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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Did they ever take action against the people who exploited Ilum?


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I don't find it unfair at all.


The server ratio of Repubs vs Imps are unfair.


There were no rules saying we couldn't go into the opposing teams base and kill their turrets or even spawn camp. And who is to tell us its wrong for working as PVP is intended by grouping up in mass groups? It isn't OUR fault that the Repubs have less people.


To me, I find it unfair due to they are going to punish the players because of the whiners who constantly complained about roll backs.


God, I hope the same situation doesn't apply to SOPA. Or we're screwed.

Its like saying that "there were no Signs or warnings on the doors of my local bank when I robbed them the other day....

so Im right to possess all this cash"

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Its like saying that "there were no Signs or warnings on the doors of my local bank when I robbed them the other day....

so Im right to possess all this cash"


Some people think that civility and morality do not apply in a game... Those are the people that are stuck in single player mentality, and cant grasp the concept that they are part of a community.

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I doubt it, it was BioWare's fault that allowed Ilum to be exploited. It wouldn't be fair to punish people because you were the original derp.


Like I've said before - it's like leaving candy on the floor of a daycare and then spanking the kids for eating it. Stupid kids lol

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Its like saying that "there were no Signs or warnings on the doors of my local bank when I robbed them the other day....

so Im right to possess all this cash"


Yes, but your wrong at one point. Robbing a bank would be part of a Law.

In which in game, there was no such thing.


When you hide behind a screen your true self emerges.


you don't have to put up any false act for some real life social situations, so you let your self go.


The liberated feeling can be addicting to a decent portion of the crowd.


So if you got some deep seeded personality dysfunctions, and to some extent, people that escape online do... you will loose control.


So what kind of people get online, use an exploit for greed and exploitation? Could the same people, be people that feel the real world has let them down?


Will they come to understand that in a virtual setting they become the very thing the hate in the real world?


When a person discovers a bug or exploit it becomes a "moral" choice to take advantage of it or not. Saying "everyone else is doing it", is kinda the same arguments that allow for mass murder in the real world.


Do what you want to do online, but know that there are people out there that are going to see who you really are deep down inside, and if I see you in a tent on wall street ill call you out as a fraud.


I stopped reading when you tried to sound smart by spelling "Lose" with "Loose"

Edited by PunisherAS
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Because all the people upset by this will be cancelled and gone.


No all the people who are upset will post that they will quit, and if a few quit, guess what that's what happens to new MMOs. People quit in the first month. OMG the game is dying. Honestly we'll see what the fallout is. I'm pretty sure no one outside a handful of whiners (cough cough) and trolls will even bother to mention this HUGE event in a month. But don't let me stop the feet stamping and breath holding while you wait for nothing to happen.

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Most MMO's have the ability to restore characters to any given point in time. This is how they restore due to account hacking, lost items etc. It wouldn't be hard to do a blanket search of all characters who's stat Valor changes by X amount from one day to the next. Give BW time to work on this. This isn't only finding all the of accounts involved, which they can certainly do, but it's also figuring out punishments which will probably be consistent for severity levels of offense. Let's give BW some time, it's only been a few days. When something like this happens, as a player and you spend the amount of time some players did exploiting this, you know in your mind there's going to be punishment. It's true that the root of this was the changes made from the patch. But people know better, especially when they spend that much time doing it.


Personally I think they should start a thread and first ask any players involved in this to step forward and save them time. They could pass out a reduced punishment this way if the players character name, realm, and total infraction was publish to the forums in a sticky.

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Because all the people upset by this will be cancelled and gone.


If they ban the people who "exploited" that shows me bad judgement on Biowares part.


They should've known that their turrets weren't invincible, and they should've know the imbalance on each server. They also should've known what would've happened if the turrets WEREN'T invincible...


Horrible, horrible foresight on Bioware's part.


And no, the people DID NOT exploit, they took out something that was red, you know the saying "If it's red, it's dead"?


An exploit, to me, would not be killing something that isn't meant to be killed, but can be killed. An exploit is when there is clearly a bug, selling an item for a high price on a vendor, then buying it back for a lower price, repeat-repeat. Or finding a glitch in the world where you're practicly flying. etc.


I am a gunslinger, not an imp, so before you go "Wow, you must be an imperial, because nobody with common sense would protect this heinous crime!" I didn't even go to Ilum because I knew it was a mess.

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I've had a friend who claims (he has no proof and neither do I) that after the mess on Ilum with looting and botting he lost over 2 million credits one day and had a 3 day suspension from Bioware. I've been asking him to send me a screenshot to prove this, but he claims he's unsubbing.


As for the valor gains...


Two perspectives:


1) Republic side, being blasted into my spawn point on Ilum. Literally can't get up. Log, get on a Imp char, travel to Ilum, throw into general chat that the Republic side can't even respawn to fight back and they should back off some. Response from at least 5 people was "who cares, I'm getting valor." Mind you at this point there were over 90 Imps INSIDE the Republic base.


2) Imperial side, later that night. Talking to some guys on Ilum. Point out how much the forums were blowing up over this, and how pissed people were. Player: "I don't care if it was bad for the pubs. I'm here for my valor."


People are going to be immature about this. No one taking part in the gang-bangs on Ilum has any skill, becuase it takes no skill for 80 people to AoE 9 people down. You can see it in the PvP, when I see some guy who's kitted to the max and I'm thinking "hmm, battlemaster" and he plays like some scrub from Hello Kitty Online.


In the end, the situation will resolve itself. Most of the Imperials did not participate in this disgusting event, those who did will still be facerolling scrublets, and if Bioware bans a few or rolls back Valor for some, no one is going to care that exploiters got what they deserved.

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If they ban the people who "exploited" that shows me bad judgement on Biowares part.


An identical situation happened in Age of Conan. They rolled back everyone.


Was it fair to everyone? No. Was it the right thing to do? Yes.


This is one of the reasons I will not renew my sub. They make some corrections...I'll be back in a flash. This game could be awesome for Star Wars geeks such as myself. A lot of potential. The need to handle the expoiting ASAP.

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An identical situation happened in Age of Conan. They rolled back everyone.


Was it fair to everyone? No. Was it the right thing to do? Yes.


This is one of the reasons I will not renew my sub. They make some corrections...I'll be back in a flash. This game could be awesome for Star Wars geeks such as myself. A lot of potential. The need to handle the expoiting ASAP.


Wow and AoC is thriving right? Lots of people don't care if some exploiters got an advantage in PvP. Get in through your heads please. Seriously, many people couldn't possibly care any less. No rollbacks are happening. No one will care about this soon. I know you think it's a big deal and I understand, but either quit or move on. It's as fixed as it's getting. Or keep beating a dead horse.

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Wow and AoC is thriving right? Lots of people don't care if some exploiters got an advantage in PvP. Get in through your heads please. Seriously, many people couldn't possibly care any less. No rollbacks are happening. No one will care about this soon. I know you think it's a big deal and I understand, but either quit or move on. It's as fixed as it's getting. Or keep beating a dead horse.


That's how I am. I really couldn't care less if someone cheated. Hell, I tend to be like that with RL stuff too. I study, study, study for an exam only to get into the class to see someone ace it with an iPhone... w/e.

Edited by Shortwave
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That's how I am. I really couldn't care less if someone cheated. Hell, I tend to be like that with RL stuff too. I study, study, study for an exam only to get into the class to see someone ace it with an iPhone... w/e.


Definitely better to get aggravated something that's not gonna get fixed. I say you use that righteous anger, go find the cancel button and move on. You'll be alot happier. LOL cheating in class, oh yeah that's really a big deal. Kids. ;)

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They made an entire post about this yesterday, and yes they are going to take action; they have went as far as saying that the action may even be against the exploiters account, and not just a valor reset depending on how badly they abused the exploit.


Knowledge, it's just a sticky/Dev tracker click away.

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They made an entire post about this yesterday, and yes they are going to take action; they have went as far as saying that the action may even be against the exploiters account, and not just a valor reset depending on how badly they abused the exploit.


Knowledge, it's just a sticky/Dev tracker click away.



Saying you are looking into sometime, and actually taking action are vastly different. It is obvious they haven't done anything yet. The longer they wait, the less likely they will actually do anything.

Edited by Brad-
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So by that logic, the people who robbed a store because the cameras were faulty shouldn't be held responsible for robbing the store?


Exactly. Those robbers didn't know that stealing was wrong. They were not born with morals or common sense.


The large groups of people that came together to farm a few people at the spawn points in Ilum thought that was how the game was supposed to be played. They had no way of knowing anything was amiss.



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Wow and AoC is thriving right? Lots of people don't care if some exploiters got an advantage in PvP. Get in through your heads please. Seriously, many people couldn't possibly care any less. No rollbacks are happening. No one will care about this soon. I know you think it's a big deal and I understand, but either quit or move on. It's as fixed as it's getting. Or keep beating a dead horse.


Are you afraid of getting rolled back and rage-quitting?


If not, what do you care if exploiters get rolled-back?


And btw, if you do get rolled-back, that's a good life lesson for j00. If you cheat, you may get punished. Will help you out IRL when you get older. :)

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I don't find it unfair at all.


The server ratio of Repubs vs Imps are unfair.


There were no rules saying we couldn't go into the opposing teams base and kill their turrets or even spawn camp. And who is to tell us its wrong for working as PVP is intended by grouping up in mass groups? It isn't OUR fault that the Repubs have less people.


To me, I find it unfair due to they are going to punish the players because of the whiners who constantly complained about roll backs.


God, I hope the same situation doesn't apply to SOPA. Or we're screwed.


Ignorance is never an excuse for innocence.


Never once did it occur to you that the insta-respawn turret just *might* have been a little over derp? Just a little? Slight? Maybe? Glimmer?


I guess it depends on how many brain cells you have and if you were educated in the US I guess. No student left behind strike again!!!

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Exactly. Those robbers didn't know that stealing was wrong. They were not born with morals or common sense.


The large groups of people that came together to farm a few people at the spawn points in Ilum thought that was how the game was supposed to be played. They had no way of knowing anything was amiss.




Hopefully, we will find out that BW has taken action. If not, then everyone will know there are no adverse consequences when you exploit.

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Because all the people upset by this will be cancelled and gone.


If this is the case why upest a whole other group by punishing them for what I, at least, think was not an expolit but an unfortunate mess up by the designers.


It would have been so much more intelligent to just say, "we messed up with the guns, they should have done more damage, slaughters like this happen in wars and you are at war with the Empire, we have fixed it now, lets move on.

Edited by Scan
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Ignorance is never an excuse for innocence.


Never once did it occur to you that the insta-respawn turret just *might* have been a little over derp? Just a little? Slight? Maybe? Glimmer?


I guess it depends on how many brain cells you have and if you were educated in the US I guess. No student left behind strike again!!!


The red highlight?!




So, if you drank from a river for a few weeks, and finally one day you were arrested by a local authority and charged with life imprisonment for soiling the sacred river of illimiid.


Your innocence about not knowing it was a sacred river is not an excuse?7


My good sir... Are you in the legal proffesion by any chance?

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You know the bases do not allow enemies inside them. You knew that the shield was not working because of the lag. Even if you didn't know why it wasn't working, you knew it wasn't and it should. You exploited the situation and basically spawn camped endless valor.


You deserve punishment. Resetting your valor points would be just a slap on the wrist and you should consider yourself lucky. :rolleyes:

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