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Anyone having issues with her? I mean shes just completely worthless. I am a sniper and when I engage a target she will not attack until its about to die or not attack at all. She grabs aggro somehow on groups that I attack, but does 0 damage. No, she is not on passive. I have repeatedly hit the "Attack" Command on her bar and yet she will do nothing. I have tried telling her to attack a mob without my help. Takes her about 3-4 seconds before she tries to attack. So I don't know whats going on here. Anyone having this issue?
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Nah dude I know what your talking about the range tank pets aren't the best tanks you can get. If you keep her geared in blues she can almost live thru a elite but in most conditions your just trying to dps down the npcs before she dies... i haven't had any issues with her keeping aggro though.


But she was made for the RPers always on her back...


I switched to vector soon as I got him atleast with him we could dps anything down before my cc were done or before I was to low on health, even switch aggro back and forth with him can he is built as an off tank.

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My issue with Kaliyo is that

she is all you get for a very long time. No other class has to wait till the 30's to get a second companion. Droid not considered.


I find it a huge oversight on the writers part. You go 30 levels with a companion and then get one everytime you visit a new planet, almost, and have very little to work with them before the next comes along.


It could have been spread out much, much better.


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I tend to set her on a target before I engage it, that way she keeps the aggro and I can just pick off the weaklings...


I have no complaints about her, actually think she's pretty cool.. and her personality and voice acting is really good too! Just need to get a hat for her...

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She has problems attacking targets that hide behind whatever ... walls, crated, flag poles, flies ...


The pets/companions in other mmo at lest try to be useful by moving into position where they can actually see and hit the target.

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You really want to bind one of your buttons to her leap attack, and turn it off auto-cast. Then have her launch in at the same time as you enter cover and start casting ambush. She usually lands right int he middle then and you use your insta-snipe to finish off the first mob you targeted, and then supression fire down the remainder as Kaliyo usually follows up with her AoE attack and has full agro.
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to level up i never used her after getting vector. and vector is replaced for dps by ensign. and by the time you get to endgame you will most likey only use doctor lokin for pvp and scorpio for pve when solo. scorpio will provide both tank and dps for your dailies.

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Right click the icon.

Next to the companion'S portrait is a little + for opening the companion skill bar.


Sad part: They are going to forget whatever you set up upon riding some elevators and your speeder.


Put the most annoying stuff on a hotkey for quick access. Works for grappling hooks too for that extra interrupt.

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My biggest gripe with Kaliyo is that she's constantly giving me -1 affection just for being a good agent.


Contrast that to e.g Mako, who is such a BH groupie you get +15 on just about every conversation option if you're just being a mercenary.


At the end of Drommund Kaas, me and a BH friend compared affection ratings. He had over 1600 with Mako, I had less than 700 with Kaliyo.

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My biggest gripe with Kaliyo is that she's constantly giving me -1 affection just for being a good agent.


Contrast that to e.g Mako, who is such a BH groupie you get +15 on just about every conversation option if you're just being a mercenary.


At the end of Drommund Kaas, me and a BH friend compared affection ratings. He had over 1600 with Mako, I had less than 700 with Kaliyo.


If you play straight DS, you will constantly be getting +15 or more with Kaliyo. With Mako, you basically have to be going LS.

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