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HUTTBALL ... Exploit / cheating / Fairplay ??? which is it ??


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LOL.I Smell BS.


Link that thread stating DEV's say an anti exploit mechanic (

instaspawn point death ) is a legitimate tactic to drag a player into it to win a game






Working as intended. /thread.


Don't be silly to get yourself caught out by it, there are easy ways to avoid this.

Edited by Zetara
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I rarely post on any forum and just read the crap some people write, but my power is out and I can't get my swtor fix. So I gotta chime in on the goal line issue. OP is correct:



Article 1 Touchdown Plays. A touchdown is scored when:

(a) the ball is on, above, or behind the plane of the opponents’ goal line and is in possession of a runner

who has advanced from the field of play; or

(b) a ball in possession of an airborne runner is on, above, or behind the plane of the goal line, and some part of the ball passed over or inside the pylon; or

© a ball in player possession touches the pylon, provided that, after contact by an opponent, no part of the player’s body, except his hands or feet, struck the ground before the ball touched the pylon; or

(d) any player who is legally inbounds catches or recovers a loose ball (3-2-3) that is on, above, or behind the opponent’s goal line; or

(e) the Referee awards a touchdown to a team that has been denied one by a palpably unfair act.


(1) The ball is automatically dead when it is in legal possession of a player and is on, above, or behind the opponent’s goal line.

(2) the player is attempting to catch a pass, the ball is not dead, and a touchdown is not scored, until the receiver completes the catch. See Rule 3, Section 2, Article 7.


Taken from nfl.com. Read b and c carefully and the supplements. Having possession from a caught pass and already having possession from running the ball are two different rulings. If the dude still doesn't comprehend it he's either a Troll or just really ignorant. You decide...

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I rarely post on any forum and just read the crap some people write, but my power is out and I can't get my swtor fix. So I gotta chime in on the goal line issue. OP is correct:



Article 1 Touchdown Plays. A touchdown is scored when:

(a) the ball is on, above, or behind the plane of the opponents’ goal line and is in possession of a runner

who has advanced from the field of play; or

(b) a ball in possession of an airborne runner is on, above, or behind the plane of the goal line, and some part of the ball passed over or inside the pylon; or

© a ball in player possession touches the pylon, provided that, after contact by an opponent, no part of the player’s body, except his hands or feet, struck the ground before the ball touched the pylon; or

(d) any player who is legally inbounds catches or recovers a loose ball (3-2-3) that is on, above, or behind the opponent’s goal line; or

(e) the Referee awards a touchdown to a team that has been denied one by a palpably unfair act.


(1) The ball is automatically dead when it is in legal possession of a player and is on, above, or behind the opponent’s goal line.

(2) the player is attempting to catch a pass, the ball is not dead, and a touchdown is not scored, until the receiver completes the catch. See Rule 3, Section 2, Article 7.


Taken from nfl.com. Read b and c carefully and the supplements. Having possession from a caught pass and already having possession from running the ball are two different rulings. If the dude still doesn't comprehend it he's either a Troll or just really ignorant. You decide...


Possession is defined by both feet on the ground earlier in the rules. So thanks for posting that those other people were in fact wrong.

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This guy is correct about football. In football if you leap over someone(the leaping over someone JUST happened like 3 weeks ago or a month ago) to score and land out of bounds but crosses the goal line, you don't get a score.


Huttball does not have such rules however. Huttball's only stated rule is cross the line with the ball to score.


That is not true at all. The play of OVER once the ball crosses the plane. This is why you can dive from outside of the end zone, out of bounds, and as long as the ball crosses from inside the pylon it is considered a touchdown.





You need more proof? Pylon TDs are a HUGE thing on youtube. I can find a dozen more. These players NEVER touch inside the endzone. As long as the BALL crosses the plane they get the TD.

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Wrong . in rugby at try(goal is scored by grounding the ball in the in-goal area . you cannot drop the ball or just run over the line.

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That is not true at all. The play of OVER once the ball crosses the plane. This is why you can dive from outside of the end zone, out of bounds, and as long as the ball crosses from inside the pylon it is considered a touchdown.





You need more proof? Pylon TDs are a HUGE thing on youtube. I can find a dozen more. These players NEVER touch inside the endzone. As long as the BALL crosses the plane they get the TD.


College football is not a professional sport. Next you're going to link little league rules when talking about MLB

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I'm not keen on going through 9 pages, but has anyone informed the OP that you can pass the ball to a BH waiting to grip you in the safe area and it will insta-kill him? The ball then goes back to the closest person, teammate or enemy. A dirty tactic i've adopted for BH'ers that enjoy camping the safe ledge.
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I'm not keen on going through 9 pages, but has anyone informed the OP that you can pass the ball to a BH waiting to grip you in the safe area and it will insta-kill him? The ball then goes back to the closest person, teammate or enemy. A dirty tactic i've adopted for BH'ers that enjoy camping the safe ledge.


That is priceless

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It is not a Insta score prevention.


As with most other CC abilities. The Harpoon to safe zone only works if the ball carrier is not full resolve by the time they get close to the end zone.


Also if you pull from to much of a side angle ( Puller standing mid zone and Ball Carrier is far right or left ) you will pull the ball carrier and it will count as a score but still kill them on impact of shield by cause of the arc that the players path takes to Puller.


I use it when needed.


To me it is no differant then getting stunned and knocked back into a fire pit or a better comparison would be getting knocked backed off a Bridge in Voidstar to a insta death.

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GM only stated that it was legal to pull someone up. They never said the scoring not counting was not a bug.


That's a separate issue... OP asked if this was considered an exploit, which it is not.


Also, if we delve further into wording, if the passing through the zone was supposed to count as a score, this would be taking advantage of something that was not working in the way it was intended, which is the definition of an exploit. Because the GM said it's okay also hints that this is working exactly as intended, because if the not registering a score wasn't working as intended, pulling them up would be an exploit.

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Its called a Safety


Its called waste of time completely. Reminds me of CTF in WOW with terrain and BOF exploits. The fact I cant select which map im qued for kills it entirely. Ive had enough Hutt Ball to last me a lifetime already.

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College football is not a professional sport. Next you're going to link little league rules when talking about MLB


You should watch all 3 links. The last one is Michael Vick on the Eagles in 2011.


Edit: Just in case 1 wasn't enough, here's Matt Stafford getting one, too.



Edited by Lokiliesmith
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I think it is an issue of it not registering as a score. I've been CCed on the goal line. Then after CC completely run over the goal line and been killed seconds later OVER THE LINE and have had it not count as a goal. Other tmes I've seen players killed on the goal line but not actually been over the goal and it counted as a score.
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