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Victory!! But not...


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I just got done wiht a Hutt ball match after picking up my daily, we won!! yay!! but my daily quest didnt seem to think so?? I'm not completely sure what part of VICTORY the quest isn't tracking?? but this is getting really old. This happends at least 4 times a day on through multiple characters.


This wasn't like a Void Star match where we made it to the same part of the ship and im crying cause we had a tie and it said defeated. We Anihilated them, it was a clear victory... yet my daily warzone quest is confused. Iv'e submitted bug reports everytime this happends and yet patch after patch come out and yay still a Win= no win, bug......




Edited by Vsoviari
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Yep, it's been going on quite a while. People will suggest various things like restarting your client, abandoning the quest and taking it again, etc. But I've seen no evidence that these work every time.


You'd think it'd be a pretty easy fix for Bioware, but obviously not or they would have sorted it by now.


On the other hand, if bosses randomly didn't drop loot every once in a while, I'm betting that would get addressed asap.

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I just got done wiht a Hutt ball match after picking up my daily, we won!! yay!! but my daily quest didnt seem to think so?? I'm not completely sure what part of VICTORY the quest isn't tracking?? but this is getting really old. This happends at least 4 times a day on through multiple characters.


This wasn't like a Void Star match where we made it to the same part of the ship and im crying cause we had a tie and it said defeated. We Anihilated them, it was a clear victory... yet my daily warzone quest is confused. Iv'e submitted bug reports everytime this happends and yet patch after patch come out and yay still a Win= no win, bug......





If you win huttball 6 to 0, you don't get win credit on the quest. I think they are fixing it.

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The quest is almost not worth doing anymore, it takes me on average 5-7 wins to complete that thing, there has been days where it took me 9 wins to complete it, good thing I love pvping otherwise I would never take that quest again.


Yea it can be a problem for guys doing pvp only for dailes.

Thank god i love pvping too ;D Playin ~20 warzones/day since im lvl 50.

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Yes, this is being fixed on the PTR. Based on my experience it seems what is happening the the Op leader and HIS group of four will always get credit and the other group of four in the operation will sometimes NOT get credit. The same thing was happening on Operation runs. Only half of us would get credit for completing the weekly. This is worse than PvP wins not counting cause once you kill the boss, there is no 2nd chance.
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