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Pisses me off, It's just pathetic.


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Hi guys I play swtor and im enjoying myself alot eventho with some anoying bugs. But I am a very patient person most of the time so I can live with them.


However I have a friend who has gone back to WoW only becaus the button § (left of 1) brings up the customer support page.


This is a complete joke and pisses me off so much and in turn makes me lose faith in humanity how can someone disregard the amazing story and potential of this game becaus of such a small thing that will most likely get fixed in the future?

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Hi guys I play swtor and im enjoying myself alot eventho with some anoying bugs. But I am a very patient person most of the time so I can live with them.


However I have a friend who has gone back to WoW only becaus the button § (left of 1) brings up the customer support page.


This is a complete joke and pisses me off so much and in turn makes me lose faith in humanity how can someone disregard the amazing story and potential of this game becaus of such a small thing that will most likely get fixed in the future?


it's ok if your friend likes wow. what's the big deal?

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