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Pro-tip for the next MMO


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Never roll a pure DPS class. They are always nerfed. Grab a tank or something similar. They usually get buffs and end up dominating. You are welcome for the free advice.


Oh and the acid blade nerf will really hurt you. I'm sorry. What is the next class you are playing?

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Never roll a pure DPS class.


Thats not true, I remember warhammer where the big tanky orc class was op to start with and was nerfed and many more. You are just making this up.


Also Im staying operative healer just like before. You obviously have no idea about the class your talking about since its dps/healer.

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If you are a "hybrid" build as an operative, you aren't doing much DPS. Operatives are an "either or" class. You heal or you dps. You CAN do both but this nerf won't affect you as you won't have hidden strike and acid blade.
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Please expand your definition of "Hybrid". As it stands, most people define hybrid as "can do two roles at once" or "can re/dual-spec to another role". Also, please provide examples of "can do two roles at once" type builds in recently (past 5 years) produced MMOs. As you are concerned with hybrid healer/dps Op builds sucking, limit your examples to ones that do not also suck.
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Please name one hybrid in any modern MMO so that people know an example of what you find acceptable. You have ruled out all pure DPS specs, regardless of respec options. Start from there as your baseline.


edit: Unless, of course, you are seriously telling people to only ever roll Tank, Heal and Support specs. If that's the case then don't reply to me or, if possible, anyone else ever.

Edited by exLupo
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Never roll a pure DPS class. They are always nerfed. Grab a tank or something similar. They usually get buffs and end up dominating. You are welcome for the free advice.


Oh and the acid blade nerf will really hurt you. I'm sorry. What is the next class you are playing?


It's not a pure DPS class unlike the gunslinger which ISN'T going to be nerfed in the next patch.


Don't think healers and tanks can't be nerfed by the way. Seen it many times in other MMOs.

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