consistently on the brink of destroying the Republic, while on the Republic side of things its basically portrayed as a massive struggle against a superior entity, always playing catch up, always doing damage control, and this is consistent throughout the game playing in some Republic storylines such as the Knight and Consular stories. Many quests go along the lines of "The Empire kicked our *** and ****ed **** up go fix it." Does this occur routinely in Empire quest lines as well? This is a serious question, because I have only played an Inquisitor a little bit.


I understand that the Sith are supposed to be essentially scary, psychpathic, etc. But Yoda holds his ground against the Dooku, while Satele gets her butt kicked and has to be saved or assisted.


It's always like that, the Republic or Rebels are always on the brink of collapse, ALWAYS, cause the Sith are the biggest threat to galactic peace and justice, what kind of story would it be if it was presented as "The baddies start a war with the goodies, but present no challenge to the goodies, the goodies shall win as they always do, cause that makes you happy." That's bad story telling right there.


You root for the good guys cause they over come the odds, so again, not Biowares fault for doing what they're supposed to do with representing the Sith or Republic.


Look at Die Hard, how many John McLains were there? 1. How many terrorists? 17...with automatic weapons, John didn't even have shoes. Now how interesting would that movie had been if instead of John, it were say, um, the Terminator, with a rocket launcher. Movie would be over in 5 mins.

Edited by LordXile
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The people that will leave will leave anyway, they're the FOTM crowd, nothing can stop them from leaving, Hell just look at all the QQ from 1.1 Patch, all those quitters after 1 day. They were just looking for an excuse to leave and call the game fail. After the inevitable loss of the FOTM players, you'll see more balance.


I've played MMO's since UO released in Sept. 1997. As many fans of the genre, I've played tons of them, UO, AC, EQ, DAoC, AO, and the list goes on & on. This is only the 2nd game I didn't sub to after the first month; first being the mistake of Mortal Online.


If you are having fun, bless you; but don't be delusional in thinking many of us who unsubbed would have any way. Most, if not all, who lay out the money for the game would want this game to be good and worth continuing to play. It isn't "for many of us".

Edited by Gratus_Mortuus
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I've played MMO's since UO released in Sept. 1997. As many fans of the genre, I've played tons of them, UO, AC, EQ, DAoC, AO, and the list goes on & on. This is only the 2nd game I didn't sub to after the first month; first being the mistake of Mortal Online.


If you are having fun, bless you; but don't be delusional in thinking many of us who unsubbed would have any way. Wewanted this game to be good and worth continuing to play. It isn't "for many of us".


This is where they need stronger forum control, if you are unsubbed, they should remove the ability to post on the forums, not to be rude, if you didn't enjoy the game and moved on, great, but there is no point in making posts only to flood the forums, no reason to stick around for idle "chit chat." It's time to go, simple as that, move along and enjoy what you enjoy and leave the others to enjoy what they enjoy.

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Hey Bioware,


I just wanted you to know that you didnt fix illum.


You basically changed it from Imperials farming the med center, to imperials farming armaments.


I guess you think its slick and sneaky of you to create a never ending supply of free daily items in the center of the map for your baby empire faction.


I have waited 3 days now on my empire alt for my 50 to have something to do outside of PVE (my guildies arent 50 yet) and I have yet to find anything. No warzones, no ilum.


I said this before i'll say it again, if you are going to be blatantly obvious about your infatuation with the empire faction you created, at least have the decency to admit it and delete the republic.


They dont need us to pvp, they dont need us to do ilum dailys, they dont need us for anything.


I feel like i'm living in a sick social experiment to find out how far someone has to be pushed before they believe they are being discriminated against.


I <3 this message.

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This is where they need stronger forum control, if you are unsubbed, they should remove the ability to post on the forums, not to be rude, if you didn't enjoy the game and moved on, great, but there is no point in making posts only to flood the forums, no reason to stick around for idle "chit chat." It's time to go, simple as that, move along and enjoy what you enjoy and leave the others to enjoy what they enjoy.


There is absolutely nothing rude in what I wrote. The irony is that you're the one being rude in even suggesting such a thing. The post I quoted was also rude in saying all those who quit this game would have any way because they are FOTM mmo players. Rude and childish to say the least.


I'm sure those of us who unsubbed will lose our ability to post soon so don't worry. In the mean time, try to deal with the fact many who bought the game feel differently than you and perhaps our feedback will help make the game better; although frankly, it's probably surprisingly too late.

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I've played MMO's since UO released in Sept. 1997. As many fans of the genre, I've played tons of them, UO, AC, EQ, DAoC, AO, and the list goes on & on. This is only the 2nd game I didn't sub to after the first month; first being the mistake of Mortal Online.


If you are having fun, bless you; but don't be delusional in thinking many of us who unsubbed would have any way. Most, if not all, who lay out the money for the game would want this game to be good and worth continuing to play. It isn't "for many of us".


And you're delusional if you don't think the majority of you aren't just here cause it's the new game to play and it's a good time sink till something else comes along. If that wasn't the case, then there wouldn't have been the massive cry fest about 1.1. Hours after release and instantly unsubbing over an issue that didn't even last a full day.

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And you're delusional if you don't think the majority of you aren't just here cause it's the new game to play and it's a good time sink till something else comes along. If that wasn't the case, then there wouldn't have been the massive cry fest about 1.1. Hours after release and instantly unsubbing over an issue that didn't even last a full day.


(guy with full pvp gear) is unbeatable


(guy with full pvp gear) is unkillable


(guy with full pvp gear) is immortal


(guy with full pvp gear) gets 100 commendations

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(guy with full pvp gear) is unbeatable


(guy with full pvp gear) is unkillable


(guy with full pvp gear) is immortal


(guy with full pvp gear) gets 100 commendations


Yeah, with healers keeping him alive. Oh god game is so broke cause healers make him hard to beat.


I've got the same thing with my lvl 12 Sage...before the 50 Brackets.

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And you're delusional if you don't think the majority of you aren't just here cause it's the new game to play and it's a good time sink till something else comes along. If that wasn't the case, then there wouldn't have been the massive cry fest about 1.1. Hours after release and instantly unsubbing over an issue that didn't even last a full day.


The horrid balance, lack of a 50 bracket and plethora of issues; specifically PvP related is what caused me to unsub a day prior to the deployment of the patch, not after the patch. The fiasco of the patch and lack of immediate attention to what it created on Ilium just confirmed what was already obvious.


Those who unsubbed after 1.1 were obviously on the brink and that just pushed them over the edge.


People don't spend $60+ dollars hoping for the fun to only last 30-days. I don't genuinely understand how you can read all the feedback and not understand the credible reasons people have for leaving that have absolutely nothing to do with your theory.

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Yeah, with healers keeping him alive. Oh god game is so broke cause healers make him hard to beat.


I've got the same thing with my lvl 12 Sage...before the 50 Brackets.


I love when my ability tooltip says 1500 damage and it hits a guy for 300.


10 percent damage reduction working as intended.

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Yes, OP, I think this is a social experiment in a sense. What it shows is that youth and society in general have changed. No longer is it cool to be the good guy. Embracing villainy, evil, hatred, anti-God (I say that because Republic has a lot of belief / faith structure behind it), and sociopathic tendencies has become the norm.


For this reason alone, I believe, we see such a huge population imbalance with Empire vs. Republic. You might think its funny to think this, but I honestly believe it shows what has become of a lot of our society and the breakdown of the family in America. It somewhat seeps through online and you can read it plain as day. Why else would a song about the murders at Columbine become a #1 hit?

Edited by Proto
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There is absolutely nothing rude in what I wrote. The irony is that you're the one being rude in even suggesting such a thing. The post I quoted was also rude in saying all those who quit this game would have any way because they are FOTM mmo players. Rude and childish to say the least.


I'm sure those of us who unsubbed will lose our ability to post soon so don't worry. In the mean time, try to deal with the fact many who bought the game feel differently than you and perhaps our feedback will help make the game better; although frankly, it's probably surprisingly too late.


The situation is that, you're one of a very extreme few people who are not rude on their unsubbing. The issue is that those who "claimed to have un subbed" the vast majority of them are just seeking attention, flooding each thread with the same posts over and over again with no attempt to be civil, but to entice hate and fear.


You've seen them, I've seen them, many of us have, but to try to defend them that they have any resolve of positive feed back is not fair to the rest of those who enjoy the game, nothing against you, but the vast majority of the "unSubbers" are no better then any traditional fear mongering dictator only out for their own needs while trying to screw others over.

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Honestly I think it's hilarious. I guess Empire needs a crutch to win in PVP since they are all so bad at it.


Enjoy your free 200 valor per warzone win or lose. Your entire faction with a gear advantage still won't help.

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I feel like i'm living in a sick social experiment to find out how far someone has to be pushed before they believe they are being discriminated against.


So you believe they deliberately sabotaged their own game knowing that would cause people to get angry and leave, because clearly they want people to unsub.


I'm not even sure whether your trolling or you actually believe this, which frightens me.

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