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HUTTBALL ... Exploit / cheating / Fairplay ??? which is it ??


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Because he was 'in bounds' because he was within the field of play albeit outside of the zone but still in bounds, whilst the ball was inside the end zone. Read the damn official rule book. It specifically states 'whilst you are in bounds'


You are not in bounds if you jump from outside the end zone, through the end zone and then land outside of the end zone. You are out of bounds.


honey are you from europe or something? or some country that doesnt get to watch a lot of football?


im from alabama originally and went to school there and we take our football real serious

I can promise you and would bet my life on it that if we had a running back that could jump in the air 31 feet .. and he dove over the lineman at the goaline and went 30 feet through the air past the endzone it was a score before he ever made it to the back of the endzone


It is a SCORE AS SOON AS THE BALL CROSSES THE PLANE ... you cant seem to grasp that can you :)


please stop making yourslef look bad


just a a sidenote .. theoretically "in bounds" as you like to keep calling it extends to infnity from the field upwards which encompasses the AIR :) if you had possesion when you left the ground


but what do I know my daddy was a high school football coach that won 3 state titles and coached for 24 years ... i couldnt possibly know that stuff /wink

Edited by Dakota_Faith
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@OP - I am not sure what exactly you are trying to say, perhaps a larger font size or some bright colors to make it stand out would help.


ill help you out for the slower amongst us :)


the score should count as he crosses plane of goalline .... the player should die when he reaches the insta death field


very simple right?

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honey are you from europe or something? or some country that doesnt get to watch a lot of football?


im from alabama originally and went to school there and we take are football real serious

I can promise you and would bet my life on it that if we had a running back that could jump in the air 31 feet .. and he dove over the lineman at the goaline and went 30 feet through the air past the endzone it was a score before he ever made it to the back of the endzone


It is a SCORE AS SOON AS THE BALL CROSSES THE PLANE ... you cant seem to grasp that can you :)


please stop making yourslef look bad


just a a sidenote .. theoretically "in bounds" as you like to keep calling it extends to infnity from the field upwards which encompasses the AIR :) if you had possesion when you left the ground




I'm in the FL panhandle and I can vouch for how seriously people from Alabama take football.


I laughed so hard at this post I had to call my wife in to read it. What's even more funny is that he's probably all ready responded with some off the wall horse crap.


He's not going to get it and if he has he's just going to keep on defending himself out of pure stubbornness.

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Actually you have to either knock down the pylon (NFL) or land with both feet or the ball inside the endzone for it to count. If you made contact with the ground outside the endzone with your knee or hand or back it was not a touchdown.


I played Strong Safety in college and rabbitpunching a dude in the calf so he dropped his knee before crossing the line was pretty standard stuff.


But more to the point Huttball doesn't have an endzone, per se, but a goal stripe. If you somehow made it to the other side (see being pulled there) without stepping into the stripe it wouldn't count.


Which makes it more similar to Aussie rules.

Edited by Talkative
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If someone can grapple you up over the goal and get an insta kill on you, that in of itself is broken. No player should be able to abuse the mechanics of a respawn point.


If this grows in popularity it will break huttball for good until its fixed. Just make the pull a goal and its fixed. Or make sure the BH is pushed off the ledge when the spawn door closes.

Edited by Paralassa
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I'm in the FL panhandle and I can vouch for how seriously people from Alabama take football.


I laughed so hard at this post I had to call my wife in to read it. What's even more funny is that he's probably all ready responded with some off the wall horse crap.


He's not going to get it and if he has he's just going to keep on defending himself out of pure stubbornness.


Well I am an AUBURN fan ... i hope dakota doesnt KA-POW me heh


but i would wager this fellow has never even set foot iin a football stadium to watch an american rules football game ...


i think it will be that he keeps trying to prove all of us wrong though even though he has no clue

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This thread seems like an overreaction. If a player has full resolve, Grapple does nothing. Infrequently, grappling a player up to the spawn-ledge will not kill the player, and then he will score--very easily. Attentive players see dudes up there, and react accordingly.
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honey are you from europe or something? or some country that doesnt get to watch a lot of football?


im from alabama originally and went to school there and we take our football real serious

I can promise you and would bet my life on it that if we had a running back that could jump in the air 31 feet .. and he dove over the lineman at the goaline and went 30 feet through the air past the endzone it was a score before he ever made it to the back of the endzone


It is a SCORE AS SOON AS THE BALL CROSSES THE PLANE ... you cant seem to grasp that can you :)


please stop making yourslef look bad


just a a sidenote .. theoretically "in bounds" as you like to keep calling it extends to infnity from the field upwards which encompasses the AIR :) if you had possesion when you left the ground


but what do I know my daddy was a high school football coach that won 3 state titles and coached for 24 years ... i couldnt possibly know that stuff /wink



I think the issue thats being missed is that the ball also has to be in control of the player, and the player has to be on the ground before he's judged to be fully in control of the ball. So in the instance of the runner he's already in control of the ball, whereas a receiver catching the ball isnt until he lands, if he lands out of bounds, no score.


*EDIT* CRAP, is this no the NFL forums? im in the wrong place! xD

Edited by Smoky_the_Bear
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Well I am an AUBURN fan ... i hope dakota doesnt KA-POW me heh


but i would wager this fellow has never even set foot iin a football stadium to watch an american rules football game ...


i think it will be that he keeps trying to prove all of us wrong though even though he has no clue


Gotta love the internet. I think it's hilarious that some guys who have probably never watched an American Football game are trying to pretend to be authorities on the subject.


It's like an analogy that represents the current state of affairs in the US.

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Actually you have to either knock down the pylon (NFL) or land with both feet or the ball inside the endzone for it to count. If you made contact with the ground outside the endzone with your knee or hand or back it was not a touchdown.


I played Strong Safety in college and rabbitpunching a dude in the calf so he dropped his knee before crossing the line was pretty standard stuff.


But more to the point Huttball doesn't have an endzone, per se, but a goal stripe. If you somehow made it to the other side (see being pulled there) without stepping into the stripe it wouldn't count.


Which makes it more similar to Aussie rules.


sorry if ball passes over / through plane and you have possesion and that occurs before your body lands out of bounds its a touchdown and if you played ... you know that ...


I played at Auburn where did you play?

Edited by Part_Time_Hero
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ill help you out for the slower amongst us :)


the score should count as he crosses plane of goalline .... the player should die when he reaches the insta death field


very simple right?


Ahh I get it it.


But I still think more color and larger fontsizes than he used to begin with would have been appropriate. can you edit this response and biggerize it and make it bright and colorful?

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Read the part about touchdowns and then tell me i cant read.




are you a troll


here it is in RED


The touchdown is scored the instant the ball crosses the plane of the goal line—that is, any part of the ball is in the space on, above, or across the goal line—while in possession of a player whose team is trying to score in that end zone. The play is dead and the touchdown scores the moment the ball crosses the goal line in possession of a player

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sorry if ball passes over / through plane and you have possesion and that occurs before your body lands out of bounds its a touchdown and if you played ... you know that ...


I played at Auburn where did you play?

Northeastern. Never said I was particularly good.


If the runner breaks the plane with the ball, then yes it counts. Unless their knee/back/hand is in contact with the ground outside of the endzone before the ball crosses the plane.


How do you not know this Mr. Auburn?

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This issue needs to be fixed or at least addressed.


Yeah it does. American Football rule arguments aside, it's a broken mechanic when someone can use a class's ability to pull an enemy into their spawn point and one shot KO them.


It doesn't get much more broken than that.


"But it says cheating is encouraged."


That's flavor for the Warzone not a sanction to use any exploit you can find.

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It's an accepted legitimate tactic. The GMs themselves have said so. There is a thread on this already.


LOL.I Smell BS.


Link that thread stating DEV's say an anti exploit mechanic (

instaspawn point death ) is a legitimate tactic to drag a player into it to win a game

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are you a troll


here it is in RED


The touchdown is scored the instant the ball crosses the plane of the goal line—that is, any part of the ball is in the space on, above, or across the goal line—while in possession of a player whose team is trying to score in that end zone. The play is dead and the touchdown scores the moment the ball crosses the goal line in possession of a player


he has too much pride to admit he was wrong now particularly sinc esom elittle missy woman southern belle such as mself corrected him. you could tell in his nasty mocking addrress to me. for sure not a southern guy :)


we all know he is wrong but he will not admit it. he is too invested in the wrongness now.

its kinda like the kid that caught doing something red handed at school but keeps telling the teacher it was not him hoping against hope he can convince the teacher he didnt do even though its on video tape - or you get the picture

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I think the issue thats being missed is that the ball also has to be in control of the player, and the player has to be on the ground before he's judged to be fully in control of the ball. So in the instance of the runner he's already in control of the ball, whereas a receiver catching the ball isnt until he lands, if he lands out of bounds, no score.


*EDIT* CRAP, is this no the NFL forums? im in the wrong place! xD


coreect but in huttball we are RUNNING with the ball and not receivers


that is where the two guys that have never been to a real game before but keep reading the "rules " to us are getting confused heh

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Northeastern. Never said I was particularly good.


If the runner breaks the plane with the ball, then yes it counts. Unless their knee/back/hand is in contact with the ground outside of the endzone before the ball crosses the plane.


How do you not know this Mr. Auburn?


then we all agree or i do


/shrug the OP is right

Edited by Dakota_Faith
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