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And You Said They NEVER Listen?


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Those who gets the last laugh, laughs the best!




don't *********** bother they ran away to whine and ***** abot something else now. Ops nerfs, or EA stock price. I'm glad to see the devs being responsive to the community, in fact all they've done is be responsive to the community.


inb4 usually troll crap that comes when someone posts something positive about swtor.

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I think SWTOR devs are responding well enough, next month will tell, BUT, they could take a page out the book the Rift guys use on customer relations on the forums. It felt to me that they were always trying to give the community updates.
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Those who gets the last laugh, laughs the best!




So, a group of dissatisfied gamers kept a constant discussion up on the terrible ability delay in the game while hundreds of fanboys stated there was no problem and the game was fine.


The developer then admits there is a problem with the code and promises to fix it.


So who's laughing, again? Hint, it's not the fanboys.

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Or how about they actually fix it before they expect people to stop complaining about an issue that never should have made it to release.


Or how about you shut up and stop complaining? Cause it isn't gonna make them work any faster.

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